

Nick crossed his arms and reclined casually in his chair, his eyes involuntarily wandering across Rachel's striking appearance. He couldn't deny it; she was breathtaking. And he had always been drawn to stunning women, and Rachel was no exception. Her long, lustrous blonde hair framed her incredible figure, and her captivating hazel eyes held his attention. Yet, what he found most enticing were her full, rosy lips. They practically beckoned him to kiss them. Nick couldn't help but groan softly as he closed his eyes, momentarily lost in the thought of their lips meeting. "Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" Rachel's voice dripped with anger as she noticed Nick's inattention. Nick's gaze snapped back to her, his eyes locked onto hers. He admitted, "No, I was lost in a fantasy about kissing those lips of yours." Rachel was initially at a loss for words, unsure if Nick was joking or being serious. Her wide-eyed stare seemed to amuse him, and his lips curled into a sly smile...... At the age of 22, Rachel's world shattered when she discovered she was bound to the notorious Nicholas Hill in an arranged marriage, a cruel twist of fate that neither party desired. Forced into a union neither envisioned, one question lingered: will love manage to bloom?

Pieces_3546 · Urban
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41 Chs


"I'm not asking you to do much, just smile and be polite," Maria said to Rachel.

Rachel remained silent, her gaze fixed on her mother. With a puzzled expression she struggled to conceal, Rachel knew that something was definitely wrong. But she decided not to voice her concerns just yet. First, she had to get through the dinner.

Rachel and her parents stood at the entrance of their estate, waiting to welcome the Hills. The air was heavy with tension for Rachel.

As the Hills walked in, it was immediately evident how classy and sophisticated they were. Everything about them exuded luxury.

Rachel knew that being wealthy herself had its perks, but she also recognized that the Hills were on a completely different level.

Pleasantries were exchanged between Rachel's parents and the Hills as they entered the estate. Rachel's eyes shifted to Mr. and Mrs. Hill.

Mr. Hill appeared mature, emanating a composed and dignified demeanor. His attire showcased a timeless sense of style, reflecting his impeccable taste. He exuded an air of confidence and sophistication, carrying himself with a calm and assured presence that commanded respect.

Mrs. Hill was a truly captivating woman. Even age did her no justice; her flawless skin seemed to glow, displaying no signs of aging. Her eyes sparkled as she engaged in conversation with Rachel's parents.

Then Rachel's gaze landed on their daughter.

Her appearance was striking, immediately capturing Rachel's attention. Her eyes were piercing and intense, resembling icy blue gems that held secrets and emotions hidden beneath a cool exterior.

Ashley met Rachel's gaze and flashed a deceptive smile.

Rachel nervously returned the smile.

"You remember our daughter Rachel," Maria said with a smile as she introduced Rachel to the Hills, snapping Rachel out of her dazed state.

"Oh, darling, you look even more stunning than your pictures," Sarah, Mrs. Hill, replied with a warm smile.

Rachel returned the compliment.

"It's an absolute pleasure to meet you both," Rachel replied, flashing an award-winning smile.

"We are delighted to meet you too," Sarah replied warmly. "Oh... and this is our daughter, Ashley." Sarah introduced Ashley as well.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ross," Ashley responded formally, acknowledging Rachel's parents. Maria smiled while Drake nodded.

However, someone was noticeably absent.

"Sorry for my son's delay," Sarah said, voicing her concern over Nick's absence. She could sense her husband Abel growing upset, and she had pleaded with him to keep his anger in check for this dinner, no matter what their son did.

"My brother loves to make an entrance," Ashley added. "Oh... there he is."

Everyone turned their attention to Nick as he walked in.

Rachel couldn't help but feel tense and nervous. Her eyes remained downcast, unable to bear looking up.

Suddenly, Rachel's eyes caught sight of a pair of exquisite Italian black leather shoes leading to a set of powerful, straight legs. Her gaze trailed upward to a perfectly tailored blue suit.

And finally, she saw his face. The moment Rachel caught a glimpse of him, shock overwhelmed her, surpassing any expectations.

"You!?" She found herself blurting out, shocking everyone present.

"You," Nick retorted with a scoff, cursing his luck.

Curiosity gleamed in Sarah's eyes as she observed her son and Rachel.

"You two have met before?" Sarah asked, breaking the tension.

In that moment, Rachel saw a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this could be her chance to escape the confines of this arranged engagement.

"Yes. We have, haven't we?" Rachel replied, her gaze fixed on Nick, who wore a perplexed frown.

"Barely. I mean, I don't even know your name," Nick retorted, staring back at Rachel.

Tension hung in the air, as if it were just the two of them present, while the rest observed their back-and-forth exchange.

"It's Rachel," she replied coldly.

"Nice name, Rachel," Nick replied, attempting to ease the tension.

"Yes, it is. But not as nice as 'Bitch.' That's what you called me the night we met, remember?" Rachel delivered her words with a smug smirk, striking a blow that left everyone, including Nick, astonished.

A challenge gleamed in Nick's eyes as he realized that two could play this game. He put on a charming smile, determined to match her move.

"That's not how I remembered it," he said, his voice laced with subtle intrigue.

"Really?" Rachel raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Enlighten me then."

"What I remember," Nick began, his gaze locked with Rachel's, "was you getting incredibly drunk and repeatedly calling me an ass."

A moment of silence followed, as the weight of their words hung in the air. The spectators were taken aback by the intensity of their verbal sparring.

"That's because you are an ass," Rachel responded firmly, her voice tinged with defiance.

"And you're a bitch," Nick fired back, his words carrying equal force.

"Enough!" Sarah snapped, her voice breaking through the tension, interrupting the heated exchange between Rachel and Nick.

And At that moment, both Rachel and Nick realized that they had taken their banter a little too far.