
Magic Weapon

Task 5 – Complete! You have received the Demon Slayer title.

[Demon Slayer] (Title)

• You are the grim reaper who is feared by all beings affiliated with darkness.

• A brave warrior and an exorcist of demons who is revered by others. Will be granted a world Baron title, meaning he is a Baron in every city

• In a 100-yard radius, monsters affiliated with Darkness will have their Attributes reduced by 10%. At the same time, attacks you deal towards monsters affiliated with Darkness will have a 10% increase in damage.

System: Congratulations on clearing the first five tasks! Rewarding 1 Completely Random Treasure Chest, obtained 1 Magic Weapon (Job-related). Rewarding 50,000 EXP."

System: Player will be transported outside the map in 10 minutes

Zhao Yun became level 6 upon completed with the quest

Seeing that he was done with those blasted Skeleton Cavalry, Zhao Yun became somewhat relieved. Because of slaying all those same monsters, he became too familiar with them, to the point that he became aware of where the cracks in their armor are.

He was also elated at the title which he received. Now that he became a Baron in every city, he would be able to purchase private territories and lands in various towns and cities. He would also be able to hire a total of 10 NPC guards for his own personal use.

He then checked is bag and inspected his gains after many hours of grinding. He was able to replace all of his equipments into Mysterious-Iron rank and above.

In total, he had 10 recipes of [Basic Shrapnel Grenade], [Basic Sonic Grenade], [Basic Flash Grenade], [Basic Frost Grenade], [Intermediate Frost Grenade], and [Intermediate Shrapnel Grenade]. He also had a recipe for a [Miniature Ballista].

Due to the generous drops in this map, Zhao Yun was able to gather a total of 100 Gold coins. You should know that, having a single gold coin in this stage of the game qualifies you as an extremely rich player. Now that he had 100 gold coins, Zhao Yun can be considered a super tycoon.

[Abyss Knight's Emblem] (Special Tool)

Opens a transfer gate to Illusionary Realm of the Abyss Knight.

Requirements: Level 20

Afterwards, Zhao Yun thought about the Magic Weapon rewarded by the system. What he took out from his bag was a big axe.

The axe was two meters long and the material was originally pure black in color. However, when light shot past it, one would be able to discover that on the black-coloured axe, blood-red-colour radiance emerged as if the black colour was not simple black colour, but the accumulation of limitless blood.

The shape of the axe was also exceptionally overbearing. On the front side, it was a typical big axe head and it was incomparably sharp. It could chop through any object. Even if it was a huge elephant, the axe could still easily chop off its head.

The side of the axe was like a half-moon-shaped hook. It seemed like a big blade that had the same effects as the axe, but it seemed more like a hook that could dig out a human's internal organs.

That big axe was simply a slaughtering weapon, and Zhao Yun also attentively discovered that in the middle of the big axe, there were even three big words written there. "Asura Ghost Axe".

Zhao Yun's brow furrowed when he looked the big axe in his hands

[Asura Ghost Axe] (Magic Weapon)

Job Requirement: Berserker

Do you wish to bind the equipment?

Zhao Yun sucked in a deep breath, and immediately chose to bind. He did not care about the backlash of the Magic Weapon. Since the other players could control their own Magic Weapons, then how could he, as a reincarnated person with multiple cheats, lose to those players?

The moment the binding was finished; Zhao Yun could clearly feel his body's strength being sapped away. His levels, as well, dropped one after the other, becoming Level 1 within an instant. In another moment, however, a force of strength started flowing through his body. His body's current constitution was many times stronger than when he was at Level 6.

When he checked the Asura Ghost Axe's Attributes, Zhao Yun became even more shocked.

[Asura Ghost Axe] (Magic Weapon, Two-handed Axe)

• Attack Power (Strength x2)

• Ignore Level +5.

• If wielder belongs to any Berserker Job, all Skill Levels +2.

• Increase Free Ability Points received for every increase in Level by 2 points

Attacks have:

• Increase attack by 17%

• Ignores the target's defense by 25%

Additional Skill 1 - Unrivaled

• The user's attacks will disregard any attempt from its targets to block or parry, at the same time, the user's attacks will also create a magic attack that is of the same level as the physical attack.

• Duration of 10 seconds.

• Cooldown: 1 minute

Additional Skill 2 – Life Break

• Draws upon the user's health to break an enemy's life, leaping at a target within attack range to shatter 35% of the target's current health, and slowing them.

• Slow Duration of 3 seconds.

• Cooldown: 5 minutes

Additional Skill 3 – Wrath of the Fallen

• Summon the souls of the fallen warriors and binds enemies and prevents movement, reducing the target's Defense by 100%.

• Duration of 3 seconds.

• Cooldown: 1 minute

Equipment Level 0. Can be leveled up. (Devour ten Level 5 Bronze Equipment and one Level 5 Mysterious-Iron Equipment to level up to Level 5).

Can be evolved (Unknown).

The axe was heavily leaning on providing the user with a greater amount of Attack Power. It did not even provide any additional Basic Attributes. However, despite this, Zhao Yun was extremely satisfied with his new magic weapon.

Suddenly, when Zhao Yun was happily daydreaming about his future plans, he spotted a treasure chest not far from his position. Upon further inspection, the treasure chest is made of wood and emits a purple glow

"That must be my reward." Said Zhao Yun as he rushed towards it.

[Completely Random Treasure Chest]

• May contain a reward or a punishment. Disappears after five uses.

"I remember this from the novel. Didn't Shi Feng called this the Disaster Treasure Chest" said Zhao Yun

[Completely Random Treasure Chest] was the name the system gave. The players who were familiar with the Treasure Chest, however, had another name for it: the Disaster Treasure Chest.

Nine out of ten times, opening the Completely Random Treasure Chest resulted in a punishment. Moreover, the punishments were relatively severe. The punishments ranged from losing one or more Levels to losing some Attributes permanently. Some punishments even prevented players from gaining any EXP or reduced their Attack Power for many days. Hence, it gained the name Disaster Treasure Chest.

Of course, if players obtained a reward, they deserved a celebration.

There were players who had actually gained an Epic item from the Random Treasure Chest, while some had obtained a complete Dark-Gold Set Equipment. Others had been rewarded a top-tier Mount. To put it simply, the rewards the Treasure Chest provided were extremely tempting.

Reward and punishment, it was up to players to decide if the risk was worth it.

Thinking this, Zhao Yun took a deep breath and began to open the [Completely Random Treasure Chest].

As Zhao Yun gradually opened the Treasure Chest, a golden ray of light escaped from the wooden box.


The golden light merged with Zhao Yun's body.

System: Completely Random Treasure Chest has been activated. Rewarding 10 points to Hidden Attribute: Luck.

Zhao Yun became extremely overjoyed upon reading the notification. He can't believe that he was able to obtain additional Luck attributes from this so called Disaster Treasure Chest.

The Luck Attribute was the most precious Attribute in God's Domain. Not only could it increase the equipment drop-rate when killing monsters, but it could also increase the success rate when producing items. It was an extremely valuable Attribute for Lifestyle players, and it was an Attribute that would never become outdated.

The second time Zhao Yun opened the Treasure Chest, a black beam struck him, and a notification sounded.

System: You have been cursed. EXP gained from killing monsters decreased by 80% for 30 hours.

Although slightly disappointed that he was not able to get a reward, Zhao Yun did not think too much about it. The decrease of EXP gained by killing monsters is just a minor nuisance. He still remembered that, in the novel, Shi Feng received a similar debuff at one point in the story. However, he was able to find a way around it. By doing things related to Lifestyle Professions, a player can still earn some EXP, rendering the debuff useless.

The third time Zhao Yun opened the Treasure Chest, a black beam struck him once again, and a notification sounded.

System: You have been cursed. Attributes decreased by 50% for three hours

The fourth time Zhao Yun opened the Treasure Chest, he obtained an old book. At first, Zhao Yun was dismissive of this book. However, upon reading the item description, Zhao Yun became speechless.

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