
Ben Tennyson's Awakeness

Martial Arts
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What is Ben Tennyson's Awakeness

Read ‘Ben Tennyson's Awakeness’ Online for Free, written by the author Michael_Emily, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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—¿Estoy capturada? Bueno, no puedo evitarlo ya que no me puedo mover. —¿Experimentada? Al menos dame algún anestésico. —¿Estoy libre? Dejadme obtener un poco de venganza. —¿Quieres suplicar por tu vida? Lo siento, esta señorita aquí guarda rencor. —Destruí el laboratorio, así que ahora dejadme explorar este mundo libremente. —De alguna manera me uní al grupo del Señor Héroe. Bueno, parece divertido. —¡Ay, qué cruel! Por el honor de ser un héroe, ¿matarías a esta señorita, eh? —sonrió mientras se desangraba. —Che, ¿todavía tienes ánimo para bromear en este momento? —dijo él con una mirada fulminante. —¿Qué es la vida si no para disfrutar de cada momento? Ya que voy a morir y no puedo vengarme, espero que alguien más lo haga. —Nadie lo hará. Tú eras la única que era más poderosa que yo con tu Nanomancia. Ahora que te has ido —Shh, niño. Estoy intentando morir en paz aquí. —¡Pero soy may-! —¡Shh! Los niños buenos no molestan a sus mayores. —Pero tú! —Adiós~ —sonrió antes de perder las fuerzas. —¡Mierda! ... —¿Por qué estoy durmiendo en los campos de nieve? —Los Señores Lobos me gruñen. ¿Tienen hambre, eh?... Yo también. —Este es mi segundo libro, por favor ten piedad de este autor. Disfruten. —La portada fue dibujada por el increíble Aoi Ogata. —Nanomante=Un mago que utiliza nanobots. —Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/vrdTSkj8Va.

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I.. Am God?

Check out my new novel! I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence! Theme: World Creation, Gods, Mixed Matthias died and became something that he least expected. "I.. Am God?" Join Matthias as he travel through galaxies and create all things. ––––––––––––––––– What would you do if you suddenly gained a power that no mortal man could hope to achieve? What would you do if all creation suddenly bowed to your power and glory that only lofty Emperors could have? Heaven and Hell submits to your power, The Immortal Realm fears your existence, The Mortal realm bows before your presence. Would you like for all the realms to bow and praise even your shadow? All gods to bow before you? The Earthly Kings and Heavenly Rulers to sonorously chant your glorious name? Or would you like to live the life of mortal men that are doomed to die? Understand poverty and loftiness? Powerfulness and powerlessness? Comprehend knowledge that arrogant gods wouldn't be able to? Or would you like both? Join him as he tries to live a life of a True God, Ruler of Creation. "Are gods the greatest existence in all of the cosmos? No. Why? Gods are only worshipped by mortals who couldn't reach their power. Gods will be powerless in front of true power. They would be powerless in front of me." (Author's note: MC is not arrogant, portrays himself as a  little bit naive, only becomes arrogant if needed, lives countless types of lives, from urban to fantasy. Not Harem, although he would have wives in some worlds, but he does not entertain the idea of harem. Sorry harem lovers who expected that a god would become a man of a 20,000 women harem. Characters aren't that important except for those who have been to more than one world with him, and expect heartlessness in some occasions.) Disclaimer: The author does not assume/own the rights to the photo cover and would comply with the owner if ever he/she wants the author to take down the cover. You could contact me in my socmed account. Twitter: @WashingDishes07 Discord: MattWashingDishes#4663 Facebook: WashingDishes07

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