
Ben 10 redux

[co-writter phantomdemon and becquerl] A retelling of the Ben 10 story with all that entails- cool fights, heroism, world ending threats, magic and freaking aliens! Alongside a more…anime inspired story.

Deusex · TV
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19 Chs

Washington B.C. part 1: welcome to city

It was in the afternoon when Rustbucket made it to the city, Ben playing some sumo slammers, while Gwen was reading some Weeby as Grandpa Max quickly finds a camping spot while taking out his large map, having various tourist hotspots and things to do on it while using a marker to map a route through them.

"Mmm…!" Ben moaned, completely relishing in how good this burger was while having a oversized milkshake, which he was sharing with Gwen, much to his displeasure.

"How is it cheaper to buy an oversized milkshake then buying two normal size?"

"Welcome to America." Ben stated, rubbing his stomach and let out a loud belch.

"That was delicious! Good thing we were able to escape Grandpa Max's latest 'meal,' huh? I swear it was trying to look me in the eye."

Gwen looked over at Ben and gave him a withering stare. "Disgusting. Not even an 'excuse me'? I thought all those etiquette lessons I took you to would have taught you something."

'Geez, what crawled her ass?' Ben thought to himself. He was ready to make another smart-ass comment, but decided against it as Gwen was holding his hand, most likely ready to put him into a choke-hold if he made the wrong move. And he was in no mood to be humiliated in public so he took another swig of his milkshake and made sure to swallow his pride. "Geez, excuse me, sorry. I try to keep those in mind, you know that. ...If only because you were there."

At that she turned her head away, most likely offended by what he just said, but he was too busy stuffing his face to care.

After gulping down food, the two both decided to head back. Arriving back at the Rustbucket, Ben hear on Grandpa's old trucker radio about a building fire on the fifth avenue, with several people still stuck in the building and the fire department unable to free them yet.

"Grandpa, we need to help these people. They could be burning alive in there before the fire department can make way to them!" Ben quickly say to grandpa Max.

"No worries, we will be going directly, fifth Avenue is close by." Grandpa responds, quickly getting in the driver seat and starting up the rustbucket. Arriving at the building, Granda Max stops the rustbucket, and Ben can fully see it, a five-story building, with the top half ablaze.

A crowd of people surround the truck as the fire department evacuate most people, a mother and her son are still inside, the fire preventing them from reaching the fire escape while the stairs inside are burning.

Seeing that they were unable to extinguish the fire or get people inside, the heat too much for their current suits Ben decided it was hero time, using the distraction of the building as he go into an alleyway and transform.

Once the light dispersed, Ben found himself in a form resembles a semi-armored Velociraptor with black orbs on his feet, a black tail with five blue stripes, and bulky claws on his 3 fingers that can only open and close. Already knowing what this alien can do thanks to Eunice, Ben ran at speeds like no other into the building searching room to room, floor to floor for anyone one who was still trapped inside. However as he did this the floor under him Break apart as he fell though the floor and into someone bathroom.

"Ow," Ben said rubbing his head as he forced him to stand. This place is falling apart, and he had to work fast if he wanted to save everyone. However, he was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of a youngster boy whimper, and looking inside the tub, he saw a woman and child. The former covering herself and her son with a wet towel, trying to shield themselves from the heat and keeping themselves low to prevent inhaling large amounts of smoke. While the kid can't see him, his head held down by the mom, she however was able to see Ben easily, only wearing a towel and not having the reaction expected.

"Oh my~," She said before doing a Hail Mary as she begin praying.

"Don't worry I'm here to help, sorry about the acceleration." He said before grabbing onto to them and rushing them out of the building within a second then afterwards he went back into the building, making several more trips as he pulled away out from the building. Then after checking, each room more than once, decided to go step further and around the building fast enough that the vacuum snuffs out the fire.

"Okey, your safe now." He said, stopping in front of the crowd that was forming around him as the mother he save earlier, her son still in hand.

"Thank you so much for saving us..." She stammers while crying.

"Thank's are unneeded, my good lady" Ben respond, patting her on the back. "But I am a hero and as I hero, I need nothi-"

However, his attention shifted as his eyes then focused onto the son's hands.


But just as Ben was about to start fawning over the card when he realised that he still in hero mode as he straightened himself up and gave them a forced a half hearted look of disinterest.

"Mhm, Y-yes, Take good care of those cards of yours, they must be quite valuable if you protected and had them with you, mhm." He said, trying and succeeding to sound disinterested in them but instead calming the kid down.

"Not really, I got them in my cereal right before the fire started and mom shielded us in the bathroom. I have never been a fan of Sumo Slammers anyway. They are kinda dumb, to be honest. I mostly like the cereal."

Oh, it takes all of his willpower not to start debating on how amazing Sumo Slammers really are with the kid, however he was forced to simply hum and goodbye before running off from public sight and back the same alleyway, where the Rustbucket was waiting for him. But before Ben had a chance to get in he heard Gwen, opening it for you with serious expression.

"Good job in saving those people Ben, but need to move quickly. Apparently, some robbers started the fire expecting the building to be empty for a local event as a distraction for a robbery. Needly to say, we can't let the bad guys get away with this."

"Thanks Gwen, keep an hear on the radio for me, will you?" Ben asked as Gwen nodded, planning to use Omnitrix to call Gwen's phone, so she can act as our support since we're too fast as Ben spoke out the watch's A.I. "Eunice, how much time do we have left? Is it enough to get there and deal with the robbers?"

"FIVE MINUTES USER." She said as he got into a running stand. "Then I'll get them in one."

Under the directions of Gwen and Max, Ben raced toward where the thugs's car was and leaping up cashing into it, smashing into the engine and forcing it to stop. The robber's faces were priceless as they stared up at him in stunned amazement. Not wasting time as Ben dragged them out of the car before Knock them out and drop them tied up in front of some cops, alongside with money they stole before Ben leaving without any recognition.

That being said, a hero should go unrewarded. And so, Ben has taken several electronics as Ben took apart the car raiding it for whatever resources he could use later. By the time he returned to the Rustbucket, Ben had a two trash bags full of junk and car parts with Gwen given him an odd look.

"What that?"

"Their car and phones dissembled. Plan to make stuff to help the heroing with." He admitted, halfheartedly as Ben placed them down on the counter. "Maybe we can turn the Phone Camera's into little flying drones we can hook up to your laptop? Stuff like that, you know?"

Gwen gives him a good long look before saying. "You seem…frustrated?"

"What frustrated? Why would I be frustrated?" He replied a bit irritable as Gwen gives him that said she wasn't impressed.

"Of okey, maybe I'm a little frustrated." He said, sitting down across from her. "Can you blame me? I mean don't get me wrong I love helping people, it's been my true calling in life."

"But?" She asked in anticipation as he continued. "But like few minutes ago, I saved a child and his mother who was thanking me for saving them, of course try to act cool…but I saw that her kid had a golden sumo slammer card, you know the one I've been looking for all year and-"

"Ben, please don't tell me that you took the card from a little boy." She said sounding very stern at him like she was his mother.

"What of course not! I mean, I thought about it, but I didn't do it." He admitted with a awkward expression. "But that's besides the point. The point is that lately I've been thinking. I've been doing hero work for what? Ever since this thing going on my wrist." He pointed to the Omnitrix for emphasis. "And what if, I was in a hypothetical scenario, ever so often, I sometimes ask for a reward for."

"Ben, that kind of defeats the whole purpose of being a hero doesn't it?" She asked back with an unimpressed look as Ben gives her a snide look. "Oh, come on the police, firefighters the army, they all get paid for what they do and so why shouldn't I?"

"Because they don't have the power to change into 10 very strong aliens that could pretty much do anything if you want to." The voice of Grampa Max suddenly said, having heard the whole conversation from the driver seat. " I'm not going to argue and tell you that being rewarded for you for a good deeds is something bad, nor should you reject gift's because in order to keep some moral purity. However, I want you to understand that there is a difference between something you earn and entitlement."

"What I'm not being entitled? If anything I'm being selfless by not taking that something, I really, really want away from someone who is probably just gonna use it as a cup coaster!" He defended himself as Max stopped at a red light and give his grandson a look.

"I understand it's hard to be a good person, to walk that line between selfless and selfish, Trust me I do. I've seen so many men over my long life turn into some of the most toxic selfish people you ever met, so I'm just concerned that might happen to you."

"Wait. Since when does a 'plumber' deal with megalomaniacs?" Ben asked suspiciously as Max then give him a hearty laugh.

"Oh, Ben…in this live you run into megalomaniacs, some obvious, some…not." Ben couldn't help but notice Max frowned for a second before recomposing himself.

"That's...a good point." Ben admitted. "I almost lost it today over a card; I've got to get a tighter handle on myself before it comes up over something dangerous."

"Well, I'm glad that you are mature enough to understand nuance of the situation." Max said gives him a fatherly smile. "Not many people our age or even my could understand that, I'm glad to know that the Omnitrix is in good hands."

Ben felt a blush of pride come onto his face as he heard those words, feeling proud that he was making Grampa proud.

After the conversation ended, Ben got to work got parts, build those drones for Gwen. Though he ask first before using her laptop as he don't want to get hit in the head again.

Luckily she agrees, but on one condition.


"Yes?" The red haired girl asked her cousin, who looked very uncomfortable by his situation. Why was he uncomfortable? Well, in a desire to "protect her laptop" she decided to stay as close as possible and by that I mean sits in his lap, her Large ass practically squashed against his crotch.

"Can't you not sit on my lap? I mean isn't… uncomfortable?"He asks with a hint of embarrassment as he can see down her shirt.

"Nope," She stated simply as if it was a normal thing for her to do. "It's rather comfortable." As she said that she teasingly bounces in his lap. "Sorry, been a while since I worked out so I may be a bit heavier."

'Oh, trust me I'm not worried about your weight sister.' Ben thought, trying to keep his composure as he felt dick begging to be released while try to focus on his project.

Of course as expected, it was impossible for him to even complete it as focus was lost due to intense lustful thoughts. He tried to concentrate as best as he could. It was no use, he kept losing focus and Gwen's bouncing distracted him from work.

Eventually he had enough, and he wanted to get out of this situations.

"I have to go to the bathroom." He told Gwen, pushing her off of him as he walked, faster than he should toward the bathroom, locking the door as he sat down on the toilet.

God what was wrong with him? That was his cousin! His thoughts kept screaming and his dick was throbbing. He needed release, now!

He unzipped his pants and pulled out his now throbbing cock, he closed his eyes as he tried not thinking of Gwen and her beautiful red hair. Her soft skin pressed against his palm. He imagined running his hands through her hair, pushing her down on the bathroom floor and fusing her lips with his He let out a long groan of lust, imagining her hands on him, her lips on his as Gwen began to play with his balls. He let out another groan as he began to cum, he moaned loudly shooting his cum all over the toilet.

Thinking of Gwen made him cum so hard that he felt his body twitch. When he came down from his sexual high, Ben looked down at the cum that covered his hand.

"Fuck," He whispered to himself as he began wiping down the room with some tissues before flushed them down the toilet and washed his hand.

Fuck, what was wrong with him? He needed to get a grip. If Gwen knew about what he was feeling, she'd never speak to him again. And if her parents found out… Well he'd never hear the end of it.

Why did they have to be born related? Why? Why did he feel this way? It was unfair!

'There's no way my gorgeous cousin could be interested in me. it wouldn't be heroic to perv on her either, I should control myself.' Ben thought to himself as he put on his pants.

He then left the bathroom, he decided to leave his project for later and just go to be.

Thought he'll be sleeping in the bottom bunk tonight.

Poor Ben, live is hard when you got the hotes for your cousin. So Like it chapter? Add to library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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