
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Movies
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14 Chs


Sneaking out of the library after he timed out, back into his human form. It was a strange feeling transforming into Brainstorm. He felt as if his mind had been fully opened up to the world as though his brain had been supercharged.

Being back in human form now felt a little uncomfortable to him. At the very least he felt like his understanding of hacking had improved somewhat. He wouldn't be able to hack into anything like what he just did now but, at least he understood some of the methods he used as Brainstorm.

He now understood the reason why Azmuth had placed the time-out function on the Omnitrix. Where it was believed that if a user spent too long as a transformation the DNA would become attached to the user's own. He had read on the fan Wiki about the Omnitrix one time.

He had always believed the reason was so that new users wouldn't become too addicted to being a particular transformation rather than their species.

It honestly made more sense to him that way since the Omnitrix had the power to blow up the whole universe. Why would it have a time-out function and the recharge time of iPhone 7? If it could store up that amount of energy in the first place.

The Omnitrix was also genetically bound to his genetic makeup likely storing his genetic DNA in the watches database. Just like it did with all the other captured alien DNA. So he highly doubted that he was at risk of any alien DNA permanently attaching to his own.

This was his speculation on this topic as he quickly left the library to find a cheap motel to stay in for the time being. Thankfully Marvel mainly used real-life locations for their universe which made it easier for him to find his way around.

It took him a few hours to find a motel room that he could rent for a few nights. Ben used his credit card to withdraw some cash and rent the room. While the amount was similar to what had been originally in his bank account before he was transmigration here.

He would need money to feed himself until he found a stable income. So he didn't feel all that guilty about using Brainstorm to help him set up his bank account with his original savings inside.

By the time he entered his room, it was already eleven forty-five at night. Honestly, the room wasn't too bad but, he felt a little uncomfortable being there. The motel was at the low end of standards most of the time, as well as the types of things people usually did in this type of place.

Thought Ben as he looked at the bed he'd be sleeping on as a cold shiver ran down his spine. Will that from what he had seen in the movies of course?

He didn't bother taking off his all clothes, preferring to just take off his shoes and jacket. Before quickly falling into a deep sleep in dreamland.

Waking up at ten in the morning Ben realized it wasn't a dream. Waking up in the same cheap motel the next day, with the Omnitrix on his left wrist.

Going into the bathroom, to wash his face with cold water. He didn't have a toothbrush or anything so he could only do this for now. He had about fifteen hundred thousand dollars in his bank card at the moment which was enough for him to live on for a few days.

However, he would need a job if he wanted food and a comfortable place to stay. He also thought of stopping some crimes happening around when he could. And take whatever he needed for himself, well as long as it wasn't some important advice the police needed.

But, it wasn't good to rely on that sort of thing. Especially if he wanted to become a hero. Many people thought that heroes like Batman or Spider-Man who didn't kill their villains were stupid.

But, Ben didn't think that way, well in Marvel comics. Most heroes didn't have a problem killing people who were about to kill innocent people. However, it was good for him to set some boundaries when it was necessary for himself.

He didn't want to become someone like the Punisher or Deadpool. Ben's stomach began growling at that moment. Ben decided to leave his motel room and walked to a dinner he passed last night on his way here.

Arriving he quickly ordered a breakfast meal and he immediately began to gobble up the pancakes he ordered. Before ordered another plate of pancakes before he was finally satisfied.

Ben decided to leave for the electronic store a smartphone, as well as a laptop. He wanted to get a computer instead but, he decided it was for the best right now as he didn't have a permanent place to stay at.

He already knew he wanted to go the Bruce Wayne route when it came to his superpower lifestyle. He didn't want money to be one of his problems. He is planning on becoming a playboy or having a secret identity or anything.

He did, however, need to up his game when it came to personal strength in his human form. Even Ben in the animated series was trained in martial arts, hence why he what to train his body and mind to limit it.

He couldn't stay a hero as long as Ben10,000s could. But, his main reason was anything could happen in this world. He needed to be able to handle himself in those types of situations.

After paying for the breakfast pancake, he left the dinner to buy a few essentials that he needed. Besides smart phone and computer.


As Ben was working towards the nearest electronic store he remembered. A huge explosion could be heard from a distance. Many people walking along the streets of New York also shopped around and looked at where the explosion sound came from.

Ben who also heard the explosion turned to stare at the direction the sound came from. As he did he saw rising from the direction the explosion sounded.

Looking around the street hurriedly he quickly walked into a nearby way making sure he wasn't noticed. Quickly hidden himself in a corner undstaircase case he began dialing on the Omnitrix.

Quickly scrolled through to select the alien he wanted, before gently slamming onto the watch. On the Omnitrix symbol with the hollow gram of the alien he wanted.

He quickly began feeling his body begin to grow taller reaching a height of two to three meters. His body grew taile behind his back, his hands becoming bulky claws on his 3 fingers that could only now open and close.

" XRL8, Alright let's see test how fast I'm currently. " Said Ben aloud before rushing towards the explosion area his helmet sliding down as he did so.

As he ran his Kinecelerans form everything around him now seemed to be moving in slow motion.

He through the roads and streets jumping over cars and weaving through pedestrians on the street. He felt exhilaration at moving at speeds beyond human capabilities at this moment.

This wasn't even his top speed as he was still trying to get a hold of things. He quickly arrived at his destination in a matter of less a few seconds which hadn't been far from his previous location. Looking around he found that a huge fire had broken out of a five-story apartment building.

Ben in his XRL8 form was able to stop in place insistently just as fast as he ran. Unlike his fellow speedster alien Citrakayahs also known as FastTrack, who have trouble stopping when running at high speed.

Some of the people on the street noticed a tall sooking creature. Those who suddenly appeared in the middle of the street were shocked and frightened.

However, Ben looking at the burning building quickly began moving at high speed which made him look like a black blur to the bystanders standing around the street.

Leaving the people outside the building unable to react to the situation the many bystanders who were standing near the burning building wondering what was going They all waited for the firefighters to arrive on the since.

Before they noticed people suddenly appearing on the street coming from outside the burning building in blurs of speed. Looking scared and confused in scorched clothes the black and white burly figure brought them out.

The first to appear was a black woman wearing a pink night rob looking terrified and confused the people outside barely made out the figure of the creature that appeared earlier.

Soon more people began appearing outside in similar or worse conditions, meanwhile Ben was speeding through the burning and collapsing building. Going through every room inside the building looking for people.

Xlr8 while moving at high speed was able to run on most surfaces such as the side of a wall. He ran or jumped across as part of the stairs was already missing as he ran. He had already rescued seven people from the burning apartment building.

He also earlier near the blast zone ran past several dead bodies he found. Who were likely too close to the explosion area to survive. He tried focusing his attention on finsurvivorsvives as he went through every room he came across.

Entering one apartment he found two young children lying next to the body middle-aged age man. He saw that the man had been crushed under a large boulder. Grabbing the young boy and girl who frightened expirations on their faces with tears.

He checked on the man under the boulder he was still breathing but barely. He needed to get the two kids out first quickly before coming back for the man.

He grabbed the two and ran out, not before looking around the room for any more people. He couldn't move at his fastest speed or fast enough for people to be barely able to make out his appearance

If he moved any faster it could lead to the people he was trying to save dying from whiplash. Hence the two kids began screaming louder as they were carried by Xlr8. Who looked like a weird-looking dinosaur to the two of them as they were carried out of the building.

" Sorry, this must be scary for the two of you." Said Ben in his altered voice due to turning into Xlr8. This is similar to Ben from form the cartoon, however, this only made them even more scared of his voice.

Just as the kids were still screaming in fright, they arrived at where Ben dropped them. Before rushing back into the building as seconds went by more and more people began appearing outside, some with serious or minor injuries or burns.

Such as broken bones, and minor or severe burns. Finally Ben was able to get everyone he could find who was still alive to outside. However, several dead and severely burned bodies were brought out after all the survivors were taken out.

People watched this in amazement while others stayed as far as they could.

Standing outside Ben decided to try something he saw the Flash do on television once. He began moving his arms as fast as he could hoping he was fast enough to accomplish it. He moved his arms at rapid speeds creating two wind vortexes.

" Who or what is that thing?" Asked a middle-aged man who helped one of the injured people by handing a woman a bottled water.

" I don't know, but it saved my life." Said a woman who was taken out of the burning building with some injuries on her hands.

" Hey, what is it doing? " Questioned another person in a loud voice as Ben in his XRL8 transformation began moving his arms rapidly.

The fire around the building began being sacked in by two wind vortexes, which turned into flaming vortexes. People begin backing away as they see the two vortexes created by Ben.

Ben continued moving his arms at an unbelievable speed that one couldn't even see his arms moving. After sacking out all the fire from the building that had been on fire.

As people watched this scene, others had already taken out their smartphones to record things. Watched as the creature created two vortexes that sacked the fire from the building. The vortex created a vacuum that extinguished the fire successfully.

As Ben stood there everyone on the street finally got a clear look at him as XRL8. They all had different expressions on their faces as they looked at him. In his nearly all-black attire, he had on as part of his XRL8 transformation.

His arms, legs, and tail had white stripes, and there were three stripes on his tail. XLR8's clothing had longer sleeves with a pair of green stripes under the shoulders and an arrow-shaped symbol on his lower torso. He wore the Omnitrix symbol on his chest which glowed a Sirens sirens green.

People were even more scared and interested in what Ben was. Most people already knew about the Hulk and had seen footage of the Hulk fighting the military. As well as the Abomination this was the first time they've seen something so strange.

But it still scared them to see it right in front of their own eyes. Extinguishing the fire Ben in his XRL8 form stopped and looked around which made people more nervous about what he was going to do next.

Ben looked through his visor at all the people he'd rescued from the apartment building he didn't have much excitement at saving people. He was more revealed and regretful at the people he'd saved and those he couldn't save in time.

As he looked at some of the people who had serious injuries, others had lost their families who had already been crashed or burned to a cripes in the fire.

He understood that this hero business wasn't all fun and games people's lives were at stake. This wasn't a movie, game, or comic book this was now his reality. Suddenly fire sirens began to ring as the firefighters and city police began to hurriedly approach.

This brought Ben out of his stupor as he looked at the approaching police and firefighters. He also has so many others taking pictures and videos of him he quickly speeds off in a blur.

Fury/ Director of SHIELD

Hours later videos of a being that could move at super speed began appearing all across the internet. A figure wearing a dark grey sweater black pants and shoes set isring intensively at the screen. In a dark room only lit up by the screen in front of him.

" You're saying you can't find whoever this is? " Spoke the black man wearing an eyepatch.

" No, a team is working on trying to find whatever it is. Whatever or whoever it is went underground as soon as it left the scene. It knows about our satellite tracking system. It moves too fast for any of our cameras to track it accurately. Fury do you think it's like the Hulk or just a suit like Stark?"


Fury remained silent as he repeatedly replayed the video footage.

" It's more likely to be someone who acquired unique abilities such as Doctor Banner. Moreover, it saved all those people from the burning building. For now, we can determine whether he or she is friendly for the moment. Keep investigating this we need to find out who this is and what their motives are. Understood Agent Romanoff? "

Fury said this as he glanced over to his right where a woman with long curly red hair wearing a black leather suit was seated on a sofa. Legs crossed as she stared back at Fury who sat at his desk.

" Understood? " Replied the woman with a gentle smile.

Before getting up to leave the room, as she walked one couldn't hear any footsteps from the woman as she walked away. Meanwhile, back with Ben who was back in his room with a backpack and a duffel bag, he began packing.

He had bought a laptop along with a smartphone, a few pieces of clothing, and other essentials like a toothbrush and soup. He needed to move to a more secure area where he had more freedom than this month.

After timing out as XRL8 and buying what he wanted, he turned into Brainstorm to begin creating a few simple programs he could sell for some quick cash.

Which he could later use to create his own company that would allow him not to worry about his daily needs. And would make it easier for him to get whatever material he needs without resorting to illegal means.

He seriously needed to acquire a place where he could begin his training. Which would mostly be in his human form, he already knew that in this universe with crazy geniuses like Tony Stark.

He needed to be able to handle himself to his best ability even in his human form. Especially since he could only be in a single transformation for ten minutes before needing another five to recharge.

Packing everything he had bought Ben left the room, he'd only stayed in for one night. To officially begin his preparations for what this new world would throw at him.


A Kineceleran from the planet Kinet. XLR8 is one of Ben's fastest alien transformations.








Humanoid Velociraptor


5'6" (1.68 Meters)


Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Recovery

Enhanced Dexterity

Accelerated Thinking

Sharp Claws

Wall and Water Running

Wall Crawling

Prehensile Tail

Vortex Creation

Water Vortexes

Biological Visor