
Ben 10: marvel heroes

The story speaks of a man who did a very heroic act before his death, and the next moment he opened his eyes he found himself in the Marvel universe and with him the alien watch known as the Omnitrix, what would he do in his new life? And what adventures are waiting for him?

Purplezhz · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Ben returned to his home, it was now at three in the evening, put the spider in a glass box with small holes he had prepared previously and closed him after throwing a few insects he bought from the Internet.

Earlier, after Peter was bitten by this radioactive spider, he was taken to the hospital, and the Osborne laboratories security team searched all students to make sure they did not own the spider.

Fortunately for Ben, the spider had been placed in a hidden pocket in his jacket and had not been found.

Ben and Harry went with the ambulance to take Peter to the hospital, while a few other students said they would visit him later.

The hospital contacted Peter's family, when Uncle Ben and Aunt May came, May was crying after seeing Peter in his condition while Uncle Ben comforted her.

After waiting for about an hour or so, the doctor told us that Peter's condition was stable and the poison was eliminated in his system, but he might stay asleep for several hours.

After saying to console Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Ben explained what happened and left them before he returned home, after all he still had work to do.

Ben thought, how can he find X-mansion?

There was no way for him to call Charles Xavier, and even if he had, he couldn't call and say:

"Hello, I know you are building a safe house for the mutants and I know you are a mutant that can read minds. Can you give me the coordinates of your mansion?"

Not only will he make Charles think he is someone who wants to raid his palace, but he will let the government know where X-mansion is, and eventually he becomes an enemy of X-Man!

After thinking for some time, Ben turned gray matter, and after some struggle to climb the table he jumped between the letters of the computer and began his work.

Initially, he penetrated a satellite that Google was using to make its maps, and began searching in New York State for any palaces that looked like x-mansion in his memory.

After some research, he found a possible site, a palace on the outskirts of Salem.

After learning about it, Ben returned to his human form, and went down to the living room where his father was writing in his computer. His father worked as a primary school teacher, but he also worked as a writer.

Ben stood next to the wall and said, "Uh ... Dad?"

His father, Bernard, turned towards him and said, "Yes, son?"

"I would like you to lend me your car, you know ... I have a friend who needs a ride."

"No," Bernard replied with an instant call.


"Today you will say you want to get a friend, the next time you want to get a friend, and the third time you will have sex in my car."

"And the fourth time you will have an accident and destroy my car."

"I've been in your place before"

Upon hearing his father's shameful admission of his teenage actions, Ben sighed and said, "Please, just this time?"

Bernard pondered his son and pulled his car key out of his pocket and handed him to ben.

Ben extended his hand to hold the key, but Bernard pulled it out and said, "But don't destroy my car."

"I won't do"

He was about to take the key when Bernard pulled it back.

"But you can have sex if you want"



Ben drove to the warehouse on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen, only to find that the mutant, John, was still waiting for him.

He opened the jeep glass and shouted, "Hey, John, what do you think you come with me? I don't have the whole day"

Wait until John rides in the car.

"Aren't you young to have a car?"

"Yes, I borrowed it from someone I know."

Ben started driving while talking to John next to him.

John asked, "So where are you taking me?"

Ben replied as he kept his focus on the road "to a safe place for mutants like you"

John, dissatisfied with Ben's answer, asked again, "Yes, but where?"

Ben sighed and looked at John and started talking.

"Hey, I know it's the fact that you're mutant, and the fact that you killed your wife is hard to accept, but this is the reality, no matter what you do, nothing will change, you will stay mutant and your wife will still be dead, and if the government knew you were not a normal human being you would be kidnapped." Or your imprisonment. "

"So it doesn't matter how much you believe in the American dream and this nonsense, it's just something to tell the public to keep their silence and support."

"Now, you are in a new phase of your life, where the government is your main enemy, luckily for you, I have some advice, so listen will"

"First, regardless of the people I take you to, don't tell anyone else about the fact that you're mutant"

"Second, try to avoid sentinel services and any government organizations affiliated with them, including the police and the prosecutor's office"

"Third, don't lie to the people we're going to. They can tell the lie so you have to tell them everything, including about the fire and about your wife's death."

John looked down, and thought of Ben's words, and Guy thought whether Ben had passed through this, or maybe someone dear to him and that's why he was helping him.

Suddenly, a feeling of gratitude emerged in John's heart and realized that if Ben had not helped him last night, he would have been in a prison or laboratory.

Even he knew the discriminatory treatment of mutants in this country, even the most basic crimes such as robbery, if the mutant caused him would be imprisoned for at least 20 years.

On the other hand, he has many accusations.

Abusing his power, setting fire, destroying public property, killing, intimidating the public and terrorism.

Perhaps if he is arrested, he will never be heard again. He may be put in a laboratory like Ben said, and he may be executed as a lesson to other mutants.

He looked at Ben, and just realized that despite everything Ben did for him, he didn't even know his name.

"I'm sorry, but do I have to know who you are?"

Ben looked at him and wondered if he would tell him his real name or a false name, but since John knew his true form, there was no point in hiding his name.

"You can call me Ben, Ben Peterson"

"Thank you, Ben, I'd like you to know that I really appreciate your help, and ... you know ... save me," said John, and Ben could have known that he really meant it.

This made him feel a little satisfied, as if the good is good, he finally knew why most heroes still play the championship despite all the difficulties they face, perhaps the word 'thank you' is what drives them.

Ben continued his command while John remained silently, and soon arrived at their destination, a palace on the outskirts of Salem.

Ben parked the car several meters from the gate and read the sign.

"Xavier's school for gifted youngster"

"Well, we have arrived," Ben said as John got out of the car.

Ben looked at the surveillance camera at the front door and said in a ridiculous way: "Welcome !! We sell toast at 40% below market price, buy before we run out of quantity !!!"

After a few seconds of nothing, John looked at him like a fool while Ben coughed several times to remove the embarrassment.

He looked at the camera again and said, "This guy with me is mutant, and I know that Professor Xavier harbors mutants here, so what do you think of some talk ..."

Opened the metal gate on its own to enter John and Ben, Ben ridiculed "it is more successful than open Semseme"


Ben and John went near the door of the palace when they saw an African woman with strange white hair and green eyes, whom Ben identified as Aurora Monroe, Aka Storm.

She took a look at them and said, "The professor would like to see you."

She turned and entered the palace, which Ben and John followed.

On their way, Ben saw many mutants from young to teenage, some of whom were testing their abilities or looking at Ben and John strangely.

They soon arrived at the administration office where Oruro opened the door and waited for the professor to finish his lecture to a group of students.

When Charles saw them, he said to his students, "Well, we're done here today. Be sure to review what we've learned today."

"Goodbye, Professor," some pupils said.

Professor Xavier pointed to John and Ben to sit, seeing this they sat in the seats near the office while Aurora stood by them.

Xavier read John's mind and knew everything, including what happened yesterday and this morning that Ben took him to their place.

Xavier tried to read after Ben, the young man who seemed to have discovered their place, was skeptical whether he was a government spy or sentinel services or perhaps a brotherhood of evil mutant.
