
Ben 10: marvel heroes

The story speaks of a man who did a very heroic act before his death, and the next moment he opened his eyes he found himself in the Marvel universe and with him the alien watch known as the Omnitrix, what would he do in his new life? And what adventures are waiting for him?

Purplezhz · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Professor Charles Xavier tried to read Ben's mind, as a ninth-level telepathist, as long as he did not try to read another 10th-level telepathic mind, or someone wearing a magneto helmet, it was impossible to escape his mental abilities.

However, when he tried to read Ben's mind, he found as though there was a wall that prevented him from entering it, as an alpha-level terrain, he never faced such a situation.

He used more mental power to try to penetrate Ben's mind, though he knew there was an 80% chance that Ben would think himself a 3-year-old girl for the rest of his life if Xavier succeeded in breaking through the wall.

However, again, although Professor Xavier used more force, the wall refused to move, and this time a terrible mental force came out of the wall and pushed Xavier out of Ben's mind.

After a few seconds of sitting, Ben noticed Professor Xavier's silence and knew that he often reads their minds, he joked about his finger to get the attention of the professor.

"Professor, can we talk about work now, I still have to go home!" Said Ben, while apparently upset.

Charles Xavier, Aka Professor X, surveyed his throat and said, "Yes, sorry, why are you here again?"

"As I said earlier, unfortunately I didn't say anything before," Ben said sarcastically.

Ben seriously pursued "My friend here, his name is John Macri, recently discovered that he is mutant so we are here to find a shelter for him"

Xavier tried to say something. He knew John had killed someone. Normally they don't shelter people who were killed before.

"Of course, but I have to ask, does he have any criminal record after awakening his powers?"

Ben looked at John and saw that he was nervous, obviously afraid that he could not survive if they knew he had killed his wife, but Ben remembered that all the x-men had killed someone before.

"He killed his wife, but it was an accident so it shouldn't affect our current subject."

"To be honest, we do not harbor people with precedents, this would draw unwanted attention, but if he follows certain conditions it is okay for him to stay."

Professor Xavier said that despite the dangers he still wanted to know if Ben was an enemy or a friend, human or metamorphosis, and most importantly how he found them in the first place.

Ben turned to look at John, who was moving his lips trying to say 'what to do' without words.

"It's your choice, comrade, bring me here doesn't mean I'm your guardian," Ben said when he saw that John became too dependent on him.

Ben and Professor X gave him plenty of time to decide, after about 30 seconds he said, "I think I will stay."

Professor X said, "In this case, go with Oruro who will tell you some conditions and get to know the place."

Ben said, "In this case I will go, good luck Rafiq"

Xavier pushed his wheelchair and said, "I'll go with you out."

Ben and Xavier walked at the same pace, Professor X said. "By the way, I didn't notice I didn't ask you about your name, I'm Charles Francis Xavier."

Ben thought and saw that I was true, even John did not know his name until a few hours ago "I have this influence on people, by the way, I'm Ben! Nice to meet you!"

"Mr. Ben, I have to ask, how exactly did you find us?"

"Your safety is very good," Ben said sarcastically. "Maybe even the government might think you're just a regular school. Unfortunately for you, Google knows everything."

"A good joke, but I want a real answer," Xavier said.

"You can read minds, do you really think I thought you didn't read my mind yet?" Ibn said disturbed.

Xavier was surprised, he never expected Ben to know his ability, but he answered honestly: "Actually I couldn't read your mind, it was like a wall that prevented me from entering it."

Ben was surprised, but he did not believe the professor's words, although it would be nice if it were true.

Xavier said again "Are you mutant? When I read John's mind I saw that when I saved him I was in the form of burning sulfur, maybe mental immunity is one of your abilities"

"I'm not a mutant, I'm just a normal human, but I use a certain way of becoming a different group of aliens," Ben said.

"You must have seen in the news a bunch of monsters with a green hourglass symbol, all of them me."

Charles Xavier said, "If someone from your family or close person doesn't have a mental capacity and built a wall to protect your mind, but it must be at least level 10."

Hearing this, a trace of suspicion came in his heart, if someone enters his mind all this time then that person must know everything including the fact that Ben is not of this world.

Maybe his mother? Or his father? Maybe his younger sister .....

"Professor, if you come with a blood sample from some of the people I know, can you figure out if they have an activated gene X?" He asked Ben.

"Dr. McCoy can find out."