
Below Human

The most dangerous weapon the humans acquired is the mind, ideas can be deadlier than weapons. In this dystopian setting where slavery had returned, consumerism over knowledge, money over the mind, human enslaves human, what will the aftermath be?

Kenny_Morell · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Rise

Throughout the ages, Mankind evolved its mindset and developped its own tool, if we go back to the premitive human, they cowered in fear and fleed whenever they are in peril against the dangers of nature, untill one day the humans learned to use their hands more and pick up objects to use as tools, that when the food chain changed, and the rise of humans in the pyramid started.

Humans being blessed with a mind, a conciousness, something other creatures do not have as they act upon instinct, but the human can act on instinct aswell as have reason, be able to think and take different decisions according to their desires or reason. Such thing gave humans huge curiosity for research and pogress, with necessity came invetions, the said premetive objects that were used as tool, humans turned them into materials to craft better tools, sticks and sharp stones became Axes and Spears, with these humans became able to hunt more effeciently, they acquired power. Ancient Spears, Swords and Axes started evolving as humans discovered better materials, we went to steel weaponry then to the early firearms which kept getting more upgraded, armored vehicles with weapons, explosives that can cause mass destructions, nuclear weapons, and even something as microscopic as viruses used in biological weapons.

Yet the most dangerous of all remains the human mind, its free will and ability to think and communicate, if not held under great responsability it can lead to dangerous outcomes, spread one simple idea, one rumor... Like planting a dark seed and wait for the tree of thorns to bloom.

If only i had thought about it before, if only i realised it earlier, i would have took actions to prevent it, or not be involved with it and not know the truth.