
Being Yours

Jason loves Claire for a decade but cause of unruly situation he married Kathy. They live together which leads to another and results Kathy's pregnancy. Before she tells Jason, Claire returned so he kicked Kathy out. As sweet naive girl she left with broken heart. After four years she shows up but nothing like before to get him down from his throne. Will she succeed in bringing him down or will she be caught up in unwanted truth and realize who she really is as well as Jason in act of revenge?

045_SUVI · Urban
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9 Chs

This is not first

Kathy Pov

I froze in my place after he called me by my real name. I should have guessed what he would do after he recruited me into his gang. To stay on the throne, a king should know everything. Wait! Did he know EVERYTHING? About Me? If it's a yes then what? I can't be in his gang, I should find a way out of this. My thoughts get snapped when Raav voices, "I know who you are" I glare hard at the back of his head without a word.

He continued, "But I want to know where you disappeared two years after you left Jason" I sighed in relief and replied, "Is it necessary for you to know?". He scoffed slightly and said, "Just curious. How did you erase your complete tracks for two years?" I cleared my throat and said, "I guess you know better than anyone to do what and how. I heard you disappeared for last eight years"

He piped, "I did and could do anything I want but I am curious how a girl like you did that?" I walked closer to him and stopped when only inches gap between his broad back and me. I tip-toed and whispered, "I have more surprises for you, Boss" With that I picked up his mask from mud floor and shoved it into his hand. When I was about to walk around. He turned suddenly and pulled me with his gloved hand by my wrist closer to him.

I stumbled and get closer where only a inch between us, I didn't even chin up to see his face, just stare at his black button-up shirt and have comfort in his usual woody citrus manly scent. He let go of my wrist but both of us didn't step back from similitude. I don't want to make him angry by seeing his face. He voiced in his deep low voice, "Eyes up Kathy" I chin up but he is already put on his mask, I can only see his eyes, slightly stubble chin, and lips. I sighed and said, "Please don't call me Kathy. She died long ago"

He looked deep into my eyes for a minute while I doing the same. I couldn't find any emotions in his eyes, other than a gloomy storm. He licked his lips and said, "There is something flaming inside you. If you don't put off that flame. It will burn you up whole" I smirked and replied, "I am willing to Boss." After hearing me, I saw a slight change of care in his eyes but it disappeared in a second it appeared.

He voiced, "Is there any way out of that?" I smiled lightly and said, "There is". He nodded his head and asked, "What's that?" I pulled back from his nearness and said in a monotonous voice, "It's none of your business, Boss" With that I walked. He voiced, "Wait". I nailed in my place. He get closer to my back and asked, "What are you doing here?"

This time I can't dodge his question cause I was standing on his property and he is my boss so I cleared my throat, turned to him, and replied, "I couldn't sleep that's why I am here". He frowned and asked again, "Is it related to the flame you keeping inside?" I bit my inner cheeks, cause he is now getting on my nerves. I took a deep breath and replied, "As I said before it's none of your business"

He frowned at me and said, "Of course, it is now, 'cause you are MINE" I scowled and replied, "I am not yours, boss. I am just your subordinate who will do the job you give me. That's all". He smirked, eyed me from top to toe, and voiced in his octave deep voice, "Then SUCK me" I sighed and mumbled, "I know it" With that I knelt in front of him, grasp his zip, and pulled halfway.

He voiced, "Stop!" I took back my hand from his crotch. He grabbed my cheeks roughly with his left palm and pulled me up to make me stand on my feet and whisper yelled, "You can't be MINE but you can suck me! Huh?" I pulled back from his tight grip and replied through my gritted teeth, "I can suck you or whoever but I can't, not only be yours but no ones" He scoffed and asked, "You can't or won't" I glared and said, "I WON'T'"

He grabs my chin with his forefinger and thumb and whisper asked, "Is it a challenge, Kitten?" I licked my lips and replied in my low voice, "Take it as whatever you want. I don't care". He smirked wide and said, "I love challenges. You will beg me soon to touch and make you mine" I smirked back and replied, "Let's see who begs who?" with that, I move close to his masked face, stopped in an inch before his lips and voiced making sure my lips touch his slightly, "I love to tease, Master"

With that, I pulled back. He cursed, "Fuck!" I eyed his visible bulge in his pants and thought, after all, he is not so hard to seduce. I met his gaze and teased more, "You know kitten could give little licks in tip in most delicious way" Suddenly he grabbed my waist twist, turn, and pushed me onto the big tree near us, lean on me, and whispered in my ear, "Another word from your sluty mouth I will make sure you can't walk for at least a week. Got it kitten?"

I got goosebumps all over my nape and back when his hot breath hit my earlobe while talking, I whimpered and try to lean close to his front to get some friction and finally let out a moan when his cold lip piercing touched my hot ear and replied, "Yes Master". He let go of me and walked towards the fort.

My legs were shaking a bit. He is the only men made me like this without even touching me. I wonder what will happen if he ever fucks me? But it's a good sign. I am getting closer to him, once he fuck me, he will become my puppet then I will make him dance to my tunes as much as I want. Until that, I will gain his trust.

With these thoughts, I lay on the blanket which I hide in between rocks, concentrate on the water sound and eventually, let darkness engulf me. Soft birds and bugs sound with water wake me up from my nap. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, sat straight, stretched my sore muscles, and saw my wrist watch which shows six. My whole body felt hurting, after all, it was just a hard mud floor.

I discarded my grey tee, and black sweatpants with inners, dived into stream butt naked, and bath. Once I cleaned myself enough, I just wore the clean big-size tee which I hid along with a blanket but it only touches my mid-thigh, I forget my pants but it's ok. It was only early morning so I guess there won't be many guards around. It's not like I am shy but here they have fucking rules that everyone should wear full clothes.

I walked back to my room to change. When I reach the hallway, someone pulled me behind by my waist. In reflex, I elbowed back the person behind me. I heard a slight groan. My eyes went wide when I realized it was Raav.

When I tried to turn. He pushed me to wall hard, my face was pressed into the wall cause he was holding the back of my head by my nape. Before I ask, he voiced, "What's this damn outfit?" I rolled my eyes and replied, "It's a tee, Boss". He pressed hard my head and said, "I fucking know that. Where is your pant?" I sighed and said, "I didn't had pant where I bathed. And for your information, it's my will to dress however I like cause it's my body"

He gripped my nape tight which will leave a mark later and whisper yelled, "It's MINE. Don't test my patience Kitten. If I ever saw you dress like whore again". He stopped, leaned closer to me, and said, "This time you will not be standing on floor but on ice. Got it?" Even thinking of it, my body shivered a bit so I licked my dry lips and whispered, "Yes Master". He replied, "Good"

With that he let go of my nape, I turned to him to see his masked face in navy silky night pants and a matching sleeping robe which is opened wide showing his perfect six-pack abs and tattooed tan skin. I chin up to meet his eyes with glare and asked, "If I can't dress like this then what about you?" without replying he suddenly place his hands on wall caging me, and voiced with a smirk, "I will dress as you wish when you say you are MINE"

I sighed, got out of his caging hands, and said, "In your dreams. If you wanna good fuck, be submissive, or BSDM, I am ok will these and ready even now but I can't be your little princess and nod my head whatever you say. Got it?" He rolled his tongue into his cheek and said, "That's not what I meant"

I cut him and said, "Oh! Please. Don't even dare to deny it. I am not some little naive cutie you met in college or school. I been a mistress of a fucking mafia don. I am not an innocent doll to be yours. So please cut this shit and fuck me if you want". He rubbed his face, sighed, and said, "But I didn't meet you, as a mistress for the first time" I frowned and asked, "What you mean?". He moved his face closer to mine, looked deep into my eyes, and said, "I will get what I want Kitten. Even if you don't like it".

I sighed and said, "I asked you a question" He smirked and replied, "I already answered it, Kitten" With that he walked past me. I stood still, staring at his disappearing figure. I don't know what to think now, what he meant by it? Did I ever meet him before? Does he know me? Gosh! If he knows me before my marriage then it will be hard for me to climb to the next step.

Should I kill him? I don't want any distractions, I thought Raav is a ladder to climb but he is a snake who gonna pull me down with his nonsense love shits. If I ever find out he knows me before this, I will kill him for sure and use his army to get what I want.

First I want to get someone into my trap from his inner circles so I can use them to kill him if needed. And I want to contact my spy to get new information about Jason. I will kill whoever comes my way to reach my goal it's Victor or even Raav cause they don't fucking know the real me or what happened to me.

To be continued.