
Being taught how to seduce by the Don Juan diary system.

One day our average guy protagonist discovers an old diary with the initials D.J. on the front cover. After finally opening it a message popped up: "System has detected a new user. Would you like to register and learn the arts of seduction?

Penhael · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Today is the 14th of February better known as "Valentine's day". On this day, those who are single silently hope that a secret admirer comes forth to declare their love to them. Among a bustling classroom one boy hesitantly approaches a girl sitting near a window chatting with her friends.

"I L-L-L-OVE you", he stammered out while standing with shivering legs and holding out a rose wrapped in plastic. 

The girl glanced at him for a second after which she gestures to a pile of multiple roses on the floor next to her desk. The girl then continued talking with the people surrounding her while some of them shoot out glares to the poor boy as to say why do you even think you had a chance.

The boy in question was called: Remus and he was a typical 17 year old, with a thin posture, short black hair, and blue eyes hidden behind a boring looking brown rimmed glasses. After he returned to his seat he hid his face in his arms on the desk and remained this way until class was finished. He quickly left the classroom and headed straight for the forest nearby school to escape from his shame he endured at school.

While walking around he repeatedly told himself how stupid he must have looked, that he was delusional, and that he was likely to have hit his head way too many times to even think he had a chance at becoming closer with the most popular girl in his year. 

Remus decided to head over to his favourite spot to relax, which was underneath a large willow tree with long branches dancing above a small pond hidden by the surrounding trees. Angry at himself he shouted at the sky before punching the tree as hard as he could. Crying from pain after hitting the trunk he stumbled over a tree branch and almost fell into the water. Luckily, he managed to grasp hold of a branch in the last second and dangled above the water. That was until the branch made a "click" sound and dropped further down. At this point nothing could be done to prevent a cold bath and Remus arose shortly out of the water drenched and covered in dark stinky mud. 

"This day could not get any worse!" Remus yelled out.

At this point Remus discovered something strange located at the base of the tree. It was an opening that was previously not there. He decided to check it out and got closer. He used the light from his phone to look down and saw an opened hatch with a ladder going further down . He decided to explore and when he reached the base of the ladder the hole became wider and went on as a tunnel. The tunnel was a bit damp and smelled like it has not been exposed to the outside air in centuries. 

At the end of the tunnel there was a small grotto with in the middle a pedestal with a small booklet on top of it. Remus got closer and inspected the booklet. It was chained to the pedestal by an ancient looking combination lock. On the pedestal there was a small inscription that read:

"Those who stir the hearts of others can unlock all doors in life"