
Being taught how to seduce by the Don Juan diary system.

One day our average guy protagonist discovers an old diary with the initials D.J. on the front cover. After finally opening it a message popped up: "System has detected a new user. Would you like to register and learn the arts of seduction?

Penhael · Urban
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7 Chs

Diary unlocked

"Those who stir the hearts of others can unlock all doors in life."

What is that supposed to mean? Remus asked himself out loud. He then continued to observe the ancient looking lock and saw that a combination of 4 symbols were required.

Underneath the lock was another small inscription.

"A word so profound,

When whispered in a way to make no sound?

Can leave the strongest of men forever bound.

This word with power unbound,

For some its meaning never to be found

To others so common finding it all around

No matter if it's the exalted who were crowned.

The wealthy merchants or the count

Or those living on the dirt ridden ground.

Its value higher than any treasure mount.

Three times is the amount I will let you try.

Once more after, and you will surely die".

Remus looked at the riddle pondering for a solution.

"A four-letter combination that can bind even the strongest men" he said softly to himself.

After a couple of minutes of thinking hard on the riddle Remus had a small list of possible options he was considering. If I were to have a strong man to do my bidding I could do it numerous ways.

I could make a DEAL or BRIBE him, with GOLD or use his sense of DUTY to HELP. I can also inflict him with PAIN. However, if I he has a strong WILL and a GOAL he might adhere to his own RULE and resists these factors. The only things that are left are if TIME STOP's or if he is DEAD. 

Remus had a hard time figuring it out but eventually decided on trying: Dead, Time, and Will. These words sounded the most powerful to him so that is how he ended up with these three.

He started turning the lock until the word "DEAD" appeared on the lock. Remus slowly tried to open the lock, but nothing happened. That was until the symbols started to spin around and return to their starting positions. At the same time a small candle lit up on the wall. In the shimmer he could see two more candles that were not lit. "That is so creepy, I better get going " Remus thought. However, the curiosity still won out and soon afterward a second candle was lit. The word "time" was incorrect as well. Ok, my final try. After this I must go this place is giving me the creeps and I don't want to find out what happens if I try again after the next one fails. Remus said to himself. For the last time he took up the lock and painstakingly looked at it. He could feel his heart pumping in his throat. "Let me give it one more thought "Is dead really the answer? It does not make sense what value does dead have anyway? You lose all the people you love, and all your loved ones will miss you. If anything, you should try and resist dying with all you might so that you continue to live! Could it then perhaps be "LIFE"? That doesn't make sense either" he said. "Wait a second! why don't I try "LOVE". That would be something everyone can wish for and makes people do things that they would otherwise never do." Remus exclaimed.

He put in "LOVE" and right after a clicking sound was heard and at the same time the room lit up by candles that were previously unseen near the ceiling and bathing the room in a flickering light. The small booklet was now accessible, and Remus could just about make out some letters that said, Diary and right beneath it was a name written: Don Juan