
Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Peter Parker is 13 years old and is enjoying life with his friends but after a trip to Oscorp he discovers he has powers , how will he use them. Made a younger and more immature Peter he will go down a darker road than he originally did due to his own hubris and arrogance.

TheManUnderTheBed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Probably just another Gang Member

(AN: Sorry guys thought I uploaded this but for some reason it wasn't 🤷‍♂️)

A car sped down the street bumping into others and driving dangerously, inside the car was a man who had just robbed a liquor store. He was sweating profusely as he had just shot the owner of the store when he saw him reaching down, he didn't mean to but he just instinctively did it. He couldn't get caught, he needed this money but the police were right behind him and even more cars were joining them as they chased him through the city.

"You know you're a pretty terrible driver"

The man jumped as he heard a voice come from somewhere in the car, he got his gun from the passenger seat and started pointing it around "DON'T FUCKING MESS WITH ME WHO ARE YOU!!!!!" He shouted nervously as he pointed the gun around though he also had to keep an eye on the road as well.

"Maybe you'd have had a better chance getting away on a bicycle" Suddenly in the back seat Spiderman appeared with his hands behind his head. The crook cursed as he pointed his gun at him "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM MOTHERFUCKER!!!" He shouted as his hand shook "You left the window open bud, no need to shout" Spiderman said as he pointed towards the window on the right-hand side which was broken.

The crook started to panic as he knew his chances of escaping now were slim "YOU BETTER GET OUT OR-"


Spiderman covered his mouth "Oh I'm so sorry, I just thought I'd catch a few Z's while you made whatever threat you guys tend to make" he said as he crossed his arms. The crook cursed and then turned around to aim properly.

Peter felt his head buzz slightly and he shot a web at the guy's hand attaching it to the roof of the car "Did you really try to shoot me? Man I even tried the pacifist approach this time as well" he said with a sigh before kicking the man in the face knocking him out. The car started to skid and was close to crashing into the sidewalk when Peter jumped out the window and flipped off the car before attaching two webs to the back and yanking back, he grunted as he stopped the momentum of the car.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he stopped the car before it hit anything 'Usually doesn't take me that long..." he thought to himself as he looked at the car. His lifestyle was starting to affect him, this had been the fifth night he'd been on almost no sleep, he knew it wasn't healthy but there was too much to be done and so much that needed saving. Peter turned around as he saw the police pull up with their sirens blazing "Hey guys! I heard you ordered the usual, big, smelly with extra hair" he said as he pointed to the man in the driver's seat.

The cops got out of their car and pointed their weapons at Peter "Hands up!!!" They shouted which made Peter chuckle a bit "Damn, not wasting any time are you, here I thought we were in an enemies-to-lover story" he said dramatically.

However, he quickly activated his camouflage which made him seemingly disappear from everyone there, some of the newer cops opened fire which caused a chain reaction it was only when the senior officers shouted at them to stop that Peter appeared again on top of a light post "As much as I'd love to stick around I'm not that easy, see ya later fellas" he said before jumping off the pole and shooting a web-swinging down the street.

The officer in charge cursed before ordering the others to arrest the man who was still knocked out in the car. While it's true that Spiderman had been making their lives a lot easier the past year, he'd also been making them look bad in the eyes of the public which meant all of them getting chewed out by the higher-ups. So a lot of the lower-ranked cops wanted to take this Spiderman out as their work lives had become miserable ever since he came on the scene.


Peter landed on an apartment building stumbling slightly as he did, he reached into his pocket and took out his phone, one that he had made himself from the scrap that was lying around at his part-time job. It was full of useful features such as a police scanner and a GPS linked to his earpiece, he also hacked into the police database and linked it to the camera on the phone letting him get info on potential criminals. He'd had the idea to maybe hook all of this up in his suit so he didn't need to carry around his phone but he couldn't bring himself to make another suit, it would be like throwing away the last bit of Gwen he had left.

Peter shook off his thoughts before walking to the edge of the building and climbing over, he crawled down it before camouflaging himself and crawling through one of the windows. This was one of the many condemned buildings in Manhattan but it still had quite a few people that lived in it, mostly criminals but also quite a few poor people. These places were usually owned by the scum who still charged rent to the people who lived there and if they didn't pay then a couple of gangbangers come knocking, Peter had to deal with his fair share at the place he and MJ stayed at but he'd rigged up a rudimentary home security system at their place so she should be safe even if he wasn't there and she did have her taser as well.

Right now Peter was following up on a lead he'd managed to uncover, in this building a minor gang leader was set up, Peter didn't know much about the gangs of New York until he started following up on them, what he had found was a lot of the minor ones were not independent and usually served as muscle for a larger gang or even the dark arm of a corporation. Right now he was following up on a single name he had managed to find repeatedly in Tombstones files and belongings, not to mention a name mentioned constantly throughout the streets.


Peter was going crazy trying to find out any information about this infamous person, but it seemed people either weren't talking or they didn't know, and he was willing to bet on the latter since he'd hung over two dozen people over a roof by now. The gang owned the top floor of this building, and from the amount of money that had exchanged hands between them, someone must be paying them well, though for what Peter didn't know.

Peter slid in through the window and entered a long corridor, focusing his sense he could detect a large group of people in the end corridor further behind them... he wasn't sure but whatever they were felt wrong, their bio-electric signals were all over the place and they smelt wrong. At the other end of the corridor was a man sitting alone, he smelled of steel and gunpowder 'Probably just another gang member ' Peter thought to himself ignoring him and continuing towards the large group. He crawled along the ceiling before punching through one of the ceiling vents and squeezing through 'This definitely looked a lot easier in the movies' Peter thought as he pushed himself forward through the vent.

"I fuckin' whacked that muthafucka AND I took 2Gs from his wallet after" Peter heard one of the thugs say from below, a bunch of them started laughing "Bullshit man! You ain't even shot your piece before!" One of the others said as he roared in laughter "Hey yo fuck you! I be shooting bitches on the daily!" The other thug replied much to the amusement of the others "Brother you get no bitches and you expect us to believe you capping? You need to lay do the pipe" the other one said.

Peter crawled further inside finish an opening to the vent in the bathroom 'Oh god' he thought as the smell of shit assaulted his nostrils, a large 500-pound man just exited the bathroom after what Peter guessed was dropping another human-shaped shit into the toilet. He quickly climbed across the ceiling out of the bathroom and silently let himself fall to the floor, Peter walked into the living area and saw six guys all drinking and laughing together while a couple of women were passed out on the floor, they dressed were ripped and their underwear was removed 'Needle marks up their arms' Peter noted, he'd have to scan them later if they were prostitutes there's a good chance they would show up on the police database, but if they were here unwillingly then he'd need to get them out.

'Time to work'

Peter jumped and flipped over the sofa where three of the men were sitting, he shot multiple webs at them that covered their bodies and mouths, he landed on a large man who was in front of the sofa and flipped backwards while keeping his feet attached, when he released it the man was slammed against the wall with a web following shortly after sticking him on there. The other two finally started to react and immediately started to stand, Peter booted the closest one launching him across the room and into the kitchen, he hit the fridge and was instantly knocked out while he shot a web at the other guy and dragged him over before grabbing him by the throat and turning off his Camouflage, the criminals eyes widened when he saw the recognisable costume "Fuck!" He shouted.

"Please no need to be so formal, call me Spiderman," Peter said with a smirk on his face, he then threw the man against the wall and webbed him up before sending his fist right next to his face breaking through the brick wall and making the man squeal "I want to know who the Kingpin is" Peter simply said as he kept his fist next to the man's face.

He'd picked his target carefully when thinking of which of these men to interrogate, this man was the one who bragged about whatever stupid thing they were talking about so it was clear he had looser lips than the rest "L-L-L-Listen M-Man I don't know-"


"AHHHHH" The man screamed as Peter let a jolt of his Bio Electricity hit him "Don't be such a baby that was barely 1,000 volts, now come on stop wasting my time and tell me what I want to know" Peter said as he stood impatiently in front of him.

The man started to tremble "L-Listen man I ain't important enough to meet with the Big Boss, for us smaller groups he uses intermediaries to meet and give orders" the man explained while Peter listened. "What orders were you given" Peter asked he then sparked his fist with electricity when the man looked hesitant to answer "THE KIDS!" He shouted out as he saw Peter about to jolt him again.

He nodded his head to the left-hand side of the corridor "We have to keep an eye on those kids, 'cause they're all fucked up and shit!!!" He said desperately. Peter gritted his teeth before punching the wall so hard that it cracked the entire surface and also made the man scream, he wasn't angry at the man but mostly at himself, a lot of the children he'd recovered from Tombstone had been experimented on and everyone he found made him feel responsible for it, he had the chance to save them before but he let vengeance overwhelm him.

He took a deep breath and pushed it all aside "You mentioned an intermediary, who is he" Peter said as he looked at him "I think he means me" a voice said out from behind Peter, his head buzzed and he flipped sideways avoiding a shield that instead hit the man who was webbed up bisecting him. Peter landed on the table and turned to see a large man with a white cloak and metallic-looking armour, but the most distinctive feature was his white skull mask "If that's what his intermediary dresses I shudder to think what the Kingpin wears" Peter joked.

However the man wasn't amused "You'll never find out..." he said before quickly pulling a gun from his holster and firing on Peter who had already jumped off the coffee table and twisted midair avoiding all of the shots, he flipped himself over the couch with his hands and then shot a web at the gun, however to Peters surprise the man avoided it by taking out a knife and slashing at the web before Peter could yank the gun away 'What the hell is that knife made out of' he thought to himself.

But he was brought out of his thoughts when the man started shooting at him again, however, Peter easily avoided the bullets and managed to get in close swinging himself from the ceiling and kicking the man into the kitchen area, Peter then went to punch him but the man surprised him again and avoided his punch bringing out his knife and slashing Peter's arm, Peter jumped back and looked at him 'He must have powers of some kind' he thought to himself.

"What's your name" Peter asked out of simple curiosity the man stood up tall and held the knife in a reverse grip "You can call me Taskmaster" he said in a severe tone. Peter raised an eyebrow and chuckled slightly "Really? You haven't got any other name I can use" he asked.

"Not one that matters" he simply said before charging at Peter again, he slashed at him with his knife which Peter easily avoided, Peter then side-flipped and extended his leg into a kick. Shocking him once again, Taskmaster managed to avoid Peter's attack by doing the same connecting his foot with Peter's chest after flipping and sending him back into the living room.

Peter's senses went off like crazy as a hail of gunfire followed, he managed to push himself off the ground and avoid most of it but not the two bullets that managed to lodge themselves into his thigh and shoulder. Peter camouflaged himself and jumped up on the ceiling, when Taskmaster came into the room he looked around and then went to retrieve his shield, Peter went to sneak up on him but as he did his spider-sense went off again "That won't work!" Taskmaster shouted as he threw his shield at the ceiling where Peter was. Peter let go of the ceiling and let himself fall but was caught midair when Taskmaster ran and tackled him to the ground, he brought his knife up and into Peter's shoulder, Peter grunted before shooting a web at the ceiling and pulling them both up and flipping their positions midair and kicking him back down to the ground.

Peter landed and picked up Taskmaster by his armour he went to throw a punch but the man shifted himself and used a judo move to get out of Peter's grip, he then tried to elbow Peter in the face but failed when Peter caught it and then pulled him around throwing him at the wall, Taskmaster rolled his shoulders "I didn't think we'd meet so soon, I wasn't ready for you... but I will be" he said before reaching behind and pulling the pin out of a grenade and throwing it towards the goons in the living room. Peter's eyes widened and he immediately jumped toward it webbing it as he did, he then grabbed it and threw it towards the window, but it exploded before it could reach and sent him through the wall and into the corridor.

Peter sighed as he pushed himself up "I wish I had a skull mask" he said to himself aloud as he walked down the corridor to the door at the end, as he walked inside he had to stop himself from gagging the entire room was filled with cages and in them were children, though they all looked half dead. One of them seemed to be vibrating at super speeds while another was growing and peeling his skin at an accelerated rate, this was the result of failed attempts to unlock the x-gene, having it partially active will give you a mutant ability without the biological safety mechanisms in place to protect you.

Peter saw a girl maybe around six years old surrounded by blue electricity, her hair standing from the static, and her skin was covered in burns. Peter walked up to her 'Even if I can only help one' he thought to himself as he grabbed the girl's hand and started siphoning off the electricity. Peter was overwhelmed at the amount she was producing and theorised that a limiter must not have been developed when they attempted to activate her gene. Eventually, he managed to siphon it all off which made him feel as if he was brimming with power, he reached into his back pocket and grabbed his phone and dialled a number.


"Hey Professor it's me, I have another group, I'll send you the location now"

"We shall be there soon... Thank you, Spiderman"

Peter hung up the phone and stood up before heading out of the room, he swept the rest of the house for any other evidence but he came up short, it seemed that his only lead now was this Taskmaster, hopefully, he could find him again. Peter went to a window and jumped out before the Professor and his 'squad' arrived.


Peter jumped in through the window of his apartment immediately throwing his mask off onto the sofa and heading to the fridge, he grabbed the carton of milk and drank deeply sighing in contentment as he did "Rough day?" MJ asked from the couch as she was sitting down reading a book, Peter nodded as he put the milk back in the fridge and closed the door. He then headed towards the couch and slumped on it "You have no idea..." he said as he leaned his head back.

MJ grabbed his arm and pulled him down so his head was on her thighs and he was lying down "Well since you've been working so hard I won't even shout at you about the two bullet holes and burns on your body" she said in a sweet but stern voice. Peter smiled "Thanks MJ you're the best" he said tiredly.

MJ rolled her eyes "Just rest now Pete" she said as she stroked his hair, Peter nodded "Don't...let me sleep... too long... need to get back out there" he said as he slowly drifted off. MJ just sat with him and stroked his head as he slept "New York can handle one night without Spiderman" she whispered.

(AN: So introducing you to Taskmaster, who in this works for Kingpin, which honestly isn't too unusual I mean he does like money. Anyway I'm thinking I need to buff him slightly as Peter outclasses him in a lot of ways, however in the comics Tsskmaster beat Miles who was inexperienced at the time so I'll see what I can come up with)

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