
Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Peter Parker is 13 years old and is enjoying life with his friends but after a trip to Oscorp he discovers he has powers , how will he use them. Made a younger and more immature Peter he will go down a darker road than he originally did due to his own hubris and arrogance.

TheManUnderTheBed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Desperate Times

(A Week Later)

Gwen and Ned approached the warehouse where Peter had set up his rudimentary lab, They had not seen him at all this week and he hadn't picked up any of their calls, needless to say, they were both worried about him. Gwen had managed to get through to Aunt May and she explained what had happened and suddenly it all made sense. They hoped they'd be able to find Peter here, he was a good friend of theirs and they didn't want him to suffer through something like this alone.




They heard the sound of something impacting metal as they drew closer towards the warehouse, when they turned a corner they saw Peter he looked terrible, he had been crying and he was currently punching a broken-down van with all his might completely disfiguring it. Gwen ran over towards him "Peter!"

Though her words didn't reach him and he still kept punching tears falling down his face at each impact, Gwen grabbed him from behind tightly and resisted when he tried to shake her off "Let go of me!" He shouted weakly but she shook her head and refused.

"Never," she said to him as she held on tightly, he went to reach around from behind to grab her but he was assaulted from the front when Ned hugged him as well "We're here Peter," he said to him with a sad smile. Finally, Peter broke down and started crying allowing them to hug him and be there for their best friend.

Peter had been at his wits end for a week, they weren't allowed to see Uncle Ben and only got updates from the doctor who was treating him, though it was never good news. He had tried to stay strong for Aunt May who was taking it worse than he was but knowing his friends had come for him and cared so much finally got him to break down and let out everything he had been keeping inside for so long, so he wept and he wept, for how long he didn't know but he knew his friends would be there as long as it took.


Peter wiped his eyes as he sat on a sofa that was in the abandoned warehouse "Thanks guys, I'm sorry I kinda lost my head back there" he said as he smiled at the two of them.

Gwen held his hand tighter and shook her head "Don't be silly you'd do the same for us in a heartbeat" she replied

Ned nods his head in agreement "We're best friends, always there for each other right? The Three Amigos" he said making Peter crack a smile.

Gwen smiles as well before leaning her head onto him "How is your uncle doing?" She asked finally addressing the elephant in the room.

Peter felt the smile drain from his face as he sighed "It's not good, his medical insurance barely covers the stay and treatment he has, the doctors have said he needs complex neurosurgery and afterwards he'd need to be on medication for at least a year"

Gwen and Ned both wince as they know that the Parkers aren't in the best place financially so something as expensive as this could ruin them "Aunt May is already talking with the bank about getting a second mortgage... I just feel so useless" Peter said as he put his head in his hands.

Ned put his arm on Peter's back "Peter you're just a kid, you can't put this on yourself"

"I'm not just a kid though!" Peter said as he stood up and started pacing.

"I know I can help, I know I can do something!" He exclaims while he walks.

"Pete I know you're not exactly a normal teenager but how exactly are you going to make a difference," Gwen asked

Peter stopped pacing and looked at his girlfriend and best friend "I didn't tell you this before because I felt ashamed of myself... but remember when I saved MJ from those thugs?" They both nodded their heads

"What I didn't tell you was that they had a big wad of cash on them and... I took it" he said with a slight wince.


"Is that how you got the new PC?"

They both said at the same time, Gwen then looked at Ned and glared at him making him zip his mouth, she then looked back to Peter "Peter you can't just take someone's money, especially from people like them, it should be turned into the police, money is an important piece of evidence" she explained sternly.

"I know Gwen I know but I just thought it could help out at home you know, it sucks so much seeing Aunt May and Uncle Ben working themselves ragged" Peter replied as he sat back down. Gwen rubbed his back in understanding, while she didn't entirely agree she at least understood that it wasn't done out of greed, but because he cared greatly for his family.

"I need your help... I am gonna start doing what I did a couple of weeks ago again, but I won't be able to explain where the money comes from" Peter explained and looked towards Ned.

"Ned, is there any way we can get the money to my uncle?" He asked pleadingly.

Ned didn't have as much of a problem with what Peter did as Gwen so he immediately started thinking about how to launder any of the stolen money that Peter acquired "I could set up a fake charity and we could split the cash into anonymous donations and then pay for your uncle's treatment through them"

Peter nodded his head "Could you do it?" He asked

Ned looked at Peter and smiled "Of course Peter anything you need" he said clapping him on the shoulder as he stood up and walked to the PC that was on the otherwise of the warehouse.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back on the sofa, he looked towards Gwen and noticed a small frown on her face "I don't like it Peter but I don't want your Uncle to die, I'll do anything you need me to do" she said with a small smile

"Start getting information on the different gangs in New York, If we hit all of them they'll have a tougher time catching onto us" Peter replied and Gwen nodded her head.

As for Peter, he started getting dressed, he had bought himself a balaclava to cover his face as he couldn't trust his hood not to come off. He put on his outfit and attached his web shooters, he was determined to do whatever it took to save his uncle.


(Two Weeks Later)

As Peter Parker swung through the dimly lit streets of New York, his senses acutely tuned to the unfolding chaos below, he witnessed a harrowing scene. Five thugs, their faces twisted with malice, surrounded a trembling couple. Determination etched on his face, Peter activated his web-shooters and descended upon them, ready for the brutal and bloody confrontation that awaited.

With silent determination, Peter engaged the thugs. The ensuing battle was a visceral display of combat prowess. His agility and reflexes proved invaluable as he skillfully evaded the thugs' furious attacks, narrowly dodging a swinging pipe that gleamed menacingly in the dim light.

The thugs, fueled by panic and rage, shouted menacing threats and curses. "You think you can stop us, you freak?" one of them bellowed as he swung a chain. Another yelled, "This is our territory, and we'll get you for interfering!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Peter struck back with relentless brutality. He executed a swift cartwheel, evading a charging thug, and unleashed a savage roundhouse kick that shattered his opponent's jaw. Amidst the chaos, the thugs' desperate threats grew louder. "Get him! Don't let him walk away from this!"

One thug brandished a knife, but Peter's movements were too swift to anticipate. He disarmed the thug with a ruthless twist, using the hilt to deliver a brutal blow that splattered blood across the pavement. The thugs' taunts turned into horrified cries as they saw their comrade crumple to the ground, clutching a gushing wound.

As the remaining thugs attempted to flee, Peter's webbing shot out like a sinister net, ensnaring them and dragging them to the ground with bone-cracking force. The scene was now a gruesome tableau of pain and defeat, with blood spattered on the pavement and the thugs incapacitated, some writhing in agony.

Peter turned his attention to the trembling couple, offering them a reassuring nod, their ordeal finally over. He then knelt and started going through their pockets and taking any money they had. Between the five of them, they had around $800 which wasn't too bad but it was slim pickings, he'd barely been making anything just patrolling the streets and attacking the different gangs, he needed to do something else because this wasn't working. He sighed as he put the money into the backpack he had on him.

"Hey Pete can you hear me" he heard Ned say into an earpiece that he had, It was something that he had been developing at home because he thought it would be cool if all three of them had one in school. Peter had to admit it was pretty cool and useful, especially since it let Ned track him and direct police to his location.

Peter jumped and zipped up to the roof "Yeah Ned I hear you" he replied as he ran across the building before jumping off.

"How did it go? Score big?" He asked though the sigh in Peter's voice was more than enough to answer him.

"I've made about $2,000 tonight" Peter replied.

"That's not too bad, you've had worse nights," Ned said encouragingly.

"I know but it's still not enough, the second mortgage is being processed and soon we're going to be up to our eyes in debt, and even then we won't be able to afford the medication for when he gets out of surgery" Peter stated with gritted teeth as he swung through the streets of New York looking for any crimes in progress.

He heard Ned sigh through the other end of the line "Listen... Gwen will kill me for telling you this but we have something, she thought it was too dangerous and you could get hurt, but we found a drug den up in Harlem, there should be at least a few thousand stashed there"

Peter found himself getting hopeful "Give me the address! Tell Gwen not to worry, if it's too dangerous I won't do anything"

"Pfffft like hell I'm telling her that woman scares the hell out of me, The most you'll get out of me is the address," Ned said through the earpiece, making Peter chuckle.


Peter Parker landed silently on the fire escape of the apartment building, cautiously eyeing the address that Ned had provided. The exterior did not indicate the chaos that might be brewing within, but Peter knew better than to trust appearances. With deliberate steps, he scaled the wall, his fingers finding purchase on the rough surface.

The building was an enigma, designed to conceal its secrets. As he drew closer to the window, he noticed the lack of sound, the unmistakable hush that implied soundproofing. But he did feel vibrations through the wall which led him to believe something loud was playing.

With a sense of determination, he approached the window, his movements purposeful and methodical. Peering inside, he saw an empty bathroom, the faintest flicker of hope that this mission might proceed without incident. Peter quietly pushed the window open, slipping inside.

However, as he prepared to regain his footing on the ceiling, the door swung open abruptly, emitting a sharp creak that reverberated through the silent apartment. A man stood before him, shock painted across his face, and he let out a startled yell that shattered the stillness. Peter's reaction was swift, a muttered curse escaping his lips as he assessed the situation and braced for what came next.

In the dimly lit hallway outside the bathroom, Peter locked eyes with the man. The man dishevelled and caught off guard, stammered as he stumbled backwards, searching for words in his panic. "Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?" he finally managed to blurt out, his voice tinged with fear and anger.

Peter's slightly panicked face turned into a frown "Fuck it," he said before punching the man straight in the face and launching him straight down the hallway.

In the dimly lit drug den, chaos erupted like a storm unleashed. The thumping music provided a discordant backdrop to the impending battle as the room transformed into a brutal battleground. The man Peter had punched earlier writhed in pain in the hallway, his moans barely audible over the music's relentless bass.

The room's occupants, a gang of ruthless thugs, reacted with a mix of fury and panic. Swearing and shouting curses, they drew weapons and unleashed a barrage of gunfire. Bullets tore through the air, leaving trails of destruction as they struck walls and furniture. Peter's instincts kicked into overdrive as he somersaulted and darted through the room, dodging bullets with calculated precision.

Amidst the chaos, the thugs closed in on Peter, their faces contorted with anger and determination. "Get the bastard!" one of them roared, spittle flying from his mouth as he squeezed the trigger. Bullets whizzed past Peter, narrowly missing their mark. The scent of gunpowder hung thick in the air, and the room felt like a pressure cooker about to explode.

With acrobatic finesse, Peter lunged forward, his fist connecting with the face of the nearest thug. Bones crunched, and blood sprayed from the man's shattered nose. "You think you can stop us, you piece of shit?" another thug snarled as he swung a metal pipe. He ducked just in time, the pipe whistling harmlessly past his head.

Peter's retaliation was swift and brutal. His fists struck like sledgehammers, delivering blows that sent thugs sprawling. Bones snapped, and blood splattered across the grimy floor. Each strike was a testament to his unyielding resolve, a stark reminder that justice would not be denied.

But Peter was not unscathed. Bullets tore through his costume, grazing his flesh and leaving painful wounds. Gritting his teeth against the searing pain, he pressed on, his movements fueled by a righteous fury that burned like a white-hot fire.

The fight continued unabated, a relentless dance of violence that spilt beyond the confines of the drug den. Peter ran through the apartment building, dodging bullets and ducking into rooms, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. Thugs pursued him, their curses and threats echoing in the narrow hallways.

With adrenaline surging through his veins, Peter continued to fight his way through the apartment building, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. The dimly lit hallways echoed with shouts, curses, and the unmistakable sounds of violence. The thugs pursued him relentlessly, their desperation matched only by their anger.

Peter's movements were a blur of ferocity. He ducked into rooms, using every piece of furniture as cover, disarming and incapacitating thugs with ruthless efficiency. Every punch and kick he delivered was a symphony of pain, bones cracking and blood splattering.

In one room, Peter found himself outnumbered, with three thugs closing in. They lunged at him simultaneously, but he met their assault with unyielding brutality. He ducked under a swinging bat, breaking its wielder's arm with a brutal twist. Simultaneously, he used a nearby table as an improvised weapon, smashing it into another thug's face with bone-crushing force. The third thug received a powerful knee to the gut, doubling him over in agony.

As Peter continued his relentless advance, his costume bore the gruesome evidence of the battle. Bullet holes and bloodstains marred the once-vibrant red and blue. His face was a mask of determination, smeared with dirt and the blood of his adversaries.

The situation grew even more dire as reinforcements arrived, armed with heavier weaponry. Guns roared, and bullets whizzed past Peter, finding their mark in the walls and floors. One bullet grazed his arm, leaving a bloody gash, and making him grunt in pain.

As the thundering giant of a thug, over 7 feet tall and built like a mountain, charged at Peter, the room seemed to tremble with his footsteps. Peter braced himself for impact as the behemoth crashed into him. The force sent them crashing through the wall and into the apartment block hallway, the drywall shattering around them.

Despite his enhanced durability, Peter winced as he felt the collision's impact resonating through his body, exacerbating the bullets and cuts he'd already accumulated.

With the mountain of a man looming over him, Peter knew he had to act swiftly. As the giant's massive fist descended, Peter caught it mid-air, the thug's eyes widening in shock.

With a surge of strength, Peter shifted the balance, twisting the giant's arm and delivering a crushing dropkick to his chest. The colossal thug hurtled backwards, crashing into the bannisters of the stairs. The building seemed to shake as he tumbled down several steps, his roars of anger reverberating through the hallway.

Peter wasn't about to give his opponent a moment's respite. As the thug struggled to regain his footing, Peter swiftly activated his web shooters, firing streams of adhesive webbing that wrapped around the giant's legs. With a yank, he sent the behemoth sprawling down the stairs, the thug's massive frame colliding with the unforgiving steps.

The fight raged on, and Peter used every resource at his disposal. He picked up a discarded chair, swinging it like a weapon, smashing it into another thug's face, sending him sprawling. Another web line shot out, ensnaring an assailant's arm, allowing Peter to disarm him with a swift twist.

Eventually, Peter managed to knock out or scare off the people in the Drug Den, so he started searching the house for the stash and eventually, he found a safe under the bed 'Pretty bad hiding spot' he thought to himself as he picked up the safe and ripped the door off. His eyes widened as inside was a bunch of cash, he immediately started transferring it into his bag, he had to hurry a little bit as he could hear the sirens from the police getting closer. Which wasn't too surprising considering the damage they'd done, though at least this Drug Den couldn't be used anymore.

After stuffing his backpack full of money he runs to the window and jumps out swinging away into the night, his whole body is throbbing with pain and it's not long before he lands on a building and checks himself for wounds. A few bullets had managed to hit him and he was finally feeling the pain now that the adrenaline had dissipated.

"Peter you there? Did it go okay?" Ned asked as he called Peter through the headset.

Peter groaned slightly "I'm a little injured but it was worth it," he said through clenched teeth.

"How much did you find!" He asked excitedly

"I counted at least $100,000," Peter said with enthusiasm, or at least he tried to be enthusiastic but the pain was really gnawing at him.

"Oh Hot Damn! That's what I'm talking about!" Ned shouted through the headset.

However, he seemed to come back to himself when he remembered Peter had mentioned he was injured "Are you okay though Peter? It's nothing serious right?"

"No just a few bruises and scrapes" he lied, he had no choice because he couldn't stop now, not when he found such a good alternative to picking up thugs on the street.

"Listen Ned I'm going to call it a night and get some rest, Thank Gwen for me will you" Peter said as he hung up. He hit onto his sleeve before digging his fingers into his shoulder and taking out the bullet. He did the same thing for the one in his arm and leg, it hurt like a bitch but he had to do it. He couldn't put much pressure on his left leg but it didn't matter as he was going to swing home.

'Just a few more scores like this and we'll be okay' Peter thought to himself as he pushed himself over the edge of the building shooting a web and swinging away.


Nick was coming very close to shitting himself, he'd been called in by the boss to explain why one of his Drug Dens had suddenly been raided by the police since he was the only one who managed to make it out and not get caught by the police.

"The Boss will see you now," A woman said as she opened the door to an office, They were currently in a warehouse where they were storing 'product' and so the Boss had set himself up there.

Nick walked in and was greeted with the sight of a nearly seven-foot-tall man with a bald head and pale white skin he wore a suit that almost looked comical on his large frame "Nicholas, I'm glad you made time in your day to visit me" he said in a soft deep voice.

"O-Of course Boss I'm here whenever you need me," Nick said nervously as he walked to the desk where the man was sitting.

The large pale man gestured for him to take a seat and so he did "Now Nicholas please, inform me as to why one of my businesses seems to have gone under" he asked as tapped his large fingers on the table.

The sound of wood being pounded beneath his thick fingers sent shivers through Nick's spine "W-Well Boss things were normal at first ya know, we were partying having fun, dealing and shit, I needed to take a piss but when I opened the door to the Bathroom some guy wearing a balaclava and dressed in black was standing there, I ask him who he is and he just knocks me the fuck out" He explained while the Boss just watched him.

"By the time I woke up the joint was fucked up and the cops were almost on my ass so I ran" He continued.

"I see... thank you Nicholas for informing me of this... person," He said as he stood up and went to a window in his office that overlooked the warehouse floor.

"Come, Nicholas, there's something I want you to see," he said, Nick feeling he had no say in the matter got up immediately and walked to his side.

"Tell me what you see here..." he asked as they both looked down to the warehouse.

Nick looked and all he could see were various cages that had been set up, and in each of them were children ranging from 5-16 "A bunch of kids, in cages?" He stated though it seems more like a question b

The boss shook his head "No Nicholas, this is 'Product', Now look over by the door and tell me what you see"

Nick followed the Bosses command and looked over to the door and saw two fierce-looking men with guns and Kevlar vests "Enforcers?" He stated once again in a questioning way.

"Almost, but no they are brave and loyal soldiers ready to defend my product to the death" He explained

"They have spines to do what they do, Tell me Nicholas do you have a spine?" He asked as he looked down at Nick with an emotionless stare.

Nick felt himself start to tremble uncontrollably at the boss's gaze "Y-Yes boss o-of course" he stuttered.

"Then where is my product, Nicholas? Where is my money?" The Boss asked.

Nick feels his trembling get worse "You s-see I-It's complicated I-" but he can't finish as the large man grabs him by the head and yanks upward while keeping his other hand on his shoulder. As if he was doing a magic trick the Boss ripped the man's head off and his spine along with it. Nick didn't even have enough time to scream and only a look of confusion could be seen etched onto his face.

"It seems you did have a spine, though it seems weak," The Boss said before tossing it to the ground and using a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his hands. He then sits back down on his desk and sighs, thinking about this new player that seems to have appeared.

"Mr Lincoln, I have Fisk for you on line one," A woman said through the phone on his desk.

"Thank you Darlia put him through"

(AN: So the first villain has been introduced finally, tbh I went through a lot of trouble deciding the first major villain, I went back and forth between Kingpin, Taskmaster, Electro, but decided on Tombstone, he's a big enough threat for Peter now especially since his powers are still developing plus this is the prologue arc so Tombstone is better than wasting a cooler villain like taskmaster)

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