
Being reborn in Harry Potter

When I died and had an audience with god, I knew that not only good people get second chances, for even bad people have a role in life, which he now gave me in the world of Harry Potter to fulfill my role which is to be myself and make everyone dance in the palm of my hand. This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Azeneth2523 · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter Nine - School

Narcissa and I talked for another hour about confidentiality agreements. There was also the fact that I didn't trust her and I didn't know whether to hold her to an unbreakable contract or a magical oath, but I decided I would give her a chance as I think I was getting too paranoid, although that was because Kled accidentally kidnapped a government spy and made me sharper on the trust issue.

Now back to the subject of school, which she seemed reluctant to do, after all, I was doing it as a test for her to humiliate her and see if she would help me, since what could I do to see how willing she was to help me, my answer was to get her to act like a muggle that magical snobs despise so much.

So, with the meeting over, we agreed to go to school when I informed her of the right time, as I still hadn't found a certain four-eyed boy. Another thing was that we would go shopping for muggle clothes, but she said she had muggle clothes that she wore once when she needed to wear them in a quidditch world cup, so I didn't bother telling her what to wear and with that we said goodbye.

- "Finally" - I sighed as this meeting took a long time and released Tristana and Poppy's transfigurations.

- "Do you need us to do anything for you, Master Black?" - Asked Lulu still on my lap who had been watching Narcissa the whole time in case she used Legilimency on me, after all, even though I was learning Occlumency quickly, I was still no match for the Legilimency experts.

- "Make me a nice snack while I go take a shower," - I told her and put her down to go to the bathroom.


It was already Monday and I was getting ready to go to Muggle schools with Narcissa. It had been a year since I had decided to do this and it was to look specifically for two people. The first was Hermione Granger, she was somewhat easy for Kled to find as all he had to do was search the muggle elementary schools and find the girl which I showed him with my shape-shifting ability. It did take a while to find her as there were so many of them, but not too long as he used apparition in all cases.

The problem was finding Harry Potter. Even though I knew where Private Drive 4 was, he had this blood spell that prevented me from finding him, and since I didn't exactly have good intentions to deal with him, finding his exact location was pretty impossible, so we waited until he went to school, so we had to use the same method we used with Hermione and go from school to school to find him.

So when Kled confirmed that the two children had already started classes, I decided to sign up to start my plan with them.

- "Master Black, Narcissa is already here" - Kled came with Narcissa following him.

- "Good." - I nodded and adjusted the tie of my black dinner jacket and turned to look at her - "...." - I looked her up and down about three times.

- "Good morning, Lord Azrael, are you ready to leave?" - She asked me and I looked back at her. - "What's the matter, is my fancy Muggle clothes?"

- "...ah..." - Again I didn't say anything when she asked me that - "I think we have a different definition of Muggle clothes, Narcissa."

- "What's wrong with my Muggle clothes, isn't that how Muggle women dress these days, though I must say it's a bit indecent if you ask me," - She said looking at her backside as she turned and I patted my forehead.

She was currently wearing a tight latex skirt, knee-high shoes, and a tight top with cleavage that left her midriff free. She looked great in those clothes, not to mention more beautiful and younger than I remembered from the movie, not to mention blonde, but since I was still a kid, I didn't react to knowing she was beautiful.

- "You know, I would love to say yes to you and see everyone's reactions to seeing you wearing those clothes with me. But no, Narcissa, that's not formal wear. It's more like something a prostitute would wear," - I told her and she made a horrified face when she heard she was wearing prostitute clothes, - "and I don't even want to think about what Lucius or Draco wore hahaha. Ahem, anyway, who told you that those were fancy dress clothes?"

- "I did my research and found out that a lot of beautiful women wear these," - She said, frowning at the mistake.

- "Yes, in a whorehouse for sure, and how highly you think of yourself as a beautiful woman. Anyway, Kled, get Narcissa some of Natasha's muggle gala clothes, I think they'll fit her size," - I said and she nodded gratefully that she was no longer dressed like a prostitute, not to mention that she was about to go out in public dressed like that.

- "Master Black" - Spoke Lulu approaching me with a little girl's black dress - "Weren't you going to wear this for the first school?"

- "That's right..."

Narcissa and I were driving in a silver Porsche 993 turbo that Narcissa was driving. She had learned about car driving after I stole some memories from a little-known professional racer through legilimency, she was also practicing after using the Imperius to teach her how to drive. All by my order as it was an order from the future Lord and as she needed my help, she decided to learn what she needed to learn to help me.

The amusing thing was that she was quite excited to drive again and was looking for any excuse to drive the car. Apparently, Narcissa had discovered her great fondness for speed. When I asked her, she blushed a little and then mentioned that when she was a child she was interested in quidditch, although she never played for reasons she wouldn't tell me. But apparently, the car turned out to be something very cool and something she enjoyed, or at least that's what her little smile and her eyes twinkled with excitement as she drove indicated to me.

- "Son, why exactly do you want to go to a Muggle school, if Walburga finds out, she will come back from the dead to torture us both," - Narcissa mentioned, still reluctant to Azrael's plan, which she started calling him son just to keep her profile as a mother. She too had undergone a few changes, the first was her black hair and her eyes were now green instead of blue. Her clothes were now a dark green bodycon dress with a wide black belt around her waist emphasizing her good figure, thin-heeled shoes, and a silver necklace with emeralds - "and why especially two?"

- "Call me, daughter, remember I will go as a girl to this school. And to answer your question, I have discovered that there is a girl with very big potential and that she has magic, my goal is not to go to study exactly, but to deal with this muggle girl and... influence her a bit" - I told her and she gave me a sidelong glance without taking her eyes off the front.

- "But she's a mudblood, what could you possibly get out of her?" - She asked with a frown. She disliked mudblood and could barely stand half-bloods, but for some reason, Azrael wanted to deal with them and she didn't know why.

- "First of all, she's very smart and from what I'm told, she's a lonely bookworm." - 'That and the fact that she has the supporting heroine plot armor' - I thought the latter.

After all, I knew that, as fate would have it, she would one way or another get ahead because that's how it's written, but it doesn't say how she will thrive, and if I can influence her, then she can thrive as a good subordinate.

- "That means she'll be a Ravenclaw, why would you bother with someone who will probably spend all her time in the library and her house's common room?" - She ask, still unable to find a reason why I needed her.

- "That's none of your business, Narcissa, I mean, Mum. The point is that I plan to make her a fearful, fearful girl, but with a great desire for self-improvement and ambition," - I told her and she nodded.

- "But if you do that... she's going to end up in Slytherin. That girl's life will be shattered by the time she gets to the third year, and I don't think she'll make it to the fourth year in one piece with her chastity intact, she'll probably kill herself for everything they'll do to her there and it won't be pretty," - She said, already knowing what would happen to a mudblood in Slytherin.

- "I know, after all, what happens in Slytherin, stays in Slytherin. But that's what I'll take care of. I'm not going to go out of my way to get my hands on her just to leave her to her fate in a snake pit, I'm not an idiot, Mum."

- "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that, I was just letting you know how Slytherin works."

- "It doesn't matter," - I said.

- "And why are you going as a girl and not as a boy?" - She asked coming back to that point.

- "Simple, because I'm not going to bully a girl as a boy, that will look bad and it will be even more trouble for me" - I told her and she didn't understand.

- "And does it matter, if she goes to Slytherin, it won't matter if she's a woman, the boys there will make her life miserable regardless of her gender, in fact, she'll even motivate them on a caprice" - She told me without really understanding the gender difference.

- "You should just know that in the muggle world, it's more complicated the gender difference itself, so don't give so many turns, not to mention that harassing a girl is not my style, but I have to do it, oh and if you tell anyone about me being a metamorphmagus, you'll regret it" - I told her coldly and she nodded quickly to my threat. Then we stood in silence until we reached the school.

Narcissa and I got out of the car as we received stares both for the car and for our appearances and clothing.

When we arrived at the headmistress's office, Narcissa luxuriously took care of my transfer to the school where Hermione was attending. She also easily arranged for my attendance two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday only. It was easy for Narcissa to arrange this as her persuasion skills were impeccable, and if it didn't work, then money would do it, which we didn't need to use.

- "Tks, I don't understand how you can stand to be among these ignorant muggles," - Narcissa grumbled, avoiding looking at the students watching her.

- "Says the one who almost came dressed as a prostitute thinking it was a ball gown" - She frowned, but didn't dare say anything to me - "and from what you said, simple. Dealing with children will be as easy as breathing for me"

As we walked, I looked around at the classrooms where the students were, but it wasn't until I got to the first years that I saw a girl with bushy hair. - 'No buck teeth and giant glasses? cool, it's Emma Watson!' - I sighed relaxed when I noticed it was her and not the one in the book, I had been worried when I saw that Narcissa was like the one in the book and not the film, but I guess here are the best versions of both of them.

- "Daughter?" - Narcissa asked when she saw me smiling and I shook my head.

- "Nothing, now let's go to the second school, then let's go back home" - I told her and she nodded.


Monday, November 1st, Harry Potter's muggle school, first-year classroom.

I walked in and looked at all the kids in every part of the room. Obviously, they were all watching me and I quickly found two kids specifically that I knew, the first was Harry's cousin, whose name I don't care, and then there was Harry himself, which when we exchanged glances he quickly lowered shyly.

'We meet at last... Harry Potter.'

- "Hello everyone, my name is Azrael Black. I don't expect anything from you, so don't expect anything from me. I'm not looking for friends and I'm not interested in having them either, so I hope you don't mess with me, or you'll regret it..." - When I finished my introduction, the whole place fell silent, even the teacher's mouth dropped open at my introduction - "What?"