
Being overpowered is boring in another world

After crossing 4 words, original, naruto, bleach and dbz, our MC is finally in final world dxd. Since his V card intact all along, he will live a life of his own... But the problem is there is no problem and what is better then messing with story. Warning: Extremely boring MC as he will follow story with little changes. Also it is pure wish fulfillment story and boring one on that. Also I will only follow story till 4th season of dxd and then he will go back to previous worlds for sometime. I write all this nonsense I dont know why. Story will be slow till like 30 Chapters so you can skip it. if you have time then read. Who am i kidding, of course your are bunch of free lads. And i dont owe anything blah blah English is not my first language blah Also, this is for pure entertainment purpose. I mean little comedy like. For most of fics, MCs were like, oh I get system, I will become stronger and do whatever I want or I will protect my family or other chiche bs. I hate that now that's why I made MC Op. Btw no nerfing. All he will do is to play. Please support me here https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 66 Sh*tty Crossover

"You went overboard this time you know?" Akeno says to me. Currently, she is with me in my bed along with Kuroka to my side. Today was my bad day since I went little above the water when I decided to teach some senses to Rias. I thought she will hate me and will keep some distance if she was stupid but I was downgrading her more and I thought that I was unfair.

So I decided to finally push her on edge. I can only do so that by letting her experience death. Devils, angels, and fallen angels don't have souls so they can't be reincarnated. Since if that was the case then devils or angels would have already revived their gods and other leaders with help of Sephiroth Grall, a sacred gear possess the power to revive the dead. They had lived from devouring the souls of others and live forever. So that's why devils still have that arrogant air in their blood despite living in a different environment now.

Humans changed themselves throughout different evolutions which took millions of years but devils are living like any other race and changed their views like 500 years ago. For an immortal race like them, that time is like another month. Do you think they would change in such a short time? No. The only reason new devil factions were made was to avoid the total extinction of their race and adopt a new way of living like humans and stop devouring souls. What an ironic fate, so powerful yet so pitiful.

This is all the information that I gained from Cleria and my mom. They may not look like it but both of them are 150 years old and possess deep knowledge about the supernatural. Damn, they are older than even me!

Now, what this all this shit have anything to do with what I have done today? It simple I wanted to test Rias whether she will choose a path to compromise with bowing your head, shattering your pride, and ask for forgiveness from Issei and the rest of the peerage, or she will be stubborn down to the core and use force against me like using the power of her brother. But all it ended well at cost of 3 chapters.

"Yeah, I will apologize to her. I think I went a little far with that. I don't know why I feel irritated with her. If you view at a standard point then I am more at fault than her. I, who also manipulated people, would be more of a sinner in that regard." I say to them.

Dealing with Madara and black Zetsu to let them revive. Aizen and his tools, or letting go of Freeza and Cooler so that story could be followed. I have always done playing with both sides to achieve my goals. But I don't think much of it even when many people lost their lives in the process because you can't fix everything without sacrificing anything.

"Now don't start with this again nya. We both believed you have a good reason for your action. Your action may cruel, but it did help her strengthen her bond with her peerage. Rias took care of my sister so I am also grateful to her nya" Kuroka says while gently caressing my stomach but I knew that her aim is my dragon.

"Fufu~ darling, have some little faith in Rias. She may not be intellectual like Sona or you but she cares deeply for us. I am glad that she opened up to us and talked with us. She usually held her pride even with us but now I can see that she shares her feeling with us. I am really grateful for you since she will change for good." Akeno says kissing me on the cheek.

"Speaking of today, Kuroka, you are the one who lends that rope to Akeno, didn't you?" I ask this silly black cat who started sweating hearing this. Akeno also looks away.

"Tehee~ Ake-chan asked for something to tie you up since she also wanted to play with you. Then I give her that rope which we used in role-play nya." Kuroka says with cutely tilting her head. That rope is a Divine weapon that could even pull Earth and won't get cut. I, ahem, didn't make this so that I can play with Kuroka in our night activities. Definitely not!

"Darling let's forget that... part okay..?" Akeno says breathing heavily. I knew she likes to be punished.

"Since if that's the case then!." I say and in the next moment, two silly girls appeared on my bed with their libs tide erotically.

(An: what's this skill called it again?)

"Wha..?" They are shocked to see how skillful I am in this kind of this. Well, it is my first time doing this since I recently masted this technique but never used it.

"W-we can talk things out nyah..." Kuroka says because, in our 'fight', she doesn't like to be dominated.

"Yes. Untie.. hah... Us hah..." Akeno says with a red face and trying to act intimidating. Someone is enjoying it when the play didn't even start.

"It's no use. I will make sure to pay you back with ten times hahaha!" I laughed like a demon king ready to devour these maidens.

"~Noooo~" both of them moaned in the pleasure that day and I discovered my another fetish.


I am now walking around the town. Basically, mom asked me to walk around the town and enjoy nature since I usually rest at home lying around. She is also lazy like me but sometimes, she gets the urge to be a good parent and asked me to do different kinds of things like buying groceries and shopping, etc.

"Mr. Yukio, how are you feeling after getting back your role as the narrator in this story after 3 chapters?" The one who asks is the white-haired boy walking with me. He is Tet another lazy dude like me.

"Don't know, how are you feeling after finally getting screen time?" I smirk.

"Bastard! Now I know how Krillin must have felt." Tet says then looks down.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" I say with a smirk.

"Who asked you to be this overpowered? I don't have any purpose with you here."

"Haha! I am the same as you since I don't have to go through this 'getting stronger' cliche. First I thought I would finally be free from all of this but now it's getting boring." I say. Hah... It's boring when you are this overpowered. I get why Gods like to meddle with mortals with this world because they have nothing else better to do and that's what I am doing.

I caress Tet's hair and he let me do. I still don't know that guardian thing but I still love him like my son or friend. Well, he is born from my soul so this feeling is genuine.

"Look something is going in that car over there," Tet says pointing at a car parked near the river bank. This is usually the place for romantic couples to spend their time here in most of the mangas.

I also see that car. In it, there are two people, one is a boy and another is... a girl... I suppose? I don't know since we are pretty far that normal people couldn't see from with naked eyes.

The blonde girl is enjoying ice cream which the other boy who is enjoying the view in this warm weather. Then suddenly my instincts tell me to escape from here. I don't think anything could harm me and if they can then I would love to fight.

"Aniki... Something doesn't feel right..." Tet says. So even he could tell that a strong person is near. Well, we could wait for him and watch this drama in that car.

Blonde one spills some ice cream on the boy's shirt but starts to lick from there. Ohh I know where there is going on. Kuroka once also did the same and spilled ice cream on her chest and I had to lick it. Tet is already nagging me to go but I hold his hand since I have to see this.

Then the time I was waiting for came, the boy pushes the girl and start kissing her. Then he went to remove the girl's clothes... wait, isn't she a flat-chested like... Gulp

Then he removed the lower part and I discovered the reason my instincts telling me to escape from here.

Yamerooo! That blonde girl is a dude. Fuck, that black hair kid didn't go back and start licking trap's stick. Guhh I also learned a lesson that sometimes, you shouldn't have to know everything.


[Welcome to hell]

That was the message black hair kid received after his time with the blonde trap.

"Mokkun look stars." Blonde trap pointed to the windscreen where they could see bright stars.

"Huh?" Mokkun boy was confused but in the next moment, he got the meaning of the message.

"What the hell!?" The boy screamed because in front of him was a giant bright ball of flames ready to devour them.

"Aren't stars beautiful?" Blonde trap said cutely but the boy looked afraid.

"Beautiful my ass you fucker!!" Saying this, the boy punched the blonde trap's face breaking his nose.

"W-What are you doing...?" Blonde shit asked while crying.

"It's all your fault that I am going to hell, you motherfu*ker trap shit!!" The boy yelled and start punching the trap until he killed him.

But it was useless because shortly after, they got devoured by the biggest thing in the solar system called the sun.


Best crossover in the history of fanfics. I was also the victim of this shit too. Lets see how many able to recognize this 'anime'. There is another cross over in chapter 87.

If you want to support me or/and want 14+ advance chapters, link:

https://www.patr eon.com/J_Titan

Author whose dick is so tiny that even that blond shit could beat him.

[Okay there is another thing that I would like to clarify. First of all mc is strong. Let me give you the scale of his power level. I have write his power level which is 20 x 10x160 (chapter 33) which is more than googol i.e 10x100. Atoms in our whole observable universe are some where 10x80 so you can guess how overpowered he is. Second, he is stronger than all universes in dbz combined because he has all of their powers and abilities. He can easily ripped apart a universe!

Now what it has anything to do with readers? Last chapter, mc acted like a simp and some readers start bashing at me since I let Akeno act like she has problem with mc. Mc is not like that. He has easy going personality and being overpowered he lost his sense of defense since no one can kill him. Yeah, he is natural born M. If you are sun, what can an ant do to you.

I know webnovel has most wuxia and other Chinese novel readers who like mc being cool, arrogant who bitch slap everyone and get every girl like they are collectable. Hell, webnovel is full of dxd r18 so go and fap there. My mc is not like that.

Fu*k I don't know why I write all this bs but just wanted to tell you that don't judge mc with your standards. This novel is mainly target comedy and broken romance.]



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