
Being in Love : A Punishment

How meeting someone special can change your lives in the most magical ways but hiding your past mistakes and lives can turn your life upside down. The most loving and caring individuals of your lives; scare you in ways that can never be healed and forgiven for. But the love you once shared with them doesn't die so easily and you continue to love them even when it means killing yourself in every breath you take. Come, join Shruti, Rishi and Shivi in the most emotionally heart trenching love stories and understand them better as they suffer from the cruelest "Punishments of being in Love"

Swarnima_Tak · Urban
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5 Chs


Rishi: It was a stormy winter night of 1994 that I meet your mother for the first time in a night club in New York , she was working as a Bar-Tender there , we meet and instantly felt a strange connection with each other and I realized ; how does it fells to fall in love with a lady in the very first sight!!

All this happened so fast that both of us couldn't realize what was actually happening . Shruti also felt the same attachment and we couldn't get above each other from there on . We could not understand the feeling that we were sharing but we were just sure of one thing that we wanted each other , at any cost , in any circumstances.

Between all of this , it completely slipped my mind that I was in New York for a professional commitment and had to leave the city once my work was done. But , I didn't want to leave the city behind , didn't want to leave Shruti behind so any how I convinced my clients for cancelling the deal and allow me to be free ; it was not easy at all but was easier than even thinking of leaving Shruti behind .

Shivi: Why was it always in your mind to leave Mom behind ? You always wanted to let go off her ; isn't it ?? ( Shivi asked angrily)

Rishi: It's nothing like that , please listen to me , Dear.

Shivi: ( least interestingly) : Go ahead !!

Rishi: It was around Christmas that year that I could finally shift to New York , leaving behind all my professional commitments . It was not easy but it was worth it as it allowed me to be with Shruti.