
Being in Love : A Punishment

How meeting someone special can change your lives in the most magical ways but hiding your past mistakes and lives can turn your life upside down. The most loving and caring individuals of your lives; scare you in ways that can never be healed and forgiven for. But the love you once shared with them doesn't die so easily and you continue to love them even when it means killing yourself in every breath you take. Come, join Shruti, Rishi and Shivi in the most emotionally heart trenching love stories and understand them better as they suffer from the cruelest "Punishments of being in Love"

Swarnima_Tak · Urban
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5 Chs

Being in Love; A Punishment

Shivi was rushing through the Central Square of the city as she was getting late for a very important client meeting; when she feels that she was being followed by but she doesn't gives it a second thought as she was already having a bad start to a very important day and the place was overcrowded as usual , so she let it go .

But while crossing the central lane of the square she stumbles upon a familiar face observing her from a distance. And for a fraction of second ; the surroundings around her froze and she couldn't understand anything. She shut her eyes tightly as she went numb for a minute before opening them again ; only to realize that it was not a nightmare or a dream, she has actually come across her father , who was looking at her from a distance.

As he slowly started to walk towards her ; she gathered herself and started walking towards him. She couldn't comprehend what was happening around her , thousands of questions and emotions were crossing her mind ; was she happy ? Or was she angry or hurt or broken ; did she really wanted to meet him or not ; walking through her inner turmoil she went towards him and stood right in front of him .

She stood at a point from where she could touch him to believe she was actually looking at him or it was just another horrible dream which would break her all over again.

(Shivi was standing right in front of her Dad and all she could speak out was ….)

Shivi: Dad??

(As she addressed him, the signal turned green, and she heard all the vehicles honking at her as she was standing on the roadside blocking the traffic.

Rishi her father, pulled her towards him on the footpath and all she could do was to stare at him and try and comprehend what all was happening )

Rishi : Yes Shivi I am here , come to me.

( He pulled her towards himself for a hug and with the warmth of that hug she got her senses back. Rishi then held her hand and took her to the next café he found around nearby )

Shivi: You said you were here ; I should come to you . Why ?? Why should I come with you or even sit with you here . Where were you all these years ?? Do you even realize that you are seeing me after 14 years and suddenly you come up to me ask ask me to come with you ??!! How could you do that ??

( Other guests sitting in the café started starring at her )

Rishi : I understand that you have too many questions you want an answer for but please try and understand me for once , Sweetie

(Rishi was the only person who would address her as Sweetie, since the time she was born and hearing him call her Sweetie she couldn't hold back her tears )

Shivi: ( IN A BREAKING VOICE) : These are not just mere questions I or rather we are seeking answers for , but these are the questions around which my life and my mom's life have been revolving around for the past 14 years and today you come up and sit in front of me , asking me to understand you ?

How could you do that to us , to Mom . Do you even realize what must we have gone through , how would have Mom started her life again , after ; after that evening when you very conveniently left home only to return to us after 14 years ; wow , bravo !!

Rishi: I know I will never be able to take away the pain you and your Mom have been through or rather I have caused to you and your Mom , but please ; hear me out once . I just want you and your Mom to know my side of the story , please hear me out for once.

Shivi: Only for the fact so that I can have the answers to my mother's sleepless nights and all the tears she has been living with ; tell me what it is ??