

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

The Senate

Adam and Alpha left the temple and walked towards the hover they arrived in, Alpha spoke first " do you think they have anything planned for you your majesty" Adam smirked and continued walking," obviously they do" Adam said arriving at the last step.

" And what do you think that is" Alpha said walking side by side with Adam," when we arrive at the senate building they are going to separate us from the other senators and stop us from speaking our side"He letting Alpha get in first so he can drive.

" then we will most likely be brought to the chancellor office and be given an option give up our military power or be an enemy of the republic, he will most likely have some senators there most likely corrupt along with multiple senate guards" Adam said flying towards the senate building.

"sadly the non corrupt supreme chancellor is being pressured by the corrupt 90% of the senate" Adam said looking at the senate building up ahead " contact wolffe tell him and his men to go back to the ship and join the fleet" Alpha looked at Adam and asked" what about us".

Adam looked at the building to his side and said" i have that planned" the hover car starts to descend to the entrance to the senate building, when they landed three senate guards walked up to them.

" what business do you have being here" the commander asked with an stern tone while his two subordinates made sure to show their rifles," i'm the person the senate is waiting and who is giving them the biggest headache" The commander had a look of realization and spoke" oh its you the so called emperor who has quite a little army" his little friends laughed along with him.

Alpha wanted to shut their mouths but held it in because Adam must have a plan, the commander came out of his laugh" well anyway follow us the chancellor is waiting for you along with some senators in the chancellor's office" the commander said before looking down at Alpha's gun.

" That has to go" he said looking at Alpha, Alpha was ready to kill him right there but Adam got in the way " can't do that im afraid he's my bodyguard and its not like he can do any harm to you elite soldiers now can he the senate is full of you" Adam tried to butter them up" how about this he'll take out the mag" Adam said.

" fine any way follow me" The group starts walking to the building, while they were walking through the senate halls on the red carpet Adam speaks with Alpha " when i give the signal put 4892 in your com" Alpha nods in return and continues to follow the inferior senate guards.

they arrive at the chancellor's office and the commander knocks on the door before getting permission to enter, when the doors open Adam saw supreme chancellor valorums sitting in his chair with four people around him including mas amedda with three senators beside him.

" welcome you must be The king of the unknown world o Alterea we have been hearing about" Valorum said getting up from his chair while the three senators looked at Adam with distain.

"yes i am is this meeting about me bringing a military force into republic territory" Adam said taking a seat in front of the supreme chancellor while Alpha stood behind him.

" yes it is although you saved naboo from the blockade you still brought a military force into republic territory with out permission " The supreme chancellor said " the senate has a had a meeting on how we should proceed with this and came to the conclusion that you should forfeit your military power to the republic and join it voluntary" Valorum said while the senators behind chuckled.

" And what happens if i don't" when Adam said that he could hear movement behind the door" of you don't you will be imprison and will be used in negotiation with your government"one of the senators said while the other smiled and valorum had a complicated look.

" well sorry to burst your bubble but i refuse to give up my planets military might Adam said when 17 senate guards rushed in with their blasters pointing at Adam and Alpha, Alpha quickly put a power mag in his blaster and turns to face them.

before he could pop a shot off one guard already shot at him, before the shot could hit Alpha Adam used the force to stop the bolt mid air causing everyone to freeze.

Not a second later the windows smashed and five clone troopers rappelled in, it was captain fordo and four other Alpha class arc troopers, fordo was in his iconic phase two armor and pistols the other four looked just like alpha carrying the westar-m5 blaster rifles.

Fordo placed his one of his pistols to Valorum while the other was at the senate guards, the other troopers took the senators to the ground and stood on them to keep them there while pointing their blasters at the guards.

" what is this" mas amedda shouted from the ground with an arc troopers foot on his back, Adam stood up from his chair and walked around the desk and stood in front of amedda and said" what does it look like my loyal soldiers came to save me" Adam said as the arc incresed the pressure on amedda back.

" this will make you an enemy of the republic" another winey senator said with of foot on his back " so its not like you'll win if we went to war, " how could we not win we have the Jedi and trillions of lives at our disposal" another spoke out with an evil smile, obviously learned form palpetine Adam thought.

" your highness the ship has arrived" fordo spoke as a big as ship hovered out side the broken window with its ramp open with two arc troopers on it, they shoot a grappling line just above the window and attached the other end above them.

" your highness" an arc trooper said handing Adam something, Adam took it and looked at the senator who just spoke " kill him i didn't like how he talked" he said as the arc trooper immediately followed orders and shot him right in the head.

the other senators and guards looked at the shockingly as Adam turns around to the them, " this is going to hurt" he said to the guards before using force push crashing into the walls and throught the door.

Adam hooked the device the arc trooper gave him and traveled over to the ship as did the arc troopers two at a time after words, once every one was settled the bt-7 thunderclap flew off as quickly as possible towards the checkpoint to get off world.

the bt-7 was piloted by two arc trooper pilots, on their way to the checkpoint they were intercepted by some police fighters and cannons which they expertly destroyed.

when they got to the checkpoint it was blocked by three consular-class cruisers armed and ready, Adam told the pilots to run through them which they did and hyper spaced to the fleet when they got clear.

Author here

sorry not the best i know but it should still be enjoyable hopefully i know i made some mistakes regarding the office scene and stuff, also if you remember the clone wars scene when the senate was takin over and the clones breaching the chancellor office the grappling scene looked like that also im in a good mood because i got three virtual pussies on omegle yesterday ;) haha any way thanks for the support and let me know if you want to read my other books bye love ya.