

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

The Republic

Adam looked at the scene before him with a slight chuckle. the 501st troopers started to gather up with Rex at the helm he runs up to Adam and gives him an update " Sir all hostiles have been eliminated and our casualties are minimum" , " Good work what about Commander Neyo" Rex responded " Commander Neyo is currently leading recon teams patrolling the city and the outer parts for any remaining clankers".

Adam was about speak but his com suddenly blinked, " Your majesty there is a fleet ships coming out of hyper space" Adam was surprised thinking who it was but he came to one conclusion it was the republic " don't fire but stay on alert" " Yes your Majesty" he turns to the clones and said " some off you get into a advantage point and the rest stay with me" the clones nodded their heads and ran off to some advantage points on high ground and behind some cover, Rex walked up to Adam and said" what should we expect your majesty" Adam squinted his eyes and said" I don't know but i want you and doom and your boys on alert if you see someone making a move" he looked at Rex with the most serious face he made since his reincarnation " you shoot to kill understood" Rex saluted and walked to doom to tell him.

Space pov

Admiral stone had re positioned his fleet to face the new comers he turns to his men " charge up the cannons also inform the others to the same" soon after the fleet exited hyper-space it was 20 ship fleet filled with 7 cr90 corvettes, 6 consular-class and 7 css-1 corellian star shuttles all were colored in the republic red.

"Admiral they are contacting us should i put them through " Admiral Stone gave the officer a nod and a holographic screen appeared in front of him, on the screen was a middle aged man with black hair pulled back with slight grey hairs on his side, he had scar over his eye " i am Admiral Bridge of the republic peace keepers state your affiliation and reason for being in republic space" "Hello Admiral Bridge i am Admiral Stone of the Alterean Navy we are here at the request of aid from the Queen of Naboo" Admiral Bridge gave a slight smile and said " you wouldn't mind if we send a ship down to the surface to see if she is ok" Stone returned his smile " No problem do you want an escort from our fighters".

Bridge sent down a consular class down with the escort of two x-wings .

bridge pov

me and my fleet were sent to help the naboo people, it was strange though because when we first heard of the naboo blockade it felt like we were being staled from helping them, then suddenly chancellor palpetine said there was a new enemy blocking Naboo. they told my fleet to move out with the orders attack on sight, but when we got out of hyper-space we realize that wasn't going to happen they had far superior ship with hundreds of star fighters we would've of been destroyed in seconds, so i decided to talk first and see but that was going to be difficult with the three senate representatives nagging in my ear to use the name of the republic to get them to surrender and hand over their ships but i knew that wasn't going to happen so i told them to shut up and let me handle it.

i spoke to a Admiral Stone who and he gave me permission to send a ship to see the Queen, i sent down a ship filled with soldier and sadly the three naggers.

3rd person pov

Adam was standing with his hands behind his back looking at the incoming ship with Doom and Rex on either side with there hands lightly touching their blasters that were in their holsters, their men were in scattered around with their blasters at the ready.

the ship landed and soldiers in red and yellow uniform with a red hat and yellow tinted sunglasses quickly ran out and pointed their weapons at Adam and his two commanders while three people slowly exited wearing senate robes.

Adam knew they were planning something from their arrogant look, he whispered to Doom and Rex " they're planning something tell your men" both of them nodded and spoke into their inner mikes so nobody will hear them, all their men had one hand to their helmets and each confirmed.

The three men walked forward with an arrogant smile and said " we are from the republic senate here to assist the Nabooens may we know who you are and why your in republic space with warships" Adam squinted his knowing where this was going " I am the King of Alterea me and my fleet were training some battle formations in empty space when a damaged ship came out of hyper-space and we gave them assistance, they told us what was going on and i made the decision to give a helping hand" Adam said with a big smile, the official had a confused look " Alterea i have never heard of it but anyway you are in republic space and we do not permit warships in our territory as such you must hand over your ships and come with us to stand before the council also where is the little queen of naboo she must also come" he said as the republic soldier tighten their grips on their blasters.

His arrogance made Rex and Doom angry and they grab the grip of their pistols ready to un holster, this caused their men to take aim.

Author Note:

Hey Guys its been a while so here's the reason i was gone, to be honest my mental health wasn't healthy and i was in a dark spot for the past couple weeks I've been tired had no energy and my stupid ass government closed all the places i let loose, so here is some of my past like at the start story once i started secondary school i started to change form an outgoing kid to an introvert who stayed in playing video games everyday without going out to my friends it was like that until i turned 18 thats when i was going out once to 3 times a week from pubs to clubs and i started being more out going until 2 years later this shit happens and i locked inside again so i'm sorry for not updating and ye thanks for the support i was surprise to see we reached 600k plus bye