

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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Fay looked at Adam and was about to speak but she was interrupted by a clone coming in to the room, the clone walked up to Adam and gave him salute before speaking " My lord we got a transmission from one of the venators doing recon they said they found life on a near by planet".

Adam looked at the clone shocked he knows he's in the unknown region but to find life already is strange Adam looked at the clone and said " what troops are ready to deploy" Adam wanted make sure they had an army ready just in case they are hostile " the 327th is already loading up my lord they should be ready to deploy in 3 hours" when Adam heard it was the 327th star corps he was glad because they had some of the best troopers in the republic army during th clone wars they fought in some of the worst conditions they were led by commander bly and jedi master aayla secura, Adam smirked and looked at the clone " good tell bly to meet me on the ship when everything is ready and also send a squad of arf troopers to gather information on them" the clone quickly left the room.

Adam looked at the girls " looks like we will have this discussion another day we must go to the ship and wait until the 327th is ready to set out " the girls quickly nodded and followed Adam to the gunship waiting for them in the hangar, once they were in the gunship they flew towards the shipyard where the ships were being prepped when they arrive Adam asked the pilot to open the doors so he could see the ships and what he seen could only be described in one word excerlerating, there was 20 venator's hovering in a ground like spaceship dock, the venators had a metal bridge that conected them to the dock you could see multiple floating fork lifts carrying cargo on to the ship and troops marching on board Adam just smiled at the sight.

when the gunship landed in the hangar he was greeted like the first time he boarded a venator, Adam walked up to the ship commander who was saluting him he was surprised not because the commander was a women or the fact she obviously wasn't a clone but by the fact she was so beautiful she had long dark purple hair golden eye's and white skin that went great with her super model body and big breast.

The commander looked at Adam and said" greeting's Emperor i am commander chloe baker i will be in charge of the convoy during this exspidition " Adam done a quick greeting and followed them to the bridge, he was told they will take off in 20 minutes and that it will take 3 hours to get there, he just noded and stood there with his hands behind his back looking out the window towards the landscape of tree's and lake's" beautiful" was all he could think of he stayed like that for another two minutes until the bridge doors opened and commander bly walked in. when commander Bly walked in the first thing he did was salute Adam before giving the report.