

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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Adam turned around to look at Bly he was in his phase 2 armor he looked he did in season 7 of the clone wars, while Adam was staring Bly took off his helmet and held it by his waist and said" Reporting all preperation are completed we have 4 thousand troops with a further 16 thousand loading up in a Acclamator back at base my lord it should arrive in 6 hours" Adam was glad they were loading up more troops we don't know what we are going to encounter here until the ARF troopers come back with the scouting report " Good thinking on the additional troops we don't know what we are going to encounter until the scout report" Adam made some small talk with Bly and the girls until the ship was out of the atmosphere and into space.


Adam and the convoy have reached their destination and met up with the Arquintens class cruiser that found the planet, it docked with Adam's ship while Adam was being filled in on the discovery of the planet and the life sources they found a Nu-class Attack Shuttle came out of the planet atmospere filled with the ARF trooper scout squad, After the shuttle landed the squad went straight to the bridge to inform Adam of their findings, once they reached the they greeted Adam and went the holographic table and inserted a card the squad leader then started his briefing " my king there are two civilization living on this planet one of the species is a humanoid reptilian and the other is a human like species" When Adam seen the images of them he knew exactly what they were the human like race was elfs and the other looked like the silurians from doctor who, This must be one of the surprises that god was talking about, the trooper continued on " it looks like these races are at war with each other the humanoid race is protected by some kind of force field that is repeling the reptilians but from what it looks like it will only last more than a couple of days" Adam was listening carefully to the sergeant he also told him to call them Elf's and silurians" The silurians weaponry is a spear like rifle while the elfs have a very delicate looking rifle and pistol honestly sir they look well armed they don't have any air support and very few tanks with the right approach we could come out with very few casualties". ( The Silurians weapons best menlook like the spear gun from RWBY and for elf's look up elven guns it shoild be the first one or look for the most space like one)

Adam was just standing there looking down at the table with one arm crossed and the other caressing his chin he looks up to the sergeant and asked " from what you have gathered which race in your opinion is friendliy" the sergeant looked at Adam and thought for a moment before pointing to one of the images and began speaking " My King i think the elve's are the best option for making first contact with" Adam began to speak again" I agree, Commander Bly get the troops and gunships ready also pick 50 of your best men to accompany me to the surface we will first make contact with the Elves before we show our military powers" Commander Bly and the ARF Trooper squad saluted Adam before leaving, Adam turned to the Girls and said" I'll be going to the surface with Bly and the men he brings i want you all to be by the Gunships and wait for my word to start the Assault" The girls tried to convice him to bring one of them with him but it was all in vain.

When Adam got to the hangar he could see two Gunship's being boarded by clones and Commander Bly waiting for Adam to board, Adam got on to the Gunship and was introduced to four 327th Arc troopers Named, Hull, Cam, Bash, woody, the Gunship Adam was in had 20 troopers and the other one had the remaining 30, They left the venators and headed for the planet once they entered the atmosphere Adam told the pilot to open the vents ( The vents are like windows on Gunship) when they opened Adam could see woodland landscape, the pilot informed that they have to land in a clearing of the forest because it would be dangerous tofly closer to the city without permission they might think we are enemies.

once The Gunship landed in the forest and Adam and the troops exited, once their feet touched the ground they got into a spread out position pointing their blasters towards the woods in case of enemies attacking them when unloading, once everyone got off the Gunship flew back to the convoy, Adam and the troops headed on to the elven capital, twenty minutes into the two hour walk Adam felt multiple life sources in the tree's, He stoped in his tracks and put his fist up singling them to stop, once Adam put up his fist all the clones stopped and aimed their blasters towards the surrounding area, Adam started to count the enemy's and as it turns out they are outnumbered there are about eighty life signature's, he knows they are the silurian.

he turns to Bly " there are 80 enemy's 30 meter's ahead waiting in ambush"