
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantasy
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29 Chs


"yes, don't worry." Sandra overhead Liam as she walked towards the sitting room dressed in her uniform with her back pack on her hand. she was done preparing. The uniform fitted her perfectly. It looked like it was designed just for her. A plain sky blue shirt coupled with a fray black and sky blue strapped skirt. Liam was also dressed in uniform, the same material as Sandra, since they both attend the same school. The only difference about their uniform was that Liam wore pants rather than skirt.

"okay, if you say so." Jade replied holding some files in her hands. She noticed Sandra walked in and asked her "Liam suggested that the both of you will eat breakfast in school to avoid going late. Are you okay with it?"

Sandra looked at Liam with a questioning look before she realized why he made such a suggestion "yes mom". She replied immediately. Liam couldn't eat his breakfast because he didn't see Jade eat her's. His trust for Jade never remained the same after the horrific incident that happened last night.

Jade nodded and commenced with packing the files that were scattered all over the dining table. She suddenly stopped and widened her eyes in shock. She screamed out. she recalled that she didn't buy petrol. "oh no, I forgot to fill the car. We are out of petrol." she instantly placed her hands on her head with anxiety written all over her face. 'How could I forget something like this?' she scolded herself. This might delay them. To make things worse, the direction to the petrol station and that of the school is a different road apart.

"I was going to fill it on my way back yesterday but I totally forgot. What was I thinking? This will definitely delay us to school today." Jade felt frustrated. Her kids will be late to school because of this.

"…" she panicked. "you guys should hurry" she hurriedly started packing the files scattered on the table. Files that should be returned to the Margate's group company since she is no longer an employee there and there was no reason for her to possess it.

"mom, why don't you go and fill the car first. By the time you get back, we will be done by then. We'll be at the front waiting for you. It will be faster that way than to wait for us till we finish before we could leave together." Sandra suggested when she saw her mom was all tensed up and this was also a perfect opportunity for them to meet Miss Wevon without having to talk to their mom about the incident that occurred yesterday till they discover why she reacted that way.

Jade relaxed a bit after she heard Sandra's opinion. "yes, yes you are right…When you are done, please help me pack my files into the ash bag in my room. I have finished packing other important stuffs into that bag." She ran towards the center table in the sitting room and picked up her car key she left on it. "you kids should hurry up because I will be back within a blink of an eye." Then she zoomed off.

Immediately Jade left, Liam stood up from the dining table where he leaned on the whole time. "put your breakfast into the box or discard them." He sounded irritated when he saw that Sandra was still contemplating on whether she should take the food with her. "What is there to decide. I will pack mom's files, pass them to me…Am done preparing." he reached out his hands and collected some of the files.

"You are really eager to meet that witch…I just hope she doesn't use us for her witch craft when we get to her place." Sandra said casually with a hint of fear as she pushes the files to Liam.

"you are silly. Even if she is evil like you implied, she can't possibly do anything to us, we are not the only one that leaves in this neighborhood, also there are CCTV cameras everywhere. we will meet her and leave safely…I just hope she wouldl give us the answer we are looking for." Liam left for his mom's room and came back with an big ash handbag in his hands. The bag was carefully decorated with green crystal-like stones.

"she can still cast a spell that might be effectual when we leave her place…Like how she made me transform." She replied as she closes her box *praat*

"did you meet her before that happened? No." he asked but instantly replied. "don't blame her till we get to know what happened…I'm done let's go." Liam carried both his and his mom's bag and left Sandra behind. He was really fast in his pace. Sandra locked up the door and caught up to him.

"slow down please…" Sandra shouted out to Liam. Thanks to his long legs, walking fast won't be a problem for him. He was quite tall for his age. They exited the apartment and left the spot their mother asked them to wait for her. they turned to the left side of the road that lead to Miss wevon's house which looked abandoned.

They got to the gate of Miss Wevon's home, the gate looked rusty and were covered with the vines of plant. They silently stood there for a matter of time before Liam stretched out his hand to knock, but the gate automatically opened slowly releasing an irritating squeezy sound of rusted metals. The Gate was obviously not automatic but it opened by itself before Liam could knock. This made chills run down Sandra's spines. Liam wasn't surprise at all because he has been there lots of times, although it was the first time the gate opened by itself before he could knock.

Behind the gate revealed Miss Wevon. She was hideous in appearance although she looks like someone in her late 20s. Her red straw-like hair was tied into a bun with two dark string of her hair dangling at both sides of her oval face. she was dressed in a brown tattered gown with a black fur hanging around her neck though it was summer. She had a skin as cold and white as the winter's moon, her lips looked thin and bloodless, like she was lacking blood.

She stood there staring at Sandra with vulpine eyes foxily which gave Sandra the creeps. 'Why is she standing there? Did she know we were going to visit today?' Liam thought before he greeted her "Good morning, Miss Wevon".

"I have been expecting you" she smiled dreamily and ghastly at Sandra and walked towards Sandra as her worn out gown dragged along the floor, grabbing any stick or debris it came across.

This action of hers made Sandra become more scared. she instantly hid behind Liam who also noticed Miss Wevon's gaze specially fixed on Sandra, he took a step forward, putting his hands on his hips in a form to shield her. He fearlessly looked up to Miss Wevon "We have questions for you".

"for me?" she chuckled "I don't answer to you neither do I have any answer for you." Miss Wevon didn't stop in her track she continued to walk forward till she got to stand in front of Liam.

"hey, sky" she called out. she tilted her head trying to see Sandra from an angle behind her brother. "why are you…sooo weak? Face me." she asked nicely with a light smile on her face which suddenly changed to anger when she commanded her. Her vulpine eyes looked like they were trying to pierce through Liam to get to her, where she stood shivering withvchills running down her body.

"Enough…stay back. We just want to know how we wronged you" Liam shouted while spreading his hands, stepping back slowly not to step on Sandra who also followed his action.

"hump" Miss Wevon was getting impatience. Although Liam hasn't said much, his voice felt like birds chirping in her ears and it was irritating her. She stretched out her hand to pull Sandra out from Liam's back but was rudely knocked off by him.

"you!" she shouted loudly with her eyes wide open. Her eyeballs were almost popping out from its socket due to anger, within a blink of an eye she brought out an old hairpin from her pocket and was about to stab Liam. Her hands froze in the air when she felt his intensified gaze.

His eyes were quite terrifying, they looked cold and sharp, like that of a predator about to devour its prey. Miss Wevon glared back at him as she took a step back and she slowly lifted her arms up showing defeat with her expression instantly changing into a light friendly smile "okay, okay…still, I don't answer to you.".

She tilted her head again "Sky…oh Sandra. If you remain there I will be forced to shut the gate and walk back inside. I won't give you the answer you seek to know." Sandra didn't move an inch. Miss Wevon frowned and turned to leave.

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