
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantasy
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29 Chs

hidden mystery 4

"gosh, mom! You scared me. how long have you been standing there?"

"why do you want to see Miss Wevon?" she asked with a low tone. it hasn't been long she came out from her room and found her children engrossed in a serious conversation. She decided to eavesdrop.

"okay…mom, today seemed so off. I wonder if you noticed it? we wanted to ask her some questions. We wanted to talk to you about it but you appeared to seem so tired." Liam said as he touched the injury on his arm lightly because it was itching him.

"no, but you guys were acting off." She stared at both of them curiously to give her details of what they were talking about. Indeed, they were acting weird which began when Sandra claimed that Liam was bleeding, how strangely they acted, again, they didn't take their bath a whole day. Liam is a clean freak. Something must have happened for him not to bath.


Liam took a deep breath before narrating what had happened and why they wanted to meet Miss Wevon. He paid special attention to his mother's reaction because he felt that she might know something. Jade listened attentively with mixed expression on her face. From time to time she will turn and look at Sandra who quietly sat on the sofa.

When Liam was done, she was silent for few seconds before she turned to Sandra with a look of disdain strongly reflecting on her eyes "…your true state will always re…fah..pha" she couldn't continue her sentence. It was like a strong force was closing her mouth. she widened her eyes in horror and struggled to speak.

"mom!!" both Sandra and Liam called out to her immediately they noticed her struggling. She continued struggling to open her mouth that she resulted in trying to separate her lips with both hands. "mom what is wrong with you?" Sandra rushed to her with concern but on getting close to her, Jade forcedly pushed her causing her to slam on the sofa.

Jade continued to struggle before she suddenly let out a loud scream "aah!!! Ah aah". She breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath. Sandra stood up and tapped on her back to help her relax with fear reflecting on her sky blue eyes.

"mom, are you okay?" Liam asked her when Jade seemed to have relaxed a bit.

"…" Jade didn't say a word; her head was still bent facing the floor. After few seconds, she slowly stood up with an awkward smile on face. "oh my world!! I slept off, I must be so tired. I will go and prepare dinner now, I'm sorry." she yawned and stretched her body exhaustedly and left for the kitchen. She reacted like she just woke up from a short nap and was embarrassed about that.

"…" Liam and Sandra stared at each other dumbly and asked at the same time. "what just happened now?"


They both stood there staring towards the kitchen. Sandra couldn't help but think of what had happened back there. After few minutes, she tiptoed to the kitchen and peeped at her mom who was sluggishly preparing dinner, looking exhausted. It was as if nothing creepy had happened. She quietly tiptoed back to Liam who stared at her with questioning looks. She whispered curiously to Liam "what happened to her mouth…and it seemed like she doesn't remember a thing."


They both remained quiet. They stared at each other and then to the kitchen for sometimes without saying a thing. They were stuck with questions either of them couldn't answer. Liam took a deep breath and broke the silence "we will go and see the witch tomorrow." he said to Sandra who was still baffled by the incident. "…I won't think about this". He slowly sat down.

They remain like that till time passed by. None of them made a sound or said a word, nor did they move. They remained seated and looked around the house like it was their first time there.

After a couple of minute, Jade walked out of the kitchen. They both looked towards her direction immediately they noticed her step out. they were still on alert because they didn't grab what had occurred earlier. 'why did her mouth suddenly close…are we being watched? Mom might be possessed and maybe try to harm us. Maybe this same thing made her hit Liam.' these were thoughts that kept going through their mind.

Jade hazed a sigh of relief when she saw that her children were still wake "thank goodness! You guys haven't slept. I was wondering how I would wake you kids to eat, especially you Liam" Jade said as she carefully carried a plastic pot and some plates to the dining table.

Jade was pleased to see that her children were awake, so she won't struggle to feed them. It is really difficult to get them to eat when they are asleep. "dinner is ready". Jade called out to them but they continued staring at her suspiciously.

"didn't you hear what I said. Come and eat!" Jade shouted stressing her last sentence. "if you knew you didn't plan on eating, you would have told me not prepare dinner."

they looked at each other with no expression on their face and reluctantly stood up and walked slowly to their respective chairs. they stared at their mom as they thought of a lot of things. They quietly watched her dish out the food, sat down and began eating hers.

Jade looked up at them and saw that they were still standing and staring straight at her. "what's wrong? Aren't you kids hungry." She asked with concern.

"…nothing." Sandra answered with a low voice and sat on the chair opposite her mother's. Jade casually passed her a plate of spaghetti with a spoon. "thanks" she collected it, adjusting her plate like she was looking for a better position to keep it while staring at the food as if something was in it. she looked up to her mom who was scooping her spaghetti into her mouth staring back at them.

"is everything fine?" she asked Liam since he has been staring at her like she was an alien.

"ye…yes" he stammered as he reached out, clumsily collected his food and sat down next to Sandra.

"are you sure?" Jade asked still scooping her food into her mouth. Giving them the look that they are acting strange.

They both nodded before they started eating. This dinner was different from the ones they have been having so far. It was exceptionally quiet and dry like strangers eating together for the first time. Consistently, they looked up to check their mother as they ate.

Jade dropped her spoon and stood up after she finished her food, "both of you should cleaned the dining table and wash the dishes when you are done." She walked to the sitting room and threw herself on the sofa. Immediately her body felt the soft sofa she dosed off *groa groa* she snored loudly.

After their dinner, they quietly cleaned up the dining table and washed the dishes. They both walked to the sitting room and sat on the couch opposite their mom, watching her sleep. They kept looking around the sitting room like it was a whole new place to them. They didn't feel sleepy. By 11:45, Sandra gazed at the bicycle clock on the wall with her drowsy eyes. She has been holding off sleep. If it was possible she won't sleep at all till the next day. however, her eyes slowly closed and Liam had already slept off.


"lord!!" Liam screamed. He was startled to see his mother before him immediately he woke up. she stood in front of him with an angry face. 'what! Why are you standing in front of me?' he shouted in his thought. His Loud scream instantly woke Sandra up.

Jade stared at them disappointedly when she saw that both of their eyes were red and had dark circles. "you didn't sleep last night…no, don't tell me you were watching movies? Didn't I prohibit watching films once it 9:30. Look at yourselves. You look like zombies." She scolded them and turned to Sandra "…And you joined your brother. Since when?"

Liam looked at her stupidly before he nodded his head "Mom, we are disappointed in ourselves as well. It won't happen again." He told her this. It was a new day and he was not ready to stress his mind with small matters like this. He just wanted to find answers and hoped that Miss Wevon will give that to him.

After what he said Jade stared at him dumbly as she thought 'Is this my son?'. Liam bent his head like he was apologetic and left for his room.

"Mom… am sorry as well. I will go and prepare." Sandra was fully awake by then. She abruptly stood up and left.

"…" Jade was speechless.

Sandra got to her room and stood at the door, she remembered what happened the last time she was in her room. She hesitated before she slowly opened the door. She looked around her room for any weird looking stuff which she didn't see before she stepped in with fear leaving the door open.

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