
Chapter 62

I could not sleep and neither could Emily. We were in the kitchen as I cooked her breakfast in the peaceful house. It was too early, five in the morning as Oli walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"I thought you left mommy," he whispers as he walks towards me.

I pick him up and sit him next to Emily on the counter. "I'm never leaving you. I promise," I kiss him on his forehead.

"Daddy says we should never make promises we can't keep," Oli sighs tiredly.

"I'm keeping this one," I smile at him and he smiles as he eats the grapes from Emily's bowl as she holds it out to him.

"Mommy there's someone walking in the garden," Emily tilts her head to the side as she listens and looks out the window.

I lift her up and out her on the ground, and I do the same with Oli.