
Chapter 61

I remember when Cherry would not let anyone hold Oli for a week unless they had too.

A knock on the door makes Kyle walk out of the living room and look at me confused as I open the door.

"Alpha," Zach pants as he looks at me with wide eyes. "Luna. She's back," he whispers.

"Everyone's losing their fucking mind," I mutter as I turn around to walk up the stairs.

"Usually it's the girl that runs away," I hear her voice again and freeze on the step.

"Beth." Kyle whispers in shock.

I turn around and see her standing there in a beautiful white flowing dress, holding a little girl's hand. Her scent fills my mind and I fist my hands tightly as Zach disappears. She walks inside closer just as Rachel walks out of the living room with the baby they had not named yet in her arms.

Rachel starts crying and Bethany laughs as she walks towards her and wraps her arms around Rachel, tears rolling down both of their faces.