
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 25: Koda Amaterasu

Koda coughed and sputtered as toilet water flowed down his body, the laughing voices from the boys taunting him as he laid on te floor.

It had been nearly a month since he'd taken on the persona of Koda Amaterasu, and the bullying seemed never-ending. The laughter of the boys echoed in his ears as he lay there, wet and humiliated.

He clenched his fists, his eyes burning with anger. This wasn't what he had signed up for when he changed his identity.

As he stood up, dripping with toilet water, Koda wiped his face with the back of his hand. 'They think they've broken me,' he thought, his jaw clenched. 'They're wrong.'

"You guys find this amusing?" Koda's voice was low, a dangerous edge to it that caught their attention. He looked at each of them, his eyes cold and calculating. "Let me make something clear. This ends now."


Koda stumbled to the ground as he was slapped by one of the bigger ones. Oh how he wanted to break his face in, but he needed to have some self-control. 

As he lay on the ground, feeling all the boys kicking and hitting him he thought to Sakura. 'Who would have thought her family were underground workers... Small fucking world...'

Sakuras family seemed like an unknown force in the underground affairs of Japan. He had found no information on them. But they'd managed to convincingly fake his death and create a new life for him in only two weeks, all at Sakura's word. 

He hadn't asked about it since the last time they talked she had looked at him with disgust, but he wondered who she was really to them...

'Hah... And Hana killed herself? I thought I was freeing her but I guess she was more broken than I thought... I deserve this beating don't I?"

As he slowly got up, Koda felt a presence nearby. A familiar face appeared — a boy with a tough exterior, holding a baby. It was Oga Tatsumi, the infamous delinquent of Ishiyama High.

Oga eyed Koda with curiosity. "What happened to you dude?"

Koda wiped the blood from his split lip, smirking. "Just a little joke haha... You're Oga, right? The guy who took down Kanzaki?"

Oga scowled, seeming embarrassed. "I guess," He said before picking his nose and looking Koda up and down. "Well? Move," Koda nodded, stepping out of his way with a clenched jaw.

You have encountered a demon, to survive you will be transferred back to your home point.

He heard the system say and, in an instant, he was back in his bed.

"What the fuck? A demon?"

Supernatural beings have broken through the surface and have begun appearing on earth, level up to be able to counter these beings.

"What? So Oga's... A demon? What the actual hell...."

Koda sat up in his bed, thinking about what had just happened.

Quest: Tatsumi Oga

Description: Find out what's weird about Tatsumi Oga

Reward: [Chariot of the Gods]

Koda sighed as he saw the quest. He'd neglected the system for a while now, probably ever since he had killed Rio.

"Is it the system that makes me such a bastard? Or is that just who I am?" He thought aloud, wondering if she should truly finish the quest. He hadn't beaten Daichi and finished the big three quest.

Kakoyama high was his territory in the new territory function, but that was the only location. The entire map of the world showed in a holographic screen in front of him, but only Kakoyama was lit up.

"Do I continue?"

Your path was decided the first time the system came online. Your purpose is to be a delinquent, to aid you into easing back into this process, here is an easy quest.

Quest: Graffitti the school bathroom

Reward: 5 TP

"Oh that's right…" He said, nearly forgetting about his Tp savings.

If he used the tp to upgrade his stats he would eventually hit a cap, so he chose to buy a few gacha boxes instead and see what he could get.

He was also able to use Tp to claim a territory but he needed to conquer one first and that seemed like a bit too much for him to do right now.

Recieved: 1 Skill Box, 1 Item box

-100 Tp

Opening boxes

Stagger- When fighting an opponent you have a 10% chance to make them stumble off balance.

[Contacts of the believer]- Wearing these contacts allows you to see as the believer saw. Warning: Extended use can result in blindness

"Yeah, as usual the items have shitty fucking warnings… I still haven't used those chains have I?" Koda thought aloud as he sighed and went to his phone.

Sakura had bought it for him to be able to keep in touch with her, so her number was the only one on.

"Hello?" She answered from the other end, making a smile appear on his face.

"Yo how's it going?," he asked, casually.

He could practically feel her eyes roll as she stopped doing everything. "What do you want?" She asked coldly.

'Guess she's still mad.'

"Hey Sakura how're things in Kakoyama?" He said casually as he put ice on his bruised body.

"How are things?… Oh yeah I suppose you're supposed to be the leader huh?" She said, still sounding angry at him.

"I didn't mean to make her kill herself… I was hoping she'd get her life back on track when I released her-"

"Released her from prostitution that is? How many other people did you terrorize Koda? I can't believe I thought for a second that there was good in you…" Sakura snapped, letting loose the words she'd been holding back for a while.

"Hah… Thanks for this Sakura," Was all Koda said as he hung up and laid back down, clenching his fists.

"Well… I guess she's right."

You have encountered a demon, to survive you will be transferred back to your home point.

Error. User already at home point.

Koda sat up quickly, looking at the system notifications with surprise and a bit of fear.

"A demon is here now?" He asked before a cold sickly sweet voice filled his ears.

"Oh yes… A demon is very close~" He heard right next to his ear…