
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: Fenrir

Koda's eyes darted around the room, searching for the source of the voice. "Who the hell is there?" he muttered, his heart pounding.

The air seemed to chill as a figure materialized, black smoke coalescing into the form of a sinister being. A wicked grin adorned the demon's face, sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light. "Ah, Koda," the demon purred, revealing eyes that glowed like ember. "I am the one you've been waiting for."

Koda narrowed his eyes, trying to hide the unease gnawing at him. "Waiting for? More like dreading. What do you want?"

Fenrir chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Koda's spine. "I owe you a debt, Koda, and now I'm bound to you. Isn't that delightful?"

Koda blinked, confusion mixing with his anxiety. "Bound to me? What the hell are you talking about?"

The demon leaned in, its shadowy form caressing Koda's consciousness. "You see, not too long ago , you did me a favor, a kindness that I must repay. It seems fate has finally caught up with us."

Koda scowled, skepticism etched on his face. "Favor? I don't remember helping any demons. And why repay now?"

"Ah you're funny. Your magic, the magic that took my chains and unbound me from my prison," The demon explained as Koda suddenly felt a chill throughout his entire body.

"Then you're…"

"The wolf of Ragnorak, Fenrir, and of course your new familiar…"

The shadow seemed to smile as Koda looked at it In disbelief.

"Hah… My life is so fucked up…" He said, smiling a bit before he looked at the shadow form.

"You're a bit too late, I've given up doing anything crazy, just gonna lie low and-"

"Hahahahahaha! My master lying low? What a funny joke! What debauchery shall we get into first! Shall we rob a bank? Destroy an orphanage? It's been ages since I've been free and I need mayhem!"

Koda looked at the shadowy form with a blank stare, not appreciating the interruption.

"Uhhh, yeah I can see how this is gonna go," He said with a sigh, willing one of the 6 chains he had in whatever hidden dimension to pop out and wrap around the shadowy form.

"Nooooooo My pure energy!" The shadow yelled as it shrunk into the form of a small white puppy.

"As your familiar I am displeased!" The puppy yelled, growling at Koda. "But… As Fenrir I commend you for showing self-control, with me at full reign you could turn this realm upside down and rule over everything…"

Koda rolled his eyes at the clear test. "Yeah, for now… I should probably focus on passing my classes… Are all demons like you Fen?"

The puppy seemed to glow. "Fen… I love it! My own nickname from my master! As for your question… I don't know, I only know a few demons, like Beelzebub, and Lucifer… The rest are youngins who never really got me interested."

"Youngins? You sure talk weird… does that mean you're older than all of them?"

Fenrir seemed to consider his question before nodding. "I was chained by the gods when Lucifer had first betrayed the heavens… And I saw his birth with my own eyes. He's older than Beel, so yes I guess I'm the oldest haha."

'Great, I have an ancient demon as my puppy, fuck you system,' Koda thought as he laid back down.

Quest: Deadly Familiar

Objective: Train Fenrir


"What are you looking at?" The dog asked as Koda just shook his head and winked. "It's a secret."

Though he seemed calm and carefree on the outside, he had no clue how he was supposed to train Fenrir. 

'Having a demon as a familiar though? Now that sounds cool...' He thought to himself as he yawned and went on his phone. Thanks to the system he had skipped the last three periods...


Later that evening, as Koda struggled with his textbooks, Fenrir jumped and began lounging on Koda's bed. "You know, those textbooks are utterly useless. If you want real knowledge, ask me. I've been around longer than your entire educational system."

Koda raised an eyebrow, skeptical but intrigued. "Okay, Mr. Ancient One, tell me something mind-blowing," He muttered as he solved a problem.

Fenrir grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Did you know that dragons were once the custodians of the cosmos? Powerful beings, they were. I had quite the brawl with a particularly feisty one back in the day."

Koda chuckled, thinking Fenrir was just spinning another tall tale. "Dragons, huh? Next, you'll tell me elves and dwarves are real too. Hey maybe those Reddit nerds actually have something to look forward to..."

Fenrir's eyes twinkled. "Oh, they are, my friend. Just hidden away in realms you can't perceive. But I digress. We have work to do."

"Work?" Koda asked, confused as to what Fenrir meant.

"I sense you're strong, and there's something... Off about how you smell, but now that I am your familiar, you can grow even stronger, hell you could be the strongest human ever..."

Fenrir seemed excited, so Koda decided to humor him. 

"Huh... That sounds cool, what do we do?" He asked, shrugging off the weird feeling of talking to the demon and instead deciding to treat him as a friend.

It would be the easiest way to "Train" his new familiar.

"Alright, kid, time to form a proper bond," Fenrir declared, his eyes gleaming with a strange intensity.

Koda frowned. "Bond? You mean like friendship, or something weirder?"

Fenrir chuckled. "Oh, much weirder. This is a bond on a cosmic level. Close your eyes and open your mind, Koda."

Koda hesitated but closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt the night air against his skin, heard the rustle of leaves in the wind. In the darkness behind his closed eyelids, he sensed Fenrir's presence.

"Now, focus on us," Fenrir's voice resonated in his mind. "Feel the connection between our energies. It's like a thread, delicate yet unbreakable."

As Koda concentrated, he felt a subtle warmth emanating from within. It was as if an invisible force linked him to Fenrir. The sensation grew stronger, enveloping him like a cocoon.

"That's it, Koda," Fenrir whispered. "Now, visualize the bond. Picture it as a luminous thread, intertwining with your essence. Let it weave through the fabric of your being."

Koda followed Fenrir's guidance, picturing the bond in his mind's eye. The thread of energy danced and wove, creating an intricate pattern that seemed to connect them on a level beyond the physical.

The backyard became a canvas of cosmic energies, swirling around Koda and Fenrir. It was a silent dance, an exchange of energies that transcended the ordinary.

Suddenly, Koda felt a surge of emotions, memories, experiences, and a strange familiarity with Fenrir. It was as if a door to the demon's vast knowledge had opened, and Koda was granted a glimpse into realms beyond his understanding.

As the ritual reached its peak, Koda opened his eyes. The room was bathed in a soft, otherworldly light, and Fenrir wore a satisfied expression.

"We're bonded now, kid," Fenrir declared. "You and me, connected on a level that defies the laws of your mundane world."

"Huh... I feel different for sure, not gonna lie I was a bit skeptical but now it's like..." Koda's words trailed off as Fenrir made a big show of bowing in front of him.

"Like we've known each other forever? I can't believe you let that abuse go on for so long by the way, you should have been working out or something."

"Oh... So you see my memories and experiences too then?" Koda asked, thinking it made sense.

"Yep... And how about I help you with the sakura girl? She seems fit to be together with my master," Fenrir's vibe changed in an instant. From carefree to gossip.

"You must have been bored all locked up huh?" Koda asked, smiling a bit as he and fenrir talked for the rest of the day.


"It seems he is free my lord," A lowly demon said to Beelzebub the third, bowing his head as the demon nodded.

"Yes... Will you be able to take him?" The king of demons asked another demon off to the side.

"Hehe... Come now beel, let's not forget who's the older brother yeah?" The demon said, his eyes shining red. "I can kill fenrir and his master in a second, anything to keep the peace... At least until we take over the humans of course."

"Then... Good luck Mephisto."