
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 24: Suicide and New Life

Three weeks passed after the hotel incident. The police rushed the building shortly after gunshots were heard and arrested several mafia members, though D'Ambrosio escaped.

There were no signs of anyone else who wasn't knocked out in the lobby or dead somewhere.

Daichi found Anagi in a cell unhurt and immediately took her home before any shooting started.

As for Koda, no one had seen or heard from him the entire three weeks…

Sakura smiled and took orders, cleaning tables and working hard, but she couldn't deny she was worried about Koda.

He had disappeared after beating all the Kakoyama kids to a pulp, and he hadn't even bothered to show up and demand their date.

She had been planning on refusing him as a joke but she couldn't even play it if he never showed up.

"On the news today, we have the shootout at D'Ambrosio hotel, it was a shock to the community, thankfully however, none were fatally wounded, though many were left unconscious due to blunt force trauma, police are still investigating but if you have any information-"

The news droned on and on as Sakura went to take out the trash. As she threw it in the dumpster something caught her eye, a homeless man leaning against the back of the restaurant.

'Hm? He seems kind of young to be homeless...' She thought before her eyes widened in realization.

"Koda?!" She yelled out, rushing toward him. Just as she reached within a foot of him he jumped up and grabbed her by the wrists, flipping her and slamming her onto the ground with a knife against her throat.

"Huh?" He said, waking up and seeing her pinned to the floor. "This isn't how I thought this would happen... What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice hoarse, as if he hadn't drunken anything in a while.

Sakura winced as she hit the ground, the cold blade of the knife pressing against her throat. She eyed Koda with a mix of surprise and anger.

"What the hell, Koda? You've been missing for three weeks and this is how you greet me?" she snapped, trying to keep her voice steady even with the knife at her neck.

Koda's eyes widened and he quickly withdrew the knife, scrambling back. " Shit I... I didn't recognize you at first."

She sat up, rubbing her wrists where he had gripped her. "What the hell are you doing here? And why are you so... dirty?"

Koda looked down, avoiding her gaze. "I've been laying low, you know? Couldn't exactly go home and take a shower..."

Sakura sighed, her irritation giving way to concern. "Laying low? From who? And why are you homeless?"

Koda hesitated before speaking. "The D'Ambrosios thought I betrayed them... And tey kind of shot at me and stuff... I've been on the run, Sakura, and it's not easy to stay off the grid. I had to let go of everything, even my parents... I hope they don't go after them..."

Sakura's expression softened, the anger replaced by a mix of sympathy and frustration. "You could have told me. We could have figured something out together."

Koda shrugged, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "Nah, would have just messed with your life too, besides I always do shit on my own."

Sakura shook her head, seeming genuinely hurt by his words. "You idiot. We're friends, aren't we? Friends help each other out, even if you don't deserve it."

Koda looked at her in shock before he smiled. "Yeah... I guess you're right Sakura...

"Of course," she added, a stern look in her eyes, "We need to figure a way out of this. You can't keep living on the streets, and we can't let the D'Ambrosios ruin your life."

They retreated into the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes. Sakura handed Koda a towel and some water to clean himself up while she went to grab some food from the kitchen.

As he wiped dirt and grime from his face, Koda couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. He was grateful for Sakura's unexpected help, but there was also a lingering sense of vulnerability he wasn't used to showing.

Sakura returned with a tray of food and a bottle of water. "Eat up. You look like you haven't had a proper meal in days."

Koda smirked, taking the food. "Thanks, Mom."

Sakura rolled her eyes, bending down and grabbing the towel, wiping Koda's hands and arms without saying anything.

Koda looked away, trying not to show his embarrassment. "Take off your shirt," Sakura said, trying to keep calm but se couldn't hide the subtle blush on her face.

Koda had been about to argue but decided against it and complied, going back to eating the food as she cleaned his body.

"So... What's the plan?" Koda said, trying to distract himself as Sakura cleaned him up with the wet rag. 

Sakura finished cleaning Koda's hands, and her gaze met his as he asked about the plan. She took a step back, her face slightly flushed, and cleared her throat.

"The plan is to get you out of here... They'll never stop looking for you if it's the same mafia that... Never mind, but you need to go somewhere." Sakura explained, avoiding eye contact.

Koda raised an eyebrow, his playful smirk returning. "You're blushing. Never thought you'd be so flustered over me taking my shirt off."

"Shut up," Sakura said in frustration. "This is serious."

"So I leave? And then what? Just never come back..."

"You'll die... Your death will be released on the news and everyone, including you, will be safe," Sakura said confidently.

Just then, a man walked into the back, ignoring Koda and looking a Sakura with wide eyes. "Ma'am, the one we were hired to watch has been sound dead in her bathtub... She slit her wrists..." 

Sakura froze, confusing Koda. 

'Hired to watch? What the hell?'

"Koda... To be honest there's a lot you don't know about me or my family... But this isn't just about us," Sakura said, looking at him with a mix of fear and anger.

"What does some girl slitting her wrists have to do with me?" Koda asked, confused as to why Sakura seemed so serious.

"The one who slit her wrists was Hana Kurosawa..."

2 weeks Later

"Uhh... Hello everyone," A boy said in the front of the classroom, looking sheepish and weak. "My name is Koda Amaterasu, I know it's a bit weird to transfer in the middle of the semester but I hope-"

Koda widened his eyes as spit landed on his uniform. 

"Shut the fuck up already and sit down, we don't care who you are dude," A boy said, leaning in his chair and smirking at Koda.

"You have to refrain from fighting, acting tough, and even working, I will send you money every month so just lay low, I already forged your records. Koda Ihono killed himself after finding out the girl he bullied killed herself... Understood?" Sakura had briefed him only four days before.

He was now a shy nerdy boy who had to transfer schools because of his father's job. Koda eyed the boy, thinking how easy it would be to completely break him, but he couldn't.

"Ah... Uh my bad dude," Koda said, smiling it off as he sat in his seat.

"Fucking loser," He heard behind him as the guys in the class smiled and eyed him as if they found a new toy to play with...

'Sakura... Pray for me,' Koda thought as he listened in on the class.


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Sakura Pic—>

On to the main story, kodas prologue is now over

Solo_Lividcreators' thoughts