
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 23: Daichi

Koda yawned as he tapped away to a tune in his head, listening to the heavy footsteps of the other fighters around him.

The rumble hadn't started yet, but he was ready to take them all down anyway.

'If I crunch the numbers… I could be making about 300 thousand this year…' he thought as someone stopped right in front of him.

"Who the fuck are you?" A bulky boy said, looking down on him with clenched fists.

"Me? Oh I'm a fill in for Amaterasu, she didn't feel like wasting her time here today…" Koda murmured, talking mostly to himself as if these guys weren't even worth saying words too.

The bulky boy's face twisted with anger at Koda's dismissive tone. "You think you can just waltz in here and take Amaterasu's place? Who the hell do you think you are?"

Koda looked up, his eyes meeting the boy's with an amused glint. "I think I'm the guy who's about to win this little placement fight and score a date… Names Koda by the way."

The boy snorted, clearly unimpressed. "Koda, huh? Well, you're gonna regret stepping into our turf, smartass."

As the boy made a move to stomp on Koda, the boy twisted his body and jumped up in one fluid movement, landing behind his attacker. "Easy there, big guy. You'll hurt yourself before this shit even begins…"

Koda looked at his phone as he sees a new text. "Who is this anagi girl and why does she have connections to the police?!" Hiroshi Takamura had texted him.

"The hell? Unless it's his boss why would he expect me to answer… That doesn't sound good though"

Koda bent over quickly, dodging a heavy strike from the bigger boy and looking annoyed. "Fuck off for a second," he said, kicking him in the pit of the stomach and dropping him immediately.

That set everything off at the underpass, suddenly fists and kicks were being thrown on all sides.

"Hah…" Koda texted Takamura and asked what he meant before taking out his earbuds and connecting them to his phone.

"Play Don't Stop me Now by Queen," He said quietly as he sprung into action.

Koda slipped his earbuds in, drowning out the chaotic sounds of the brawling high schoolers with his own chosen rhythm. "Haha… Don't stop me now," Koda said with a laugh as he looked at the his first attacker.

The first opponent lunged at him, a wild swing aimed at Koda's face. In a flash, Koda ducked and weaved, his agility enhanced by his [Evade] skill. He countered with a swift jab to the ribs, exploiting an opening created by the overextended punch. "One."

Another opponent tried to catch him off guard from behind, but Koda's [God of Combat] skill allowed him to sense the attack. With a quick spin he caught the attacker in the air, kicking him in the ribs and breaking them.

Koda lunged at another guy fighting, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the concrete.

"No wonder Sakura is number 1 with weak ass guys like this," Koda said with a sigh as he attacked another boy, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling it up to cover his face before kneeing him repeatedly in the nose.

It continued like this for a few minutes more until the rest of the Kakoyama boys were beaten and laying on the ground.

"Welp, I got that favor over with, time to go see what Takamura was so worried about," Koda said as he left lighting up a cigarette and running away from the scene.

Daichi smashed through mafia members, breaking arms and legs as he tore through the hotel D'Ambrosio

"Who called the police!" A man yelled in anger as he attacked Daichi, only to get smacked down the stairs.

"Anagi!" Daichi yelled loudly.

"Hah… Looks like that Ihono kid really screwed us over…" Takamura said, standing on the very top of the stairs smoking a cigarette as he looked down on Daichi.

"You know Koda?" Daichi asked, his anger barely in check as he reached for information.

"So I was right… Looks like Koda betrayed us huh?" Takamura said, a big assumption but it seemed like the right one to the seasoned mafia member, he never trusted a kid could keep the numbers Koda was putting up without any reason. Now Takamura believed Koda had only done this to get information on them and report them to the police.

"So why are you here officer? You think you can just attack blindly?" Takamura said as he threw his cigarette down at Daichi.

"Officer? Whatever, get out of my way," He said before recognizing the man.

"No wa-" The sound of bones cracking filled the hotel lobby as Daichi smashed his fist into Takamura's face. "You were in the photo!" He screamed, absolutely livid as he rushed Takamura and began beating him to a pulp.

'Man when did officers get so strong…' Takamura thought as he ate the punches.

The next second he spat blood into Daichi's eyes, reaching up for his collar.


Daichi continued without hesitation, not caring that he couldn't see his opponent anymore.

"W-Wait you'll really kill me chill out off-"

Daichi smashed his fist into the mans mouth again breaking his teeth and throwing him off the stairs.

"Damn…" Koda said behind the enraged boy. "Is this a hero's awakening or some shit? I didn't think Takamura would lose to someone like you…" Koda muttered, looking at Daichi with caution.

"You… Where is she?" Daichi said calmly, making Koda even more cautious.

"You mean Anagi? She's probably getting fucked like a whore right now… Oh wait she is haha-"

Koda widened his eyes and dodged Daichi's heavy punch, feeling the wind snap next to his ear.

'This guy's way different than the other two…' He thought as he jumped out of the way of a kick, barely dodging his attacks.

"Damn, if I fight you in a fair fight-" Koda jumped over another punch. "I'd definitely lose."

Koda dodged another attack before smiling a bit. "Good thing I don't fight fair."

"You talk too much, Ihono," Daichi growled, his movements becoming more controlled. Koda could sense the shift in Daichi's demeanor, a transformation from raw anger to disciplined aggression.

Koda's smirk faded as he recognized the change. "Alright then, no more banter," he muttered to himself.

Koda barely dodged another punch, making Daichi punch a whole through the solid stone wall.

The boy was unfazed, reaching for Koda and grabbing ahold of his jacket.

"Now you see me," Koda smiled as he was pulled into a knee. "Now you don't," He finished as he slipped out of the jacket at the last second, dodging the knee and wrapping the jacket around Daichi's leg before forcing him up, sending the big guy into the ground.

"Hah… Where's Anagi…" Daichi muttered, feeling tired after fighting all the mafia members.

"Huh? You aren't gonna get up and beat my ass?" Koda said, confused with the sudden shift.

"I just want to get my girlfriend out of here… Please these guys will just kill her."

Koda looked down at Daichi, thinking on what to do.

He knew what his head was saying, beat Daichi's ass and send him packing, but he was almost certain Daichi would just keep coming back.

"Huh… Well I guess she's not even that important, I'm kinda done with the whole prostitution thing… She's up in the west wing, if you can get to her I guess you can just take her home," Koda said, sighing as he grabbed his jacket.

"I was ready for an epic battle, kind of lame dude…" He muttered before walking to the elevator and going up.

Stopping at the top floor he got off, looking at the dozens of guns pointed at him.

"Ihono… I see you've made your side clear," D'Ambrosio said, angry.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I mean I guess. Does that make things with your daughter off the table?"

Koda raised his hands as several guns clicked. "Alright alright… What do you think I did?"

D'Ambrosio raised his hand, glaring at Koda with pure hatred. "The worst crime… Betrayal."

The mafia boss dropped his hand, the shots of guns tearing up the top floor…


Let's trade, chaps for powerstones!