
Where Am I !?

"Who is he?" a girl commented

"His clothes are weird" another man interjected

"Maybe he's lost? or he's a SPY!?" an idiot-faced boy shrieked

" You're over reacting a spy? with that limpy-frail body of his? maybe he's abducted and was thrown here." a somewhat intelligent person rebutted that idiot-faced boy.

" Anyway wake him up, and ask him," a cute loli voiced out


"hmmmmmng, its so noisy" Alluka thought to himself half awake

With his gibberish mumbling he slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was something he didn't foresaw.

Oi Oi Oi! What, Where is this!?

Being surprised Alluka stand up and wearing a surprised looked he stared at those majestic buildings, those floating carpets, brooms and hovering fish in mid-air, completely not concerning about the people around him, or we could say that he didn't notice them.

After all he's surprised what can you do about it? hehe

Regaining his composure, he saw some people mumbling something so he snapped,

"uuhmmm where-"

"Who are you?! where did you come from?" an intelligent man asked

"Are you a spy?!? are you!?" an idiot-faced shouted

"What a poor thing, were you ravaged last night? your clothes are tattered!" cute loli commented

'huh?! Oi! Why do I feel I'm different here!? Ravaged!? You're the one whose ravaged! Your whole family is ravaged! Heck! Alluka mumbled to his thought and voicing out his question

"Ahh, Im sorry but I don't remember what happened, but I WAS NOT ravaged" Alluka seemed to be clearly indicating something

"Mind if you tell me where is this?" he politely asked to the people in front of him

'Generally, since I'm different I should stay low not be rash or I'll die without knowing it, yeah I should be the nice guy, well I'm always nice hehe' Alluka thought.

Well Alluka is right on the spot he is different from them

With Alluka's reply, the intelligent man seemed to be relieved because he can feel Allukas aura not lying and Alluka does not seem to be a bad man at all, just that..

His face is stupid

"You must have been abducted eh? what I see you're not from here" a burly figure said while examining Alluka "And also you don't have mana," he added

In this world people even animals and insects possess mana, to produce magic, going by logic in this world this person in front of them does not even emit a mana, or rather he doesn't have at all, so how come he still survived?

Mana is like the source of life in this world. Every living creature must possess it. And not possessing it means death,

In this Magical world ordinary people would surely be abused, berated, looked down or even used as slaves, well if there were,

With many thought going through to his mind right now, Bewildered he still answered the burly figure

"Yes I am not from here, and I am clearly not a spy and also about mana? What is it? Im a human whereby mage's possess mana thats just fantasy" Alluka said


All the people surrounding him laughed seemed like dying though,

"You're quite weird, hahaha in this world mana is life and not possessing mana means death, and also we are all mages! Its not fantasy weird man!" after saying this he cast a spell.

"Fire ball!" Small bits of fire came to be condensed at one area in his palm and he threw it in a corner then the fireball exploded

" See its real not fantasy, by the way weird man, you don't have mana, how come your'e still alive?" the man asked

"uhhmm regarding that, well I don't really have mana and Im really surprised by this events here, Im from Earth and in our world....." Alluka told them all he can because he was afraid. Afraid of the unknown world where he is.

It took long time before Alluka finished with his story-telling,

"Oh, technically your race is useless humans? that is?" a cute loli said

"Useless" when Alluka heard it he felt like stabbed in the heart.

'You're useless, all of you are useless, all your family is USELESS!

you freaking midget!' Alluka swear in his mind while tearing apart every limbs in this midget have.

"Don't be like that Schion, you are hurting our friend here, he not useless though but a trash hehe," Seemingly mocking the intelligent man commented

Puuu! Alluka spurted blood in his mind

Adding salt to his open wound the heck!

'Painful! Painful!

You are bullying me! Hmm! Wait till I become a mage!' Alluka lamented

'Oh yeah I wished i wanna become a mage before I came here right? Maybe I was sent here to become a MAGE! heheh! Maybe it is!' Alluka comforted hos self

"Okay now guys since this weird man is not a bad factor, then that's there is to it, dismiss" an old man said while walking to them, he seemed like he heard all of their conversation

"Oh Principal!" Everyone said in unison and bowed their heads in respect

The media dispersed but a boy remained

"Hey Liu are you not leaving?" the old man said in a husky voice

"No Honorable Principal, from what I understood from earlier this weird man is homeless right now, and well I wanna help him," Liu the idiot-faced boy replied to the old man

"O-Oh well yeah, help him" the old man was shocked and still gave a thumbs up to Liu

'Hmmm Liu really is a good boy, even he possess stupid face, his character is quite amazing.

These kind of youth is rarely seen now-a-days'