
The Act

After the day....

Alluka had been on Liu's Residence after bidding goodbye to the principal

Liu was quite hospitable to Alluka even though he still do not yet know well Alluka, he offered food, drink, and a shelter. Alluka is very much thankful for this savior of his, knowing that this man that offered him hospitality, he promised to the heavens that this man will be his sworn brother..

Back the day when he was still in Earth, Alluka had a older brother and a younger brother, all in all they were 3 siblings in the family composed of men.

But this relationship between them isn't good because Alluka is always abused by his older brother and always looked down by his younger brother.Why? because their family is known to be a good athlete as well as a good model student, but Alluka didn't possess them or we could say he's mediocre in those two field. As such, he is known to be a disgrace in the family, even though his parents are not doing anything to him about this issue. Well it is one thing that his parents do not put a stop do this abuse of his siblings to him, they just turn a blind eye to it, and when his parents cannot take it, they just reprimand his siblings and after a time they always tell Alluka that it isn't his siblings fault but his. Because his stupid.

This rotten world he was is very unfair, but Alluka didnt put it into heart because after all they are family. So he just smile and feign ignorance and sometimes grit his teeth to endure and tell his self that one day when he's capable, he'll move out and live onto his own.

Well this kind of things isn't uncommon in Earth, moreover there are those who experience much worst life. So Alluka is still thankful because he still can eat, read, sleep well in a comfy bed, have allowance and go to school which many cannot.

That's why even if he is treated unfairly, his parents and siblings have a point if only he was born like them then he wouldn't have to feel this unfair treatment. Being proud of his siblings. Yes he is very proud of their achievements because he still belonged to this family.

This kind of situation put Alluka to cherish every people that offer him good deeds to be imprinted to his heart. More like he became sentimental. After all Alluka had never been a bad student before its just that he's low compared to his siblings but not compared to other student.

Its like how a smart people is compared to average students, but when a smart student is compared to a genius then, its all worthless

That's why now. After Liu unreservedly welcomed Alluka, he is very touched to the point where he could cry right now. But he's holding it to his heart. He doesn't want to see him crying.

Typical Man's Weakness- not crying in front of other people

Both of them had dinner but Alluka wanted to ask Liu some questions, so he answered it with his heart.

And then both of them slept.


Early in the morning. Alluka had been realizing things that didn't exist in his world.

Much Like Magic, Mana he knew of these things but never in his life he could apply them to his very own life.

"Good Morning Ai" Liu greeted Alluka

Before they slept. Alluka and Liu had a introduction to each other about family background and past. And they become much more cozy to each other. But what left Alluka surprised again is People here in this world cannot pronounce his name Alluka! When they try they can only pronounce Ai!

So, well Alluka thought to himself that since its a new start for his life in this new world. Its not bad to have a new name. 'hehe' laughed at his own self

"Good morning Liu." Alluka smiled back to Liu seemingly refreshed from Liu's morning smile

"Let's have breakfast and go to school Ai, since you new and were of the same age, why not go to school together," Liu had been thinking this before he slept, he felt that Ai will have a very hard time in this world of his so why not make him his family, just that he can't offer it right now so he thought that he'll take it slowly

"Sure! I'd be really thankful then! Brother Liu without you I would've been sleeping in the slums right now." thanked Ai

After they had breakfast the two went to the magic school which the village only had,

Every village has one as to awaken and let students study magic in order to control their magic so that they can avoid using it in bad things. But well other use it in violence but well. Discipline is a good thing and youngsters must be guided to a correct path in order to avoid them err.

"Hello Madame! Good Morning! May I ask if I can enroll my friend of mine to the school?" Liu asked the attendant in the front desk of the office which is an eccentric lady, sometimes friendly, sometimes not, nobody knows what she'll do to you, but still she works here and was a respectable magician nobody would ever insult her. Just that not infront of her, but in her back? Heck even counting wouldn't do to calculate all those foul words directed to her.

"Hmmmm." Assessing Alluka (Ai) her eyebrows frowned.

Seeing the reaction of that lady, Liu couldn't help but gulp saliva, because he knows Ai doesn't have mana so how could this brat even dream of enrolling to school, but still Liu tried because he must not leave Ai alone. After hearing the story of his friends like, he was so close to crying to that painful experience where Ai felt in that world. So, he decided that he'll help Ai in all occasions.

"This Kid" the lady looked up and down of AI and after a brief pause she continued

"Why doesn't he have mana?" the lady curiously asked

"That," Liu became lost at words because from what he heard Ai doesn't belong here. Theoretically saying Ai is an Otherworldly being. But people don't believe it here.

Well in their remote village that is.

"Ma'am I lost my mana because I was cursed back then, our family had been driven out by magical beast horde controlled by our relatives in order to rule our small town governed by my parents." Ai had already looked over this matter late at night because Liu told him that his existence and the logic of him transported is very much impossible in this world because the mana of a person cannot sustain a portal to other worlds and never had he heard of a otherworldly being in the capital.

So, Ai constructed a false story in order to blend with the surroundings.

"Ai" seemingly surprised by his friends answer

The lady was shooooked!

" That is so unfortunate! I am sorry for bringing that matter again. But may I ask what is your relationship to Liu? " the curious lady still asked him anyway

"He is my relative, my family said the I had a relative in this village where I can be safe to avoid the claws of my traitorous aunts and uncles. So they sent me here and they stayed there."

Alluka calmly answered but after a few moments his eyes started to turn red.

Seeing the reaction of that boy, the lady couldn't help but become touched so she gave Ai slip of an officialy enrolled student.

"Okay, I put you with the same class as Liu in order for you to have someone to help you here in this village. Okay now go to the classroom its nearly the time of the start of the class, go Go Go." The lady pushed the students to the hallway directing to classrooms .


While walking Liu couldn't help but ask Ai

"Im surprised about you brother!" Liu frantically saying beside Ai

"How was it?" Ai smugly smiled at the boy

"Totally, Perfect! hahahaha with that teary eyes of yours, the family, curse all about it! How did you do it?" Curiously asked Liu to that smug face of Ai

"Its nothing, its what you call an act hahaha"

The two of them stupidly talked and laughed in the hallway not noticing that their room is up ahead and their voices had been to loud

(Voices of laugh not the conversation)


The sound of a sliding wooden door was heard and the two stupid boys came to a stop when a ugly creature greeted them to their destination

"Monster!" Ai shouted in surprise

" An ugly monster!" corrected Ai

" Ohoh~ How daring! Monster eh!?" that monster talked

It can talk! Omy god! A monster with the ability to converse!

"Both of the stupid boys became rooted on the floor not even flinching, but when they looked more upon the so-called monster they realized it was a man.

Well Liu already recognized this man because he was the same as Ai in reacting the first time they met.