
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Arena of Mammon

Joseph was shocked fighting such a monster was not something that Joseph could even imagine.

Godiva was left speechless finding a false dungeon was one in a million phenomenal and now Joseph had to fight a minotaur which is one of the strongest mid-level monsters if not the strongest mid-level even Joseph with all of his cheats wasn't on the level of this behemoth.

Godiva frantically searched through the item shop and purchased some items.

4 agility potions that increased agility by 70% for 1 minute and 4 strength potions that increased strength by 70% for 1 minute but had the cooldown of minutes after each use.

These were the only thing that she could find useful in this situation for Joseph.

and as she was about to explain everything about the minotaur the announcer continued:

(Now its time for what all of you have been waiting for the undefeated BEEEE HEEEE MOOOTH against JOOOOOO SEEEE PHHH the anomaly)

Cheers could be heard all over the arena everyone was excited to see a zombie capable of using Holy mana fight.

At this point, Joseph's circumstances weren't a secret in the universe with that many watchful eyes.

Minotaur lift his massive Axe at took a wide swing from right to left.

Joseph activated the ox assail and drink both potions now Joseph's agility could rival a rank 3 or a normal rank 4 agility type zombie.

Joseph then jumped on top of the axe's blade and ran 2 meters forward he then leapt off the axe, before the minotaur could respond to this sudden move Joseph used all of his might and delivered a kick right to minotaurs head.

From the impact, a shock wave appeared in the arena all of the spectators were cheering even more wildly.

Minotaur felt a bit dizzy and before minotaur could regain balance Joseph grabbed his left horn and pulled it as hard as he could.

Minotaur completely lost his balance and fell Joseph did not let this chance go and pummeled the Minotaur's head.

However, before long minotaur used one of his skills and his skin turned into what looked like metal.

Joseph couldn't deal any more damage to the minotaur.

Thanks to the titan slayer title as well as his holy aura and the potions Joseph was able to deal 40% damage to the minotaur.

Godiva then said the skill the minotaur used will last for 3 minutes with a cooldown of 1 hour, during this duration you can't deal damage to him.

Now Joseph felt really hopeless after all the effect of potions would wear off in less than 10 seconds.

Nonetheless, Joseph had no choice but to prevail, for the next 3 minutes Joseph kept dodging the attacks of the minotaur. effect of the minotaur's skill was gone.

But what Joseph didn't realize was that this seemingly mindless monster had driven him to the corner of the arena.

Before Joseph could get out of the corner Minotaur used his second skill and let out a deafening roar.

Joseph's head felt dizzy and he couldn't move he was stunned for 3 seconds before the stun's effect could wear off Minotaur hit Joseph as hard as he could sending him crashing to the wall.

Even with the effect of the Holy shroud and Baldur's blessing he still lost 75% of his health.

Joseph got up and ran towards the opposite side of the arena.

If he managed to survive for a bit more the effect of Eir's blessing and holy shroud combined would heal him to the max.

for the next two minutes, Joseph dodged and recovered all of his lost hp.

Joseph now wanted to take the fight to Minotaur, Joseph changed to a bald eagle but in human size.

Spectators were shocked and left speechless then the silence was broken by a kid saying:

(Uncle is super cool pls change into a unicorn next)

However, everyone in the arena knew there is only two ways to receive such skill and both are associated with dangerous entities.

The most worried of all was mammon himself, But once the fight started it couldn't be stopped he was worried about what happens if Joseph dies there? what would the entities that blessed him do?

Joseph drank two more potions and took off, Joseph then activated ox assail once more and rushed the minotaur, Minotaur swung his axe was towards the flying Joseph but Joseph easily dodged the attack

Joseph then responded with an attack of himself and clawed out the eyes of the minotaur.

Minotaur let out a cry that was so loud that most of the spectators had to cover their ears however for Joseph thanks to Godiva's decisiveness she blocked off Joseph's hearing ability while the cry lasted.

Joseph then took this chance and using his strength he grabbed the blade of the axe in the hands of the minotaur and pulled it out of his hands.

Now minotaur was left weaponless and blinded.

Joseph couldn't help but think how overpowered this skill was. to preserve mana Joseph turned back into a human the only problem with the skill was it was taxing on the mana.

Minotaur now in rage and blinded just let out roars and used various skills to kill Joseph. but to no avail.

Joseph just waited in a corner for the ox assail's cooldown to wear off.

then He picked up the giant 5-meter tall axe drank another strength potion and rush towards the Minotaur,

Joseph leapt off the ground and in a swift slash he decapitated the defenceless minotaur.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked the odds of Joseph winning was 1:32 in the minotaur's favour.

Of course, the person with the most profit was Godiva who went all-in on Joseph after all if Joseph died he wouldn't need the money anyway.

Now Mammon was happy after all if Joseph died here the entity backing him up would have exact revenge on them.

Mammon just rewarded Joseph and send him out he didn't want to deal with any angry gods no matter how greedy he was it was still hard to deal with the gods. especially Loki and Lucifer.

Joseph was relieved now that he was outside the dungeon he didn't care about the reward, from the start to the end of the fight Joseph couldn't help but feel like this is the end of his Journey.

Godiva was excited once more, she made big money from the fight and she now had an epic rank reward to give Joseph, Joseph's first epic grade.

Joseph had made 10,609,960 doom coins from the start of the update till now and he spent 4 million on the potions.

Godiva bet 6,606,960 doom coins on Joseph, now Joseph was extremely rich thanks to Godiva Joseph had made

211,422,720 doom coins. after Joseph saw this big number he was left speechless.

Godiva then gave Joseph the epic rate reward.


{Krisah Zenik (Epic)}

A 60cm tall and 50cm wide diamond-shaped shield, wielded by a legendary warrior from another world. legends have it that the wielder of this shield fought against countless enemies and saved countless lives. this shield still hasn't lost its holy power.

Defence: +120

[skill: {Seldina Cross (A+)}

Holy cross is a skill that enlarges the shield and protects everyone behind a 10 meters tall and 5 meters wide cross also repels enemies associated with darkness.

Skills effectiveness depends on the user's affinity with holy mana.

Negates 5000 damage done by enemy whether magical or physical after 5000 damage skill deactivates. damage blockage increases by the affinity of the user

Cooldown: 5hours

Mana cost: 0

Duration: until sufficient damage is done.]

Unfortunately, Joseph Couldn't get his hands on the soul bead of the minotaur however with the money they made Godiva bought enough materials for him to evolve now they weren't short on money.

It was a rough night but Joseph couldn't help but twitch in happiness thinking about tomorrow.