
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Road to Chichen Itza is not that easy

Now Joseph wanted to Evolve to Rank 4 before challenging the Chichen Itza even if he was overpowered it was still better to be safe than sorry.

As Joseph was going around Mexico City killing Zombies in order to get evolution materials he saw a family of 4 running away from a horde of zombies Joseph sat there watching as everything happened when he thought everything was over and the family were going to get killed.

The 15 years old boy that was accompanied by 2 ladies and a little boy just stood there without running he wanted to sacrifice himself in order to save his mother, grandmother and younger brother naturally Joseph couldn't bear to see an innocent kid sacrificing himself and he was shocked, by this kids resolve to sacrifice himself for the family.

Before the first zombie could bite the kid Joseph threw a stone exploding the head of the zombie he then jumped forward and in a swift movement got rid of more than 10 zombies there was still quite a bit of them but they were nothing compared to Joseph's might and shortly after they were gotten rid of.

The family were watching Joseph with a wide-open mouth as he easily got rid of all of the zombies.

Joseph wanted to leave however if he did the family wouldn't have a chance to survive he asked them where they wanted to go they said, their other family members lived in the cities outskirt and they want to go there as they would have a higher chance of survival if they could get away from the centre of the town.

Joseph didn't mind escorting them he also could get more information about the places with the most zombie or possibly a dungeon.

while walking Joseph kept exuding bloodlust this naturally kept any and every zombie away it was a smooth walk.

Joseph then started the conversation by asking about the places with the most zombies or if they had seen some fantasy monster.

15 years old boy whose name was Dante excitedly explained his crazy saga and how he killed several fantasy monsters the saga went as:

I was gathering some food from the nearby markets I had a butcher knife with me to protect myself but then, then a goblin attacked me I swung my knife like swoosh swish and killed the goblin, his blood was so stinky that I couldn't stand it and immediately picked up my bag and ran outside.

Then, then, then a big dog that walked like humans chased me around I rant to Pancho's place, Pancho came out with his shotgun and bang killed the dog that was chasing me.

The next day, I was going around looking for my uncle Marco, Because he had a big gun he could easily kill the zombies but as I was going to uncle Marco's place I saw a troll it was exactly like the ones from my games it was a big green guy that looked like Orcs but had some differences before it could see me I ran away.

It's crazy out here uncle you should be careful.

Joseph was getting tired of hearing the nonsense of this kid and without wanting to break the kid's heart he excitedly said:

Oh, little brother is really cool you should tell me where those dogs and troll were so I avoid them uncle is only strong enough to kill zombies.

Dante with confidence said:

Of course, uncle you see, I'm a brave man I followed every big dog, goblin and troll I saw and I know their homes he then explained the locations to Joseph Godiva immediately marked all of the locations on the map before Joseph could thank the kid his grandmother just smacked the heck out of him saying its dangerous to go around looking for monsters.

Dante kept yelling Abuela pls don't hit me in front of the cool uncle but his words never reached Abuela's ears.

Poor kid Joseph thought but he was kinda pleased seeing him getting smacked after ranting on and on about his saga.

after 2 hours of walk, they reached the relative's Joseph was about to leave but the family invited him inside saying that they wouldn't forgive him if he said no hospitality of Mexicans was common knowledge all around the world and Joseph kinda wanted to try some delicious foods.

He went inside the home and handed foot ingredients to Abuela and asked her if she could cook some Pozole.

Joseph's eyes were glowing and brimming with excitement like a little child Abuela said she will make him some, after eating the pozole Joseph was convinced that grandmas are the best cooks, that day Joseph experienced the hospitality of Mexicans. After Joseph left a notification popped up.


[Congratulations for safely saving and escorting a family to a safe location an action truly befitting a Hero]

[2 new skills have been acquired]

[Areal Heal LVL 1 (A)]

[Hero's Blessing LVL 1 (A)]

[Yeah Yeah I know just shut up I will show you the description]

Well, Joseph didn't even open his mouth but Godiva was tired of sudden things keep happening ever since she was with Joseph during her time as a system her calculations were never wrong but with Joseph? She was always wrong.

{Areal heal LVL 1 (A)}

{ A holy warrior who has a clean heart will always help people in trouble.

(Areal heal) heals every friendly subject heals for 30% of maximum health point.

Area of effects range: 40meters in diameter.

Mana Cost:100

Cooldown: 25minutes}

{Hero's blessing LVL1 (A)}

{ A hero who fights for the path of righteousness will always have loyal followers.

These followers will naturally receive many things from accompanying the hero such as the Hero's blessing.

Buffs every ally in hero's party for 20% of their maximum stats the duration of blessing lasts for 5 minutes.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Mana cost: 75.}

they were both good skills but kinda useless for Joseph however he was happy he got them soo easily and went forward to the location of the dungeons in order to evolve.

Joseph decided to avoid goblin dungeons and use them as a last resort since they didn't give that much evolution material Godiva said Kobolds are not that different from the orcs so he decided to go for the Trolls.

After reaching the position that Dante had pointed out he could see the entrance to the Dungeon and Godiva had already explained the amount of evolution materials Trolls would give him.

4000 evolution points each and with zombies, he had killed after the last night's fight he needed to kill 450 trolls however it was impossible for a dungeon to have 450 trolls especially since trolls were stronger than the average monster.

Joseph didn't waste any time and went inside the dungeon it was time to gather evolution materials.

It was Joseph's first time witnessing a Troll they were bigger than the orcs and had a bigger nose their skins were darker and they looked more terrifying than the orcs but even then they were still too easy for Joseph to kill, however unlike the orcs, Trolls needed 2 hits to be killed still it was easy Joseph killed as many as he could and finally reached the boss room at this point he had killed 85 Trolls.

Now in front of the boss room, Joseph wondered how would the Troll boos look like he opened the door and went inside but there wasn't anything inside it was a blank and empty room, suddenly a notification popped up.


[You have entered the domain of Mammon please him or die (A)]

From Joseph's knowledge, Mammon was one of the seven deadly sins, Greed, however, Joseph didn't know whether he had enough money to please this greedy ba**ard.

Before he could do anything a Pitch-black ball appeared in the middle of the big hall Joseph was in and grow as big as a room.

From the pitch-black darkness of the ball emerged a monster that was 10 meters tall, had two big horns and the face of a cow.

It was a minotaur Joseph was dumbfounded he never imagined such a ridiculous monster to exist, for the first time after leaving Tokyo dome he felt a sense of dread.

it was no joke, suddenly a handsome young man appeared out of nowhere he looked like a tv show host and was floating around the area, next with a snap of his fingers, lights shone down and Joseph found himself in the middle of an arena.

There were countless people all of them wore masks to hide their identities suddenly the young man said:

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to tonight's show this nights visitor is a monster, a man, a zombie a handsome young lad his name is JOOOOOOOO SEEEEEE PHHH.

He is the strongest zombie on this planet.

everyone in the crowd cheered wildly some older ladies even throw their bras at Joseph.

Now as for his opponent, THE MAD OX, the strongest of its kind, the monster who reigned terror over many worlds and the champion of the mid-level arena the MAAAD OX BEEEE HEEEEE MOOOOTH.

the crowd cheered even more wildly but no bras were thrown.

Joseph now know what please meant he had to fight this behemoth 1vs1 and if he won he would survive.

the minotaur had a giant axe that was 5 meters tall the head of the axe alone was as big as Joseph.

sorry for several days with no upload I didn't feel too good and didn't want to write some random stuff and post them.

pls forgive me for the delay and as my exams are coming up uploads won't be as frequent but I will promise that the chapters I upload would be of quality <3.

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