
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · Fantasy
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195 Chs

Chapter 121

Zedekiel knew that Frederick was confident because of his magic. Dark Elfin magic was very unstable and dangerous. He couldn't let Prince Ron be exposed to it.

It all happened so fast.

One minute Prince Ron was standing with his slingshot aimed at Frederick and the next, he felt his body being gently placed against a tree. Stunned, he gazed up at his beloved. "W-What are you doing?"

"Protecting you," Zedekiel answered. "I can't let you fight, Prince Ron."

"Why not?!" Prince Ron exclaimed, puffing up like a blowfish. "Are you looking down on me? I can fight you know and I want to protect you too!"

Zedekiel smiled. He couldn't remember the last time someone had wanted to protect him so fiercely. He cupped Prince Ron's cheeks and leaned down, planting a feather-light kiss on his soft lips.

Prince Ron, who was angry before suddenly went quiet. He blushed deeply, not knowing what to do or say. What was it he was feeling again?