
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The first level?

Ch 4

the giant picked up Noah and threw him into the wall. Noah grunts in pain and gets up again. The giant tries to do it again, but Noah escapes his grasp and runs up his arm, punches his eye and The giant collapsed it was clear he was knocked out. Noah punches his eye over and over again. He kills it and finally the quest finishes but due to the fact Noah went over the allotted time he wasn't given full rewards. Even though he wasn't given all the rewards, he still thought that rewards are rewards after all lessened or not.


skill: weak point finder

title: giant slayer

+3 levels

Just as he was about to check his status two more giants appeared he started fighting them and noticed it was significantly easier than earlier. He was able to punch harder run faster and jump higher.

"are these the affects of leveling up?" He mumbled to himself

then suddenly a whole bunch of giants came into Noahs Line of sight and startles Noah, at least 50 giants had come out of the long dark hallway that lead to what Noah could only assume was the boss room they were all different sizes and they didn't have weapons but they had a couple pieces of armor on. Not the full plate metal the giants in his first dungeon were wearing. He hid a bit then decided to split them up into smaller groups so Noah could pick them off. After a day or so he had killed all the giants and collected the loot afterwards he checked his stats to see that he had leveled up about 20 times which was a smaller amount than it was before Noah assumes it works like a game where when you level up your stats grow and you can use more skills but it gets harder to level up. Noah also checks his stats to see they've Risen significantly








Noah figures out what each stat increased and he also notices that there are stat points so he tries testing. He punches a wall and nothing happens he then increases strength by 1 and…