
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Stats and skills

Ch 5

Noah punches the wall with increased strength and he leaves a dent its not very big but its now obvious what strength does. After several more trials he figures out what the other stats do. Intelligence increases calculative abilities and reaction speed. Mana of course increases his magic power. Speed of course increases his ability to move faster. Sense increases his ability to sense danger. But he still hasn't found out what constitution does. He decides to spend his ability points, Noah has 17 ability points the same as his level, excluding the ones he used earlier on his stats to figure out what they do. He decides to put 10 in intelligence and 7 in speed meaning his stats are








Noah realizes he will. Need a weapon to fight the boss so he takes a giants rib and makes a strange kind of dagger it was poorly made but as soon as he picked it up a screen popped up next to it telling him it have him plus 3 strength while using. He also opens the game shop and realizes that if you kill monsters you get coins which you can use to buy things

He mumbles under his breath "woah so it is exactly like a game"

Noah starts to head to the boss room and as soon as he enters he gets a feeling of dread. The boss wasn't what he had expected it was a weird monster and it was hard to see. Noah walks closer expecting a giant boss but it wasn't it was a horrifyingly huge wolf probably over double the size of the giants it had a red name as well its name was fenrir

"as in the wolf from those stories the end of the world ragnarok?"

Noah charges at the wolf and tries to take him by surprise but the wolf notices him and bats him into the wall now fenrir is charging at Noah, Noah gets up and dodges to the left but fenrirs tail still hits him. Noah goes flying he doesn't have much health now. Noah quickly opens the store and buys all the full restores he can. He uses one and is now up to max hp. After fighting and getting used to fenrirs attack pattern Noah can now fight back.