
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Ch 3

Noah thinks about the offer and decides to sleep on it.

He wakes up in the middle of the night because of a loud beeping sound. Noah gets up to see the blue screen telling him he's failed the quest. Noah is confused as to what's happening until he gets teleported to a random place. The random location seemed to be 10 feet in the air. He stares at the ground for a second and starts falling.

"ah shiiiiiiii"

Noah hits the ground and breaks his arm

Noah writhes around on the ground for what seems like forever

Afterwards he get up and looks around, seems he's in a alleyway he tries to walk out and when he does he finds out that he's in a new place

"where am i?"he says incredulously

he looks around to see a subway map of London england, he starts asking the people he sees around where the nearest hospital is. Once he gets to the nearest hospital he collapses from the pain. Noah wakes up to see another hospital. The nurse comes in and starts by asking how he got injured and other related questions and ended on the hospital bill. The bill costed more than a months worth of pay. Apparently they had healed him using magic which costs at least 10 times more than a regular treatment.

"ah" he said with a peaceful look on his face

the nurse looks at Noah and asks him what's wrong And he said he cant pay this fee. The nurse looked shocked and ran out of the room. Noah then jumped out of the open window on the other side of the room luckily he was on the second floor of the hospital and didn't get hurt. Noah try's to find a gate in his area to see if like in games you level up by killing monsters. He finds a nearby gate its c-rank. He enters the gate to find its a giant type dungeon just like the one that traumatized him. He starts trying to kill the giants but its extremely hard. He starts punching the giant as hard as he can but it doesn't do much.

"shit I've got to think of a way out of this"

he starts heading to the exit of the gate forgetting you cant exit once you enter. He bangs on the gate trying to leave because as long as people have entered the gates others aren't allowed in unless they go in at the same time.

"shit he says" while being picked up by a giant