
Becoming Immortal

Reborn into the Twilight world 4,000 years before the start of the story. With powerful abilities, and a ruthless ambition. Aster will stop at nothing in his rise to power and immortality. -------------------------------------------------- Cover image is not mine.

SpareTire · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


Two more years have passed. I'm now fifteen years of age. I can now say that after five years in this world I have grown completely comfortable with this new life of mine. But much has changed since two years ago.

I'm to be married soon, and to prepare for that I have moved to the city of Zakros. It's located on the far eastern coast of Crete. About as far from Knossos as you can get. A weight that I didn't even notice was there had slowly lifted off my shoulders the further I got from Minos.

There is a modest villa that belonged to my family on the outskirts of the city that now belongs to me to raise my future family in. I will be in charge of overseeing the entire bee farming operation in the city, though it's not even half the production that happens in Knossos.

My future wife and her entire family reside here in Zakros. They are very successful and profitable traders, which is not odd considering the Minoan people, my people, are a highly mercantile society. Almost all of our lands wealth comes from overseas trade with a surprisingly high degree of organization. From mainland Greece to Syria, Egypt, and even Mesopotamia. Minoan goods have spread quite far.

That alone would not have been enough for my father to consider her for marriage. Her family is also directly related to the Prince of Zakros. "Prince" is not really his true title but its the closest I can come to describing his position. There are four main administrative cities on Crete not including Knossos. Each one is ruled over by a Prince, and they in turn are ruled over by Minos from his seat of power in Knossos.

Luckily none of them are Vampires. Just ordinary humans with control over thousands of lives.

For all I know Minos might very well be the only Vampire in all of Crete. At the very least he should be the only one in Knossos, I know Vampires are supposed to be extremely territorial, and he doesn't strike me as the type of man to let others nudge into his territory and take his food source. He has after all successfully ruled over this Island for hundreds of years.

I have met with my future wife only once since moving here. Her name is Isadora. She seemed a pleasant enough woman, though very quiet and submissive. Which is sadly a normal behavior for woman of this time. She is extremely beautiful, surprisingly so. Most woman I have seen since my time here are completely unremarkable, worn down by a harsh life, but that's just how it is when you work from the moment you wake up till you lay down for bed, and then repeat. With everyday a struggle for survival you hardly care much about your appearance.

I'v had no luck on manipulating any of the elements besides fire, but I still regularly attempt it.

Meditation has become a repetitive ritual for me throughout the day. In practicing self restraint and control of my mind, I'm hoping to develop it into a mental ability of some sort for when I finally change into a Vampire. At the very least I hope it will allow me to keep my self under control and not slaughter the entire city in a feral rampage.

My Fire manipulations have progressed by leaps and bounds. Calling upon my fire, and bending it to my will is like moving a limb, thoughtless, just a simple extension of my self. The heat from the Sun nourishes my body, and gives an intensity to my flames that they never had before.

Every morning when I meditate to the rising Sun I can feel the rays purifying not just my inner flames but my actual physical body. Everyday I can run a little bit faster, jump a little bit farther, and hit just a bit harder. With just a single thought I can set aflame any surface I see and completely engulf it. I can set a man ablaze from over two hundred yards away and reduce him to a pile of ashes in minutes, all without raising a hand. To any onlookers it would seem like he spontaneously combusted.


For over two weeks thunder storms have been raging all night and day. Like the Gods waging a fierce battle in the heavens above. Most of the citizens of Zakros believe that is exactly what is happening.

It was on the third day of storms during one of my meditation sessions when something changed.

Through my powers I sensed a new connection. In the sky.

It came and went in sync with the flashes of lightning up above. This connection was faint, incomplete, but it was there. And that meant I could grow it to completion.

At least that's what I thought. It's been two week and I'v had zero progress.

Which is why I am now standing in a field, in the middle of a lightning storm. I'm completely soaked, but my inner flames keep my body warm.

The core of energy in my chest is pulsing erratically, or maybe that's just my heart. The connection I feel to the lighting is stronger than ever but still weak and incomplete.

I raise my arms to sky, my entire body suddenly engulfed in flames. The rain evaporating before it even gets close to my skin.

I call on that core of energy, and with every lightning strike I force that connection.

CRACK!!! I can feel the connection getting stronger!

CRACK!!! Every hair on my body is standing straight up.

CRACK!!! The buzzing in my ears is increasing with every strike.

CRACK!! One last push and this will be it.

CRACK!!!! CRACK!!!! Yes! I can feel it! I can.... CRACK!!!!!!!!

Lightning strikes the ground in front of me sending me flying through air to land painfully on my back.

I failed.

I felt it. The potential. The power. It's right there waiting for me to call on it. But somethings blocking me. Chains surrounding my core of energy. Cutting me off from that power.

It's only now, when I tried to break them that I realize they were there all along.

As I lay on the ground, rain pelting my bruised body, I for the first time in forever have no idea what to do next.