
Becoming Immortal

Reborn into the Twilight world 4,000 years before the start of the story. With powerful abilities, and a ruthless ambition. Aster will stop at nothing in his rise to power and immortality. -------------------------------------------------- Cover image is not mine.

SpareTire · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


The rumors were true. The Idoans do in fact posses supernatural abilities. They are able to enter the minds of animals and see through their eyes and even control them. However this leaves their bodies vulnerable to attack during this state.

It seems this ability is genetic and can not be learned by someone not descended from their tribe. Though there is a skill they are able to teach me. Reinforcing the mind, and protecting it. They have had years of experience in refining their ability to not loose themselves in the minds of animals. I believe this could be very useful to me. It should be much more effective than my own previous attempts.

The majority of the Idoans can only mind walk one animal at a time, except for a few exceptional members of the tribe who control several at once.

Athis, which is the name of the woman who approached me is capable of controlling and seeing through the eyes of dozens of animals at the same time, all effortlessly. An entire flock of birds, or a pack of wolves. She is by far the most powerful member of her tribe.

The Idoans have little to no gender divisions what so ever. A woman can easily become a warrior if she possesses the skills. She can even come to rule over the entire tribe.

Athis has volunteered to be the one to teach me their mental exercises and techniques.

She has taken me deep into the wilderness to a cave.

Apparently this is where all young Idoans come to first train their minds. It it said that their Earth Mother Goddess Ida's influence is the strongest here on the entire island.

As I enter, there does seem to be some sort of peculiar presence about the place, but I would hardly call it divine. The inside is completely bare except for a small pool of water in the center.

We both take seats on opposite sides of the water, and begin my training.


What was supposed to be two months of training turned into two years.

When the two months came for me to leave I knew I had to stay and continue my training, it just wasn't enough time.

My mind feels sharper than ever before. I feel I'm in complete control of my emotions

Now that I have turned twenty two it's become crunch time to achieve immortality.

Because of the constant purifying of my body in earlier years I believe I can maintain my prime condition for a maximum of ten years before age begins it's deterioration.

I have an outline of a plan that I have been refining throughout the years.

The first step is returning back home.

During my two years among the Idoans, Athis and I have grown close, so close that she has given me another son, Tiro.

Spending so much time in close proximity with a beautiful woman. At the end of the day I'm still a man with needs. But I above all I couldn't help but know what the product of such a union would bring forth.

I'm looking forward to seeing what will become of this son of mine. With both parents possessing abilities I wonder how that will come into effect. Will he just inherit the Idoans ability only more powerful? Or will it be something completely new?

Only time will tell.


The journey back home has been smooth sailing with no issues.

Once again we will be making a short stop on the Island of Karpathos, and then finally I will be back home.

Aniketos will have turned six a couple of months ago, I wonder how his powers are developing? I will have to start him on a training regime immediately.

Akadios will be four the same age Aniketos was when he first manifested his powers.

And my only daughter Thaleia will have turned two years old while I was away.

As I walk through the village just enjoying being on land once again I sense up above in the clear skies a storm brewing.

I frown hoping that this doesn't delay our departure.

As I leave the village heading back toward my ship, I feel as if someone is watching me. Quickly I check with my senses. Nothing. Nobody is even in my range except for some animals.

The same as the last time I was on this island.

"You came back" I hear a melodic voice say from behind me, as I spin around.

Coming from out of the treeline is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life. An angel descended from the heavens. Her beauty is absolutely flawless with her shining silver hair fluttering in the wind. Every step she takes fluid and graceful.

Even before she steps out into the sun I know what she is, the sparkling skin only confirms it.

As our eyes meet, hers coal black, hungry. I instantly feel a wave of calm, acceptance, and lethargy overcome me.

In the blink of an eye she is in front me. Taking a deep breath inhaling my scent.

"I'v found when the body is calm it enhances the taste, wouldn't you agree?"

I stand still, staring blankly ahead. Unable to move, unable to call upon my fire. I feel myself panicking before it instantly disappears, once again replaced by a soothing calm.

"I caught a hint of your scent before, but standing this close your blood really does smell delicious. Almost as if it Sings to me"

I try to struggle, but its as if I'm completely cut off from everything, my body, my powers, even my emotions. Nothing but calm.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to savor you to the very last drop."

She then picks me up, holding me close to her cold, granite like body. And speeds away into the forest.

Storm brewing overhead, in seconds we stop in a clearing.

She waste no more time and instantly I feel her teeth sink into my neck.

A moan of ecstasy is all i hear from her before my attention is focused on the feeling of her venom entering my body. It burns. It burns like someone is pouring molten steel directly into my veins.

Quickly as if drawn to it the burning venom makes its way to my heart. Already I'm feeling light headed.

It cant end like this!

I refuse to let myself die to some random vampire!

I. Wont. Let. This. Happen!

Before the venom reaches my heart it is blocked. By the core of energy that surrounds it.

Slowly the venom eats through the core, dispersing the energy to spread through out my body.

Not only is the core getting dissolved, but the chains that have bound them since day one of this life.

And as they break apart, I finally feel that connection to the sky light up and fully form.


Instantly lightning strikes down upon me. Blowing the vampire and I apart, her taking a good chunk of my neck with her.

The world slows down for a second as we are flying through the air. I see the look of shock on her blood covered face, before her body shatters like glass and then disintegrates to ashes in the wind.

I smash through a couple of trees before crashing into the ground, my body broken beyond repair.

I can feel the venom slowly burning through my body, Pumping through my heart, entering my veins. Never in this life have I felt what it was like to be harmed by fire, but this pain is like I'm being burned alive from the inside.

I can only hope I don't bleed out before the change is complete.

Sorry no chapter tomorrow. Moving house and internet wont be hooked up until next day.

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