
Becoming Immortal

Reborn into the Twilight world 4,000 years before the start of the story. With powerful abilities, and a ruthless ambition. Aster will stop at nothing in his rise to power and immortality. -------------------------------------------------- Cover image is not mine.

SpareTire · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


As I swim back home, cutting through the water at impossible speeds, I think upon my future plans.

I would have liked to have had more children before I was changed. The four I have now will have to do. I will just have to make sure they give me many grandchildren. Creating hybrids is still an option, unfortunately the mother dies during the birthing unless changed immediately after.

The question of whether to change them or not still remains. I imagine I will only choose my descendants with the most potential to change. After they have had a few children. Though that might cause problems down the line.

Minos might become a problem, to the best of my knowledge he is the only vampire on Crete. There is probably a very good reason for that. He might very well take offense to my presence. But I'm willing to try for peace, and worst case scenario I can relocate my family to Rhodes.

With my mental defenses being strengthened since my change I believe I can withstand an attack from a mental ability long enough to kill my opponent. Though I wont know for sure how long those defenses can last, until it happens. Even now I can sense a sort of shield around my mind but again i'm not sure how strong it is.

I will have a lot of time to train my abilities, I feel as if all my limits have been completely lifted. I'm hoping to have the strength of a newborn permanently instead of just for a year. And then exceed even that.

On my swim back home I eventually come across the ship I was supposed to be on board of. I feel like now is as good a time as any to finally try human blood. Out here in the ocean at least if I go out of control, it wont be an entire city that suffers.

I sense one man out on the deck alone, with the rest either below or in different areas all together.

Smoothly I jump out of the water and onto the ship. With no time wasted I instantly snap the mans neck before he even knows what happens. No need to make him suffer, sadly its impossible to drink from a human without either killing them of turning them. And then I'm back in the water swimming from the ship.

Human blood quenches the burning in my throat much better than animal blood ever could. It doesn't hurt that it's the most delicious thing I have ever tasted in both my lives. I can see how vampires might end up in a feeding frenzy from this stuff. It takes quite a bit of willpower on my end to not go back to that ship and drain every human on it dry.

In the end it seems like my mental training as a human will be even more helpful to me now as a vampire.


I walk out of the water and onto the shores of Crete with the moon still high in the sky.

Taking a deep breath I take in all the smells of my home. The salt of the ocean, the sea life, the humans, that slight hint of honey carried along with the breeze.

I race off toward my villa, my family. As I near it I sense and smell the humans sleeping inside. Three humans. There should be four. It takes only a second check on my sleeping family before I'm standing in Aniketos's room. It's obviously unused, nobody has been here in months. Aniketos hasn't slept in this room in months, I can still smell his lingering scent, but its faded, old.

Somethings wrong.

In the next instant I'm standing over my wife, Isadora, as she peacefully sleeps. I can easily see her in the darkness of the room. Just as beautiful as always. With my enhanced vision I can spot the imperfections in her face that I never noticed before, but all they really do is add to her beauty.

"Isadora" I call out to her.

With a gasp she wakes up, head turning to catch a glimpse of me in the dark.

"Aster?" She calls back hesitantly and with a small amount of fear. Heart beat picking up.

"Yes. It's me, I'v just made it back my love" As she hears my voice I hear her heart beat calm back down to a steady rhythm.

"The children have missed you terribly, did you find what you were looking for?"

"I found everything I was looking for and more. Isadora, where is Aniketos?

"It was a blessing Aster!" She says excitedly.

"We were visiting your family in Knossos where Aniketos was selected as one of the Chosen children for the Grand Ceremony! There has never been a Chosen from either of our families, it has brought us much honor and increased business. The Goddess truly does favor us. Even the Prince of Zakros himself has visited us."

The rest of what she was saying in drowned out in the wave of rage that consumes me.

With fire in my eyes I'm racing off toward Knossos.

Toward Minos.

I was willing to let there be a peace between us.

I was willing to let you live.