
Becoming His (18+)

Step into the world of BDSM with Kelly and Graham. Follow Kelly as she learns what true BDSM is and what it is to submit body, mind and soul.

Chenoa_Butler · Urban
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Hello everyone! It's been a few months! Due to covid I have not been around those in my community and as much as I love writing and educating I find it easier to write as experiences happen or stories are told to me. Thankfully you should see a new chapter this weekend highlighting what a BDSM party is like.

While we await that I have received many questions that I am more than happy to answer! And if you have anymore I am happy to answer as you ask!

Q: Did you ever drink Pee?

A: Yes. My Master had this as a requirement to gain my collar. Anything I refused to do would be replaced with 20 canings. As a result I did as was asked of me and never did it again as I told him I hated it.

Q: When you submit do you lose all rights?

A: No. A sub actually has the power. We as subs give the gift of submission, this gift can be taken away at any point as is our right. However when you put on the collar true submission as per your agreement with your Dom is expected.

Q: Was it hard to submit?

A: For me not at all. I am what the lifestyle world calls a Natural Sub. I don't feel like myself outside of my submission.

Q: How do you find a Dom/Master?

A: This one is a little harder to answer. A lot of people on the lifestyle are quiet about it. My generation, the newer generation is very vocal and open. But with this vocality, it has resulted in a lot of FAKE Dom's who just like the idea of controlling a woman without knowing the aspects behind it. It's better to find an older Dom who can mentor and help you to recognize the fakes. Or even a fellow sub.

Q: I've been told there are different kinds of Subs?

A: There are many kinds of Subs. One of the most wonderful things is that you can be a mix of them. For example I am a Bratty Masochistic Submissive with Little tendencies. I also can be very much like a Slave. It's always good to explore yourself and find out who you are withing the community.

That's all I have for you guys right now. Keep asking questions! I love being able to answer what I can!