
Becoming His (18+)

Step into the world of BDSM with Kelly and Graham. Follow Kelly as she learns what true BDSM is and what it is to submit body, mind and soul.

Chenoa_Butler · Urban
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Chapter 7: Jealousy (Mini update)

Once more Kelly found herself days without having seen Graham. It was a pattern she could not get out of her head. Today he had asked her to meet him at their favorite coffee shop. Kelly had her hair up in a messy bun, a wavy curl of brown hair in her face having escaped it. She ast sipping on a mocha lost in her own thoughts when a shadow fell over her. Looking up a smile graced her lips seeing Graham.

"Hello Sir" she offered politely as Graham sat down.

"Hello Kelly. I'm sorry I've been too busy to see you of late" he stated quickly ordering his own black coffee when a waiter came over.

Graham's face seemed serious as he looked Kelly over a frown pulling on his lips, dragging curiosity from her.

"What's wrong? I don't think I've ever seen that face from you before."

"Well…" Graham rubbed his face and took a breath, "I have to come clean to you about something Kelly."

She felt her stomach drop at those words and started chewing her bottom lip as she awaited the rest of what he was about to say.

"There is a girl I was dating. Alexis…" he paused, "I'm not getting back with her before you ask. But, I wanted to be open about why you only see me when you do at the house. Alexis still lives with me. We haven't been together sexually in months. She just has nowhere to go at the moment."

Kelly let his words sink in. It dragged many different feelings into her and she tried desperately to try to shift through them all. In their times apart Kelly had been reading up on BDSM and the relationships it builds. It seemed there were many different views from people, and she had been lucky enough to find a forum where she could speak with experienced Subs and Doms. Many had spoken to her about Red Flags, being careful, recognizing when a Dom is not a real Dom.

Everything she had gone through in the forums however, until this moment she felt didn't apply to Graham. He had seemed as legit as they came. Rubbing her forehead Kelly let out a deep sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me all of this before I started this with you?"

"She was supposed to be gone not long after we met. But, she hasn't left yet and I didn't want to run you off" he admitted.

Kelly chewed her bottom lip harder, anxiety rolling through as she tried to force herself into understanding.

"So she is not with you any longer?"

"No. She is not."

"Okay…" Kelly took a breath, "I like you. I want to continue what we have, get my collar and be with you. But I don't like her being around."

Graham nodded, "Look she's leaving soon. But setting that aside I wanted to ask you a favor."

Kelly tilted her head, "Yes Sir?" she asked the words slipping out of habit.

A smile broke Graham's lips. "I am having a thanksgiving party. My parents will be there for the start of it. After they leave it will just be me and my friends that know of my life. I want you there, serving drinks, in a dress for the first bit then I'll dress you in something more appropriate when you start serving others in your collar."

Kelly's heart skipped a beat. She was going to be mostly naked, knowing his tastes, in a collar in front of his friends. The idea frightened and excited her at the same time.

"Just serving drinks?"

"Well… I also planned to use you in a few bets as well" A sly smile.

"Bets?" Kelly choked for a moment her cheeks flaring a bright red.

"Yes bets. Are you comfortable with that? One of my friends will be bringing his own Sub for you to sit with."

"I… I honestly don't know… but I want to please you so… I can try" she offered trying to calm herself as her anxiety grew again.

Graham stood moving his chair next to hers he reached a hand up and gently started rubbing her head, watching Kelly's anxious face start to calm from the movement.

"I will be there the whole time Kelly." he promised.

"Okay… Let's have a party then."

Kelly and Graham will be coming to an end. I have come to an end with this particular dom as well, the story will be shared next chapter. Like regular relationships, D/S can sometimes have trouble. Despite the fact D/S usually last longer because they HAVE to be honest and open, some Dom's can still lie.

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