
Becoming Batman

Duke, a transmigrator is born in a different world quite similar to Earth. A world with superpowers. He gets dealt a bad hand with the powers he awakens which becomes a blessing in disguise as an AI chooses him as its host and promises that he would be the next dark knight. Will it really be that easy for Duke to become the new world's, Dark Knight?

SNaladi14 · Urban
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24 Chs

The Bat Begins

With my family reunion coming to an end, it was time for me to focus on my top priority - becoming Batman. I had chosen Astro City as my base and had acquired a mansion on the outskirts of the city, with the perfect amount of space beneath it for my Batcave.

"Master Duke, all the batcycle parts have been delivered to the new mansion," Alfred informed me.

"Excellent, Alfred. Make sure they are stored safely and secure," I replied.

Alfred and I decided to build the Batcycle from scratch to have full control over it. I was also in the process of ordering components for my gadgets and the final suit. However, I was cautious not to leave any traces leading back to me, so I built everything with Alfred's guidance but modified the designs to fit this world's technology.

The Batcall, Bat Eye, and taser built into my gauntlets were among the gadgets I was most proud of. Alfred's futuristic designs helped us create the best Bat Grapple. But we postponed the Batmobile's production due to the need for advanced technology and time constraints.

Alfred and I disagreed on the suit and cowl design. While he pushed for a futuristic mechanized suit, I wanted to start with a classic look inspired by the Arkham Batman. We hadn't reached a consensus yet, but I was eager to begin my journey as the Caped Crusader.

"Master Bruce, you shouldn't stay cooped up in your lab all the time. Spend time with your family," Alfred suggested.

"You're right, Alfred. I'll join them," I replied, heading upstairs to find my family.

My parents and Cassandra were there, and Cassandra seemed surprised by my seriousness about the new company. I asked about Greg, and my mom informed me that he was stuck at work and would be late.

My father then offered to loan me the money for my startup or even invest in it under the Walton group. I declined, wanting to build the company independently.

Cassandra teased me, questioning if it was still considered "making it on my own" if I borrowed money from my dad. I defended my decision, explaining that I only asked for a loan, not company assets, and wanted my dad to invest only if he genuinely believed in the company's potential.

My mom joined in, expressing her concerns about me not working in the family business. Cassandra and I bantered back and forth until she jokingly threatened to bury me six feet under.

Just then, Greg returned from work, and the family dynamic quickly shifted back to normal. We laughed and joked together, thankful for the camaraderie we shared.

As I observed my family, I knew that embarking on my journey as Batman wouldn't be easy, but their support and love gave me the strength to take on the challenges ahead. I was determined to make Astro City a safer place and to become the hero this world needed. The Bat was about to begin its vigilant watch over the city, and I was ready to bring change to this world, one step at a time.