
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 1 [How He Became a God!]

Chapter 1

[How He Became a God! (Part 1)]


A soul was floating within the Primordial Chaos Origin void, unaware of where he was or why he was there. If anyone were to inspect the soul, they would be shocked. The soul looked ethereal and beautiful, existing yet seemingly out of existence. It glowed in every color imaginable while simultaneously seeming colorless. The soul had lost count of how long it had been there, an unimaginable amount of time ago, and had no idea as to why it was stuck there.

"Is this the afterworld?" thought the soul as it reminisced about how it got there.

(Soul POV)

Where am I? That was my first thought when I found myself in this place. I was confused because I was fighting for my life and family.

I, Asoka Walker, was born in the Celestial Walker race. My celestial Walker family was the Forbidden Existence and Guardian of his multiverse. I was the youngest of the 100 members of my family. We are known for our runes, technology, spirituality, sword, and soul magic/power.

I was the top genius of the whole multiverse. I reached the supreme God at the age of 25, the ancient God at the age of 32, the god Emperor at the age of 50, and the youngest existence as the celestial God. Due to my fast-growing strength and breaking through the cultivation stage like eating candy, many powerful families from my multiverse and other multiverses joined hands to falsely accuse me of collaborating with fallen multiverses. So they declared war against us.

My family had only 100 members, and out of 100, we had 50 celestial Gods, 10 primordial, 7 ancient Primordials, 3 peak Omega (strength equal to supreme heavenly will/multiverse will), and one Absolute Transcendence (strength beyond the multiverse will). Transcendence was absent because he had ascended to a higher multiverse plane.

During the war, 12 Omega from different multiverses joined hands to contain and seal the 3 celestial Walker family omega. So they could not help us in the war with other ancient primordials, celestial gods, primordial, and remain Omega.

With the strength of my peak celestial God, I could go toe-to-toe with a group of mid-tier Omega. After decades of nonstop battle and the destruction of half the multiverse, the casualties of the Walker family numbered 46, while our opponents' casualties surpassed 10 million.

I was surrounded by 4 Omega and 19 ancient Primordials within the heavenly star formation. I had already lost my strength, spiritual power, spirit (soul) power, stamina, vitality, and Aether energy, but I was still standing in battle just on my will. During the battle, I alone killed 5 Omega, 100 ancient primordials, 30000 Primordials, and 500000 celestial Gods. Due to my carelessness, I was trapped in the heavenly star formation by 4 Omega and 19 ancient Primordials.

When I was on the brink of death, I used the celestial reverse technique. This technique can return the user beyond their peak stage for a short period (20 seconds). After using the celestial reverse technique, I stepped into the primordial realm for 20 seconds. In 15 seconds, I killed 3 more Omega. After breaking the heavenly star formation, instead of entering the battlefield, I went directly to the seal place of 3 Walker family Omega, which was supported by 7 enemy Omega. With my current strength, I could not break the seal formation or kill any peak Omega. I got very close to the seal formation, and I detonated my body and soul by reversing the art in the hope of breaking the seal. That's how my story as a member of the Celestial Walker family came to an end.

That's why I was confused when I found myself in nothingness with my soul after regaining consciousness because I had detonated my soul in the hope of saving my family.

-- 500 Quintillion Years Later --

Asoka woke up from another slumber in the pitch-black void. He had called out multiple times before but never heard a response. However, he didn't give up and asked, "Hello, is there anyone near me?" Asoka had already forgotten his name.

In a distant dimension, across the Omni-Verse, which was simultaneously above the Omni-Verse like this dimension, a being with eyes that were simultaneously every color and no color opened its eyes from a deep slumber and looked at Asoka. This singular gaze pierced through multiverses and even killed an absolute transcendence on its way.

Inside the PRIMORDIAL CHAOS ORIGIN VOID, a perfectly shaped gap appeared in front of Asoka's soul, and in came a humanoid figure. He was the most handsome man Asoka had ever seen in his life. He had white Wolf's ears and two majestic dragon-like horns crowning his head. One eye was Crimson, and the other was blue, which enhanced his charm. He was wearing a long red and white coat from shoulder to knee and a long red scarf tied around his neck.

"Brother, you are back?" The handsome man asked Asoka.

Asoka was confused because he didn't remember this man and asked, "Ah, Brother, I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Asoka Walker from the Celestial Walker Race. I don't know how I arrived here, and I don't know how long I've been here. Can you get me any help since you're here?"

The man chuckled, and the universes shook, and then began speaking, "I'll explain what happened, brother. I am the Primordial Chaos. You can think of me as just a supreme overlord of existence. Since before anything even existed, I was alive and all-powerful. I had created the Omni-Verse to satisfy my boredom. However, this space is called the PRIMORDIAL CHAOS ORIGIN VOID. This is a place that holds an infinite supply of energy and was home to you, the other Supreme reality overlord being like myself. However, since existence began, you didn't care about power and sent yourself into the cycle of reincarnation. Your soul is his soul, which has lived a multitude of lives, and you unknowingly returned to this place and used the energy in here to reawaken all of your powers and return to your full strength alongside me. During the time you were regaining your powers for the last 500 Quintillion Years, you subconsciously blocked me from seeing you, so I didn't know you were here, and your reawakening just now allowed me to finally sense you."

Asoka sat in silence for what was simultaneously eons and a single second before containing all this information and responding, "So I am a Supreme Omnipotent all-powerful being now and the only one alongside you in existence?"

"No, there are two more like us, and I do not know where they are now," the man said.

"If you're wondering why you don't feel like it, your powers should fully click in as I'm saying this sentence, as for what you want to do. You can destroy the Omni-Verse for all I care. I am going back to sleep. Enjoy it, AsokaWalker," said the handsome man called the Primordial Chaos before opening a gate and jumping through it, disappearing.

Meanwhile, Asoka was sitting in this space, going through trillions of lives he had lived like a magic beast, giant, human, demon, warrior, mortal animal, terror, divine being, angel, tree, plant, spirit, world will, etc. in just a nanosecond. He also remembered all things before going through a cycle of reincarnation.

Asoka thought about what he wanted to do in the future. Asoka had already accumulated his power. He had turned off Omnipotence and some other powers since he didn't want to see or hear everything in the Omni-Verse all at once. After thinking for a short while, Asoka decided on what he wanted to do.

"I'm going to go be a god for fun," said Asoka, teleporting himself into a unique universe. This universe had been divided into many worlds and 3 dimensions. This universe was in the broken stage. The universe was divided into two parts, and one part was made of 3 dimensions (DIVINE DIMENSION, HELL DIMENSION, MORTAL DIMENSION).

The other part of the universe was divided into 33 immortal lands (there were massive floating lands in vast cosmic voids) and a lower realm (consisting of many planets and a mysterious realm).

Both parts of the universe were not aware of each other." You will know the reason in the future."


Heavenly star formation:

1. Absorb any and every type of energy from the enemy's body.

2. Create a separate domain that is not influenced by the multiverse will.

3. Create restrictions on the enemy.

4. Cut the supply of energy from the outside.]