
Chapter 2

Walking home with a bright smile, I decided to eat a good meal. Taking out my phone from my pocket and opening the bank app, seeing; the pitiful amount I have, even getting a hot meal is a struggle. Sigh.

This is hopeless, but this won't stop me from eating well. Taking a detour and walking a few minutes, I arrived at a convenience store. Walking in and going to the snacks area and seeing different kinds of brand noodles, my stomach couldn't help but growl in hunger. Since I will treat myself, I grab their most expensive noodles.

Walking around, I grabbed a drink of melon flavor soda; it wasn't special, but it was. Grabbing a few potato flavor chips would serve as dessert and fill me up. Looking down at my hands full of goodies, I was happy that this might be the last time I eat store-bought noodles.

Walking up to the counter and putting the items on top. I looked down at my phone while the cashier rang up the stuff; I noticed a new iPhone would be released soon.

"Sir, your total will be 1,285 yen; how would you like to pay?"

Hearing the absurd amount, I couldn't believe my ears; I was going all out.

"I will be paying with my phone"

Tapping the machine with my phone, I hear the sound of the transaction being completed. Grabbing the bag from the cashier and walking out of the store, I resume my route to my place.

A while later, I reached my run-downtime complex; the paint was falling off, bricks were missing, and trash was everywhere on the sidewalk. I sighed and went inside, going to the shared kitchen on the first floor; opening the doors and seeing nobody inside, I smiled.

Walking up to a water dispenser, I click on the hot water option, grab the noodles from my bag, and open it up. I place the cup noodles beneath the dispenser and click the hot water icon. Hot water began to pour out; waiting a while, the cup was 3/4 full, which was enough for me.

Forgetting to get a plastic fork from the store, I looked around, hoping to see a fork, and I saw a couple. I was lucky to find some; people usually take everything and leave none for other residents.

Mixing the water and the noodles, the noodles were cooking and looked smoother and delicious. While the noodles were cooking, I left the room and started to head upstairs to my room. It was on the fourth floor, and you might have guessed it; the apartment doesn't have an elevator, so this was a decent workout. But I was out of breath when I reached the door.

Reaching my pockets, I got the keys, opened the door, and walked inside. Sitting down on the bed, I began to eat. The noodles were very delicious. It had many different ingredients. I was in heaven. Plain noodles were the only thing I ate except white rice, which I would buy at the school cafeteria.

Standing up and throwing away the cup, I sat on the bed and played on my phone. Opening a social app, I scroll around to see what people are doing.

Ring Ring Ring

Seeing the caller ID, I smile and said happily.

"Hey, Mom"

"Son, is everything alright? Are you in need of money? I can send some extra money to you."

"There is no need for that, and I am doing fine, but about you and Dad? Are you both doing alright?"

My mother is in her late 40s, and her name is Ye Sung; my Father is also around the same age as her, and his name is Ye Park. They both work in the same company selling newspapers, and that's how they met. My Mom married into my dad's family, so she changed her last name to Ye.

Even though they were coworkers, they had never had contact with each other until the company threw a party. They said it was love at first sight and started seeing each other after that.

Ever since then, they never stopped loving, caring for each other. After a few years, they bought a small house and settled down.

"You don't need to worry about us; we are fine. We are just worried about you and your health."

Since I have awakened a system, everything will be different and better for my family. But I can't tell anyone about the system, even my family.

"Mom, everything will be different soon; you and Dad wouldn't have to work anymore. Trust me."

"Son, what are you even saying? Just take care of yourself and focus on school. Working for more couple of years won't be an issue for us, so don't worry. Alright, I have to go; love you son"

"Love you too Mom"

Hanging up the phone, I think about everything I can do for my family and let them rest. This is only the first day; I will have the capital and power sooner or later. Even though it was still early, I closed my eyes and slept. Waking up in a new body, new memories, and a system took a toll on the body.


Feeling the sunlight through the shades, I slowly open my eyes and look around, ensuring that yesterday's event wasn't a dream. I slowly stretch my muscles, getting up and rubbing my eyes for clarity.

Doing a light workout, I felt so much better.

Grabbing my phone on the bed and turning it on to see what time it is. The time is 6.00 am. I woke up early, and even though I slept early, I slept for more than 9 hours. No wonder I felt so relaxed.

[Ding! A new day has begun. Would you like to sign in?]

'Yes, of course' (I understand a day hasn't passed since he received the system. From now on, rewards will be given every morning when he wakes up)

[Sing in complete. You have earned 100 million]

"Holy Sh^t!!!"


A phone notification alert came on; opening my phone, I received a bank message.

{GoldLeaf bank alert, 100 million has been deposited: Your new bank balance is 100,100,309.}

Smiling goofy, I started to laugh out loud for everyone to hear.


Calming down and getting dressed, I ran out of my room and down the stairs, almost tripping, but it was worth it. After reaching the first floor, I took deep breaths for my body to relax. After a while, my body was fine but hurting and full of sweat.

Walking around trying to find a cab, and my efforts weren't in vain; a few minutes later, a cab pulled over, and I got in.

"Where to?"

"To Sunset Homes agency, please''

''No problem."

15 minutes later, the cab reached the destination. It was nice riding inside a cab with ac, Riding a cab is a privilege; I walk there if I need to go somewhere. Being dirt-broke is really a struggle.

The cab parked in the parking lot next to the building and said, "Your bill is 9,000 yen, cash or card?"

I forgot how expensive it was, but that won't be an issue anymore since I will have a car.

"I'm going to pay with my phone"


The cab driver took a device for customers can pay with their phones. Hovering over the device for a couple of seconds, an alert sounded. The payment went through. "Thanks for the ride"

Saying thanks as I got out of the car, I walked to the building where I would buy a house. Walking in, seeing everybody working already hard in the morning, I praise them.


With the sound of the door opening, the workers looked and saw a customer, and their eyes lit up, but seeing how poor the clothes looked, they turned their heads away and resume their work.

But one brave salesperson walk to the customer and greeted him.

Seeing the expressions everyone was having, I couldn't help but agree. I wear really bad clothes, but they will soon find out I am very rich.

"Good morning, sir; please come in and take a seat" After being seated, the salesperson followed up with a question.

"What are you looking for today? Houses? Apartments? Selling or renting?"

Liking the comfy atmosphere, I relaxed on the seat. Feeling the nice and firm texture, 'I would like to have something like this in my house,' I thought.

"I am buying a house with a nice view, parking garage, safety community, and big yard. The money is not an issue.''

"Of course, that wouldn't be an issue regarding your conditions, sir.."

''Feng, Ye Feng"

"Well, Mr.Ye, as I said earlier, there are no issues and excuse for a moment so that I can grab a catalog for you."

"Please take your time"

Taking note of how the salesperson offered him a seat and didn't mind the clothes, 'I really like this person,' I thought while waiting. The house I will buy will be for my parents, but before they move in, it will be my place for a while. This is because I don't know if the system would reward me with a house later on.

"Mr. Ye"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked down at the catalog and notice that its already open.