
Three Years

It had been a year since the Williams moved into their new home at Privet Drive. At first they had checked up on Harry in secrecy but soon Arthur had the idea to get a job at Grunnings and they had legitimate reason to visit once in a while. Meanwhile the William Household was filled with happiness and laughter, Jack was very happy with his parents, they were kind and loving people with great morals and they were awesome at Magic. Arthur was great at Charms and Transfiguration and he used them around the house to make life better. He used multiple charms including the `Extension Charm' on the basement and made it bigger while also using Transfiguration on the walls and roof to make them stronger. He also made it into a Magical Plant Garden for Emily's Potion Research, she was a part of the Slughorn Club during her time at Hogwarts, a prizes student who had developed many Healing Potions that saved the lives of the Order of Phoenix on a number of occasions.

Although the Basement wasn't used that much due to Emily still taking care of Jack but the couple were very surprised when their Son had started to crawl at around Three months of age but that was nothing compared to when he walked when he turned Half a year old. There was a party in house, Jack was happy to see his parents not wallowing in sadness at their friends' death. Jack had been secretly practising Magic during the year, at first he had felt nothing but one day he felt a warm current wash over him and felt it, the Magical Energy around him. As he was still a baby, Jack didn't want to rush anything and harm himself or his parents, so the most he did was learn to control the Magical Energy within him. It was hard but he was a baby with nothing much to do besides eating, playing and sleeping, so he spent his time controlling the energy within him, a side effect of this was that his hunger had grown and his sleep time had grown longer with it. His mind and body were tired from the work he did during the day and so he needed more energy and rest. Both Emily and Arthur were happy there baby was healthy and well rested, as well as that they could go back to their `Night Activities'.

Today was the day, Jack was turning One Year Old, his parents had planned a great party for him and it all went great. The Dursleys were invited due to politeness and to check up on Harry. Under the directions of Emily and Arthur, the couple had a much better attitude towards their nephew and didn't think of him as disease. Jack had planned to ask his parents to take Harry away from them but he saw that his parents had the much better idea to change them into better people. It wasn't easy, during the year, Emily had gone over to the Dursley's many times and spent time with Petunia showing and teaching her compassion and also showing love towards the three babies in front of her. Jack didn't know what Arthur did with Vernon but the old fatty wasn't a fatty anymore. Under the influence of his parents, the Dursley's had grown and Jack wanted to increase his parent's happiness even more. so after the party, he said his first words, ``Mama!'' making Emily so happy she literally pushed Arthur out of the way to come pick him up and hug him. Looking at the dejected face of his dad, Jack decided it was enough and reached out his arms and said, ``Dada!'' The silhouette of sadness that had enveloped his father left so soon, Jack though he was faking it but when the family of three hugged each other, all that was left in his mind was happiness.

During the next year Jack showed his parents his excellent talents, he began to respond to their questions, first with gestures than with words. His parents were very surprised when they found their son looking at a book, in deep thought. ``Oh Look Arthur! Little Jack is trying to read a book!'' his father's reaction was a bit more extreme, he went on a photography spree, only stopping after his wife hit him in the head. Around the Fifth Month, Jack had started to read with the help of his parents (Not Really – Sorry Emily Arthur) and was capable of reading by himself in a month. His parents had gotten him both Muggle and Magic Children's books, Jack obviously enjoyed the Magic Books while the Muggle Ones were hard to even pretend to be interested in. The Williams visits to their Wizard Friends were some of Jack's favourite memories of this year, looking at the House Cleaning itself, knives waving in the kitchen by themselves among other things. While he was doing all this, Jack hadn't stopped his Magical Energy Control Training. He was able to condense the Magical Energy into multiple shapes outside his body while he could also disperse it in a room like gas and use it as a Sensory Spell, he could even detect dust particles in the room when he dispersed his Magical Energy around the room.

When Jack was about to turn Two, he started to plead his parents to let them teach him magic, it took a while but nothing could stand against the might of a cute baby making a puppy dog face. His parents relented and he was allowed to start reading books and watch them show off in their areas of expertise. Arthur was overjoyed every time he cast the simplest of spells and his son shouted out, ``Wow! Dad that was amazing!'' every time Arthur had to resist the urge to cast even stronger spells, in case he accidentally hurt his child. Emily wasn't any better in this regards, at first she had only shown Jack how to take care of Magical Plants and Beasts in the Basement Garden but soon under the praise of her child, she started to let him watch when she made the most basic of potions. Even that was only done under the condition that Jack would not call out to her and distract her. One time Arthur waltzed into the room and was about to distract Emily whilst she was in the middle of making a Potion, Jack had to intervene and used his magical energy to make a barrier around his mother. This small act almost drained him of his magical energy and he would have collapsed if it wasn't for his Soul being strengthened in the process of reincarnation.

Arthur was lectured for an hour while Emily fed him some of her renowned Healing Potions. After Jack woke up from his deep sleep, both of his parents turned to him in excitement and bombarded him with praise, ``Jack! You are a genius!'' ``You casted magic at such a young age! I am so proud of you!'' around ten minutes later, the couple realized they had been shouting at their son and backed off, straightened their clothes and tried to make their way out of the room. ``Ahem!'' Jack's cough made them slowly turn around, he had planned to look shocked and a bit disappointed but their puppy dog face didn't allow him to, he just broke into a smile at the first sight and all of them started to laugh. During the year, Jack had consumed Knowledge about magic at a high rate. He had read books around the house and watched his parents perform magic around the house and for him specifically. Whenever he watched his parents do magic, he noticed one thing, and that was the wastage. Jack's attempts at controlling his Magical Energy had led him to expose every part of his body to Magical Energy, including his Eyes. Over the course of two years, his eyes developed the ability to see the flow of magical energy. He watched his parents and searched for ways to Ascend, Ascend to Godhood. After watching his parents for all this time, he knew he had to continue doing two things, Magical Energy Control Training and Gathering knowledge.

But all that could wait for tomorrow because Today Jack had turned Three and Emily and Arthur were taking him to Diagon Alley, to celebrate and get him presents.

Author: Leave suggestions in the comments. Thanks for reading.

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