
Become AI

When the Earth exploded, I became an artificial intelligence, looking for the truth about the explosion of the Earth in the universe

Maneke · Sci-fi
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103 Chs


Hawk watched quietly, and in the dark, Hawk's mind, it seemed, was connected to the mind of this lizardman's greatest scientist.

These are two weak civilizations that share a common pain. The difference is that when the home planet was about to explode, the Lizardmen's technology was a little more advanced than the Earthlings, allowing them to escape to the rest of the planets in the star system in interstellar ships. The Earthlings were much worse, and all died except Hawk himself.

The translated information appeared within Hawk's mind, word by word.

"He comprehensively denied the claim that the home planet was a natural explosion, he believes that it was done intentionally by some civilization with extremely advanced technology, the exact cause is not clear to us, but all the experimental data is showing that it is indeed artificial. It would be impossible for such a thing to happen under natural circumstances."

"There are less than 150,000 people left in our civilization, and these 150,000 people, are the elite of the entire civilization. And this most elite scientist, he is the most elite of our 150,000 people, and he has an extremely high prestige. Under his influence, most of the people believed in the theory of the exploding planet."

"This planet is surprisingly barren, on it, we can't find any large minerals, and can only accumulate them bit by bit with great effort. But fortunately, the planet has its own heating system, so our survival conditions can barely be maintained. Under the difficult and harsh survival conditions, under the crisis of civilization extinction, we broke out an incredibly strong desire to survive, and one after another technological barriers were broken through, but in the face of the most serious barrier of controlled nuclear fusion, our progress came to a standstill."

Here the message came to an abrupt end. The text that follows has not yet been deciphered.

The timekeeping used by this civilization was not the same as that of Earth. But Hawk had already explored the length of time represented by the various time designations in their civilization, and then translated it directly into the timekeeping method used on Earth.

With this information echoing in his mind, Hawke fell into contemplation.

A dramatic scene emerged in Hawke's mind.

This was a civilization, a civilization more powerful than humans. They discovered certain signs of the imminent explosion of the home planet at least twenty years in advance, which, to be ten years ahead of Hawke.

It took them twenty years to build a giant ship big enough to hold 300,000 people. Hawke could imagine how much pressure would be risked in building a refuge for a few people before the end of time in such an androgynous civilization, with no love or family and cold social relations.

Hawk can almost see in the process of, all the open and dark struggle, do not know how much intrigue occurred, and do not know how many singable things are buried in history.

The most important thing is that the ship was actually built. What was hardest for Hawk to believe was that their ship, in fact, used chemical or nuclear fission fuel, not fusion fuel.

The message clearly states that it was only after reaching the new planet that they encountered the technological barrier of controlled fusion.

After the ship was built, during a three-year-long trip into space, their ship had an accident and lost half of its population.

Hawk remembered the time when he faced the event of the collision of the wood moon. It was as if he was the only one left in the whole universe, that loneliness and despair, the fear in the face of the irresistible natural greatness, Hawk never wanted to experience it a second time in his life.

His own experience, and this lizardman civilization, how similar.

How much hardship and danger did they go through to reach the new planet, and how could they not?

"From the current information, in their original galaxy, there are at least two Earth-like planets and one wood-like planet. Their home planet is one, and this barren star. It seems ... that they broke through the technical barrier of controlled nuclear fusion, and from among that wood-like planet, obtained enough fusion fuel to build a planetary engine before they began their interstellar wanderings."

Thinking back on the information he had learned so far, Hawk's heart ebbed and flowed.

Like these lizardmen, Hawke also has a lot of doubts.

At present, it is basically certain that the planetary explosion is the result of some kind of external force involved, as to why it detonated the planet, it is still unclear. But there is one thing Hawk is very confused, that is, since this external force has the ability to detonate the planet, does it mean that they actually can not find these people who escaped, such as 300,000 lizardmen, such as Hawk?

Another point, that is, since this civilization has reached the level of technology to detonate the planet in space, but its actually can not cover up the planet is about to explode some signs? So much so that Hawk, and these 300,000 lizardmen escaped?

If their purpose is to destroy civilization, then why would they let these survivors escape and leave, and if their purpose is not to destroy civilization, then why would they detonate the planet?

Hawk could not understand. But Hawk thought of one thing, that is, the lizardman civilization brazenly strikes against itself, and refuses to live in peace with itself, must have something to do with this reason.

"What kind of information did the lizardmen get? What exactly is the reason for the lizardmen to take the initiative to attack me?" Hawk silently thought, "The answer to all this should be in the subsequent part of this document."

At present, the deciphering work of this document has been completed nearly one-third. The remaining two-thirds of the contents of the document, Hawk estimated that he still need three years to crack it.

The new photonic computer has not yet been built, in order to get enough computing power to decipher this material as soon as possible, Hawke bet more energy on the construction of the new photonic computer.

The photonic computer under construction, by 100,000 super photonic cpu, as well as the corresponding array of hard disk and the rest of the hardware composition. Thanks to Hawk's newly developed distributed computing algorithm, Hawk will be able to completely drive the 100,000 photonic cpu.

Giant computer cpu, not the more the better the number. If there is no advanced distributed algorithm with it, a large number of cpu not only can not make the computing speed, but will lead to a decline.

To the extent of Hawk's current technology, manipulating 100,000 photon cpu is the limit.

Time passed slowly, and a year later, the first giant photonic computer was manufactured. But because the new Voyager has not yet been built, the computer was temporarily installed on top of the Sun.

Impatient to change to a new home, Hawk manipulated ten times the previous computing power, fully engaged in the decryption of the core information of the lizardmen.

The second paragraph was deciphered.

"After the most distinguished scientists have argued, with our current level of technology, using this planet as a carrier to launch an interstellar voyage is the most feasible solution. This means that we need an extremely powerful energy source, and at present we have no physical theory system that can provide a more powerful energy source than controlled fusion. Without controlled fusion technology, we cannot embark on an interstellar voyage."

"Faced with this technological barrier, our technology came to a standstill until another event occurred."

"We found another colony of intelligent creatures a few hundred meters below the surface of this planet. It was really too surprising, before, we never thought at all that there would be an intelligent biome living on top of this planet with us a few hundred meters below the ground."

"Fortunately, this colony of intelligent creatures only has the technology level of the Cold Weapon Age, and is so violent that there is absolutely no possibility of capturing them as slaves. So, we did not hesitate to destroy them. And with the demise of this civilization, it seems, the gods that had disappeared began to favor us again, and just in the second month after the demise of this civilization, controlled fusion technology, there was a critical breakthrough."

"It seems that after the destruction of this civilization, our luck became better all of a sudden. There were breakthroughs in various technologies, photonic computers were made, controlled nuclear fusion technology was mastered, new materials were researched, super giant planetary engines were researched, and our science, entered a stage where a hundred flowers blossomed."

"We don't know if these things have anything to do with the civilization we exterminated, and if not, it seems a little too coincidental. Our scientists have gone through a lot of research and still have no clue. However, there is a speculation that is starting to circulate among the people."

"This speculation is very amazing. Some say that perhaps the laws of the universe are such that after wiping out other civilizations, the luck of one's own civilization will become better. It seems that this could also be the reason why our planet suddenly exploded, and perhaps ... our civilization is the 'nourishment' for another highly developed civilization to improve its own luck. But nothing is certain until there are clear findings."

"The long-awaited interstellar travel finally began, we obtained a large amount of fusion fuel from the top of that wood-like planet, stockpiled it on top of the planet, and then began to set off towards that young star. At the same time, in order to test the speculation that eliminating the rest of the civilizations would lead to better luck for itself, the interim government decided that if it encountered the rest of the civilizations in space, it would do its best to eliminate them if it could."

Hawk looked at the passage and fell into deep thought.

"So that's how it is, so that's how it is." Hawke muttered, his heart set off a shocking wave.

The question that Hawke had been wondering about finally had an answer.