
Become AI

When the Earth exploded, I became an artificial intelligence, looking for the truth about the explosion of the Earth in the universe

Maneke · Sci-fi
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103 Chs

Dark Jungle

In fact, if not inspired by this written record of the Lizardman civilization, Hawke had never thought about why he, himself, had never considered staying in the solar system.

It was as if some force had dominated Hawk's thinking, so that after Hawk mastered the controlled fusion technology, he couldn't wait to build a Starfleet and start sailing far away.

Now, Hawke began to consider this question.

"Why? Why?"

Did he forget about it? Hawke quickly dismissed the answer. It was basically impossible. Moreover, if it was really that he forgot, what about the lizardman civilization? Why didn't even one person in the Lizardman civilization, with a population of over 100,000, think about this? It took more than two thousand years after the beginning of the escape for a young life to raise this question?

Hawk couldn't figure it out.

"Here, there must be something odd." Hawk thought silently. Now, there are only sixteen hundred years of voyage left to the Celestial Court four star system, while the return voyage to the solar system, it will take nearly two thousand years of voyage, it seems, continue to sail to the Celestial Court four star system, has become the only choice for Hawk.

"At present, it has been basically determined that the explosion of the Earth is some kind of existence deliberately, then, I can not think to stay in the solar system, is not this existence is also deliberate? What purpose does it ... it have in the end? What exactly does it want to do?"

Hawk felt a bone-chilling chill. It was the chill of being played with like an ant and not being able to detect any signs of it yourself.

"Calm down, be calm." Hawke reluctantly controlled his mind and set the entire fleet to automatic navigation, leaving only one percent of his computing power to monitor the movement of the airship fleet, and the remaining ninety-nine percent of his computing power was all devoted to complex calculations.

Hawk was building model after model, trying to analyze why this unknown, terrifying being would do this and why it would do this.

"Still on the principle of profit above all else, this unknown being doing so will certainly benefit itself in some way. First of all, what this unknown being did led to two results, one, the lizardman planet and Earth exploded, resulting in a heavily damaged civilization, and two, it induced the lizardman civilization and me to swiftly embark on an interstellar voyage adventure."

"But it's really contradictory, I really can't find a reason to explain these things. Perhaps ... this was done by two different beings? If there are two civilizations in the universe, one good and one malicious, perhaps the malicious civilization destroyed the Earth, but my existence was hidden by the good civilization, in order to prevent the malicious civilization from finding me, so that prompted me to leave the solar system as soon as possible?"

"There is too little known information to analyze, it's better to explore it slowly later." Hawk sighed and gave up the thought of continuing the analysis.

"Perhaps, I should make a speculation about the degree of technology of this hypothetical malicious civilization." Hawk thought and launched his analysis, "Or let me estimate when I will be capable enough to go to ... for revenge. Yes, revenge! Must be revenge!"

Hawk thought viciously and launched an analysis, but just for a moment, Hawk gave up the idea of analyzing its technological level.

Because ... destroy the Earth in this way, Hawk simply unheard of, never seen, in any theory system known to Hawk, there is no way to reach this means, with Hawk's current degree of technology, to guess are unable to guess.

"One step at a time." Hawk stopped moving to continue the analysis and began to continue this core document of the lizardman civilization.

"Our community launched a centuries-long great discussion, but did not come up with a result. The only thing we can be sure of is that this phenomenon is definitely not normal, there must be a remaining unknown force influencing us, which is what made us all subconsciously forget the idea."

"To this power, we know nothing, to resist are unable to do. So we can only choose to turn a blind eye and just try to develop our own civilization."

"Six thousand eight hundred years into our interstellar escape, we encountered another interstellar civilization. This interstellar civilization was capturing one of our abandoned moons when it accidentally exposed its trail. We quickly held a plenary meeting to discuss countermeasures. One part of the group believed that we should exchange information with it and live in peace; after all, the other side's level of technology was not that different from ours. The other part thought that we should take the initiative and destroy him to test the speculation of 'whether destroying the rest of the civilization would cause our own luck to improve', after all, we are a civilization that has mastered the preliminary energy weapons, which is a little higher than this alien civilization, and, the other party is just a fleet, we, on the other hand, have a whole planet as backing."

"A planet, no matter how barren, is always better than a Starfleet that can't get any supplies to replenish."

"I am firmly opposed to this, I think we should live in peace and exchange information with each other, in this way, it will be beneficial to both sides. However, my opinion was not taken. I watched them, laying hydrogen bomb traps above the course of this alien civilization, I watched the other side dodge them, and I watched the other side start to launch counterattacks ..."

Hawk saw here, could not help but sigh. Own at the beginning, why not hold the idea of peaceful coexistence. But there is no way, between two different civilizations, it is too easy to create a gap and suspicion, from the other side set up a hydrogen bomb trap to try to eliminate themselves, these two civilizations, it has been impossible to live together peacefully.

The subsequent contents are some accounts of the war process, which Hawk knew. The only thing he did not know was what happened after Jupiter Spirit reached the other planet, and Hawke paid special attention to this information.

"Our flagship was destroyed by the other side, but we also captured one of the other side's flagship-class ships. From the beginning of the war until now, the other side has shown extraordinary combat power, which led us to suffer huge losses. Some people began to question the main war faction, but things have developed to the point that it is irreversible. Both of us, only one of us is destined to survive."

"The other side's flagship-class ship was brought on top of our planet, and we began to analyze the other side's technology, but in the process of analysis, I don't know what happened, and in an instant, most of our researchers died, and the remaining people continue to die. This is the means of killing that cannot be analyzed, cannot be defended against, why would the other side, obviously just a civilization that has just mastered controlled nuclear fusion, have such a huge killing weapon?"

"The rout, inevitable, our army was dead and wounded, and by the time we finally mastered the habits of this terrible creature and destroyed it, we had less than 20,000 of our 800,000 people left."

"I watched as that alien civilization landed on our planet, sent out a massive force of robots, and began killing our people. All I could do was watch, with no recourse. I was just a primary electronic being, I didn't have any ability to fight against the other side."

"So, I chose to commit suicide. Before I committed suicide, I left this document. I thought that you would see it. Is it? A strange civilization."

"I am sure that you will have the ability to decipher and translate this document. Although you exterminated our civilization, I don't hate you. After all, we were the ones who launched the attack in the first place. I only have one question to ask you, after exterminating our civilization, did your civilization's luck, no, or qi, get a boost?"

"I know you did not master the energy cannon technology, and the rest, material technology, photonic computer technology, controlled fusion technology, etc., are not as advanced as ours. Before I committed suicide, I have exhausted all my efforts to save these technologies for you, but at the same time, I also set up heavy obstacles to prevent you from learning these technologies from our civilization. So tell me, have you mastered these technologies yet?"

"If you have fully learned these technologies and it didn't take much effort, then I can know that eliminating our civilization has indeed boosted your civilization's qi, which proves that our speculation is right. Conversely, it proves that our speculation is wrong. If you have not learned these technologies, then I am sorry to say that it is impossible for me to give these civilizations to you for free."

"Okay, now tell me, have you, learned these technologies yet?"

"Moludon civilization, civilization number one artificial intelligence creature, extinct pen here."

All the information, here, came to an abrupt end. Hawk looked at this document in a daze, letting every word of this document slowly flow through his mind.

The original text of this information was not like this, but Hawke translated it into a text that suited his habits and it became this.

After reading this document, Hawke's heart was disappointed.

"I, indeed, learned your technology, and, the learning process is exceptionally smooth, almost without any obstacles."

"I did not perceive at all the heavy obstacles you set up for me. It seems that my luck, or ki, really got some boost with the annihilation of your civilization."

"Perhaps, your guess is right, eliminating civilizations can really get a boost of your own civilization's qi."

"But, but ... if this is true, then the whole universe, how dark it should be."

Hawk sighed.

Heavenly Court IV, has been getting closer and closer, there are less than sixteen hundred years, Huo Ke will reach the destination.