
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

New family

Liam sat there. Becca stops David. "David, no, he needs space. He doesn't need fo get yelled at," she said. David pushes past Becca. "You can join our crew if you like," he said. Liam looks. "Sure, whatever," he says and lights a smoke, and sighs. Becca stayed with him. He reaches for a beer. Becca smiled, and they drank together. He falls asleep holding her. She smiled and held him. David calls her. "How is he doing, Rebecca," he asks. "This is his fourth night getting drunk, David. We need work," she said. "I am worried about him," she said. David nods. "I will find something," he said and hung up. Liam woke up and got dressed. He reached for a beer. Becca hated to do this, but she had to grab it first and dump it. "No, Jackie nor your sister would want this for you. They would want you working and tattooing," she said. Liam knew she was right. He sighed and hugged her. "I am sorry I am not keeping my promise about dating," he said. Becca took his face in her hands and looked at him. "Liam, you are amazing, and dating you has been the best doesn't matter what we do. As long as we do it together, I am happy," she said. Liam hugged her tightly and held her. "Becca, you saved me," he said. Becca held him. "And you saved me, Liam," she said. Liam kisses her deeply. She smiles and kisses back. "You hungry," he asks. Becca nods. Liam stood up and started to cook. Becca got a call about JK and smiled. "After I eat, we are in," she said. Main smiles and hangs up. Becca and Liam eat, and they head out. Becca acted like a huge fan, and Liam walked up behind JK when JK hit the EMP. It hit Liam and Kiwi hard that he threw up. "Where is Becca" David said. Liam slowly stood up. "About half a click out," he said and got on his bike and drove off. "Your pissed," Lucy said. "Just a little," he said, driving. Becca woke up and saw Liam dead. She rushed over. "Liam, wake up," she said. She stopped hearing cops a gun appeared in her hands. "No, I didn't, please," she screamed. JK woke her up. She was breathing. "My boyfriend is going to kill you," she said. JK laughs. "Sure he is," he says. Liam kicks down the door right when JK sends her back in. "David, get Becca." Liam unhooks her from the BD. David picks her up as the drones appear. "What a pain," he said and hacked them, and they fell. He hit JK. "You took the only beautiful thing I have left you, dick," he said and kicked him. Becca pulled him aside so the others could finish the job. "I am good," she said. He kisses her deeply. Becca kisses back and went back with them.