
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Liam's Story

Liam was with his sister, trying to get money for food. He had to skip school and find odd jobs to feed her. David had seen him around. Liam did everything he could to get money for food. They lost their parents in a gang war in the crossfire. He didn't have that much cyber wear. One night he was looking for food when a shooting happened down the street near their place. He ran to check on his sister. He picked her up and saw the med teams come, and when they got scanned and didn't have the coverage, they left them. "Wait, my sister," he yelled. "Lilly, please," he said, holding her. "You have to help my sister," he yelled at the med teams. Lilly touched his cheek. "Brother, find happiness and fly, okay," she said, dying. Liam snapped a little and went crazy and beat up an EMT.

"Why didn't you help her" he yelled. The cops pull him off. "You didn't have coverage, and she didn't, so knock it off before I lock you up," he said. Liam slaps his hand away and walks off, covered in blood. He walks into Lizzie Bar. "Hey, kid, you can't be here," the bartender said. Jackie waved his hand "he is cool," he said. "Jackie, I want to be a part of you're crew," he said. Jackie laughs. "No, you're a child," he said. "Go home," he said. "to what? I have no home; you prick," he said and walked off. He hated he couldn't save his sister. He made his tech on quick hacking, and he was getting his deep dive port and was in pain. At 22, he entered Lizzie's bar and threw down information. "Let me in your Crew, Jackie," he said. V looks at Jackie. "How did you get this," V asks. "easy work, let me in," he says. Jackie sighed. "Fine, kid," he said. Liam smiles. "Thank you so much," he said. Jackie smiles and sighs. "That boy," he said and went home. V shook his head. "He lost his sister and just went off the deep end," he said, sighed, stood up, and left. The following day they got a call from Dex about a bot. Jackie called Liam due to his talent for hacking. Liam waited for Jackie. He cocks his gun and puts it away. Liam was a little nervous but knew Jackie and V were counting on him when they arrived at all food.

Jackie and V went in, Liam went to back and hacked his way in, and no one noticed he was waiting for V or Jackie to tell him to move. V was talking to Bryce it soon ended in gunfire. "Liam know" V said. Liam jacked in and hacked the building, and everything shut down. Jackie and V ran and killed everyone and got out. "We get the bot," Liam said. V held it up. "Yeah, thanks to you," he said. Liam calls Dex, and they find a place to meet. "Before that, I am buying this kid a Primo BD," Jackie said. "Jackie, I am fine. I would much rather work on my art and tattoo," Liam said. Jackie dragged him to Lizzie, bought an excellent BD, and tossed him to a room. Liam sighs, puts on the glasses, lays back, and smirks, enjoying it. When it ended, he sighed and looked down. "Fuck" he said. He got up and left and went to his shop and up to his place, changed, opened his shop, and got to work. A hot girl came in, and he did her Ink; she couldn't pay him, so she told him they could have sex instead, and he agreed. That is when it all started. He never dated. He only had sex. His body was soon covered in Ink.